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Everything posted by BlackMamba

  1. She mentioned it just now. Clearly she had a Teresa Giudice-slip (eg ingrediences, LMFAO)
  2. Hell she probably couldn't even afford the mortgage and/or the taxes neither on the property. Im of the the mindset Kim probably was already missing renting and Kathy/Kyle just was like screw it because they didn't want the house and Kim wasn't going to be staying there bombed out her mind. I don't blame them not wanting that home anymore.
  3. Wasn't it on point! I'm sure Brandi was at home watching like
  4. I can never believe a damn word of what Kim says drugs or not, she's batshit crazy and delusional. Kim's face when Kyle said, "You asked me to give the listing to Brooke, your daughter." Something to that effect. Then Kim tried to make it seem like Kyle was on some dirty stuff "Talk about your own shit." What shit Kim?? Tell us because we know about you! You had 4 kids, no income coming in, and a drunk.
  5. I swear Brandi and Kim are impossible people! Brandi cant get anymore skanky. It was so nice seeing the women actually having a good dinner and enjoying each other's company without her "truth cannon" bombs or her attacks on them. This show can totally survive without her. Bless YoDaLemons for trying but you can't help a person who doesn't want to be helped. Then she has the nerve to get attitude with the one person who actually wants to see some good in her. Let her sink Yoda! And my, my, my the truth will set you set you free! Kim definitely showed how jealous she was of Kyle in the last 20 mins of this episode. From her talking head to the minute she brought up "the goddamn house." I fucking lived when Kyle said Big Kathy left that house to all three daughters and Kim at the time wasn't working to afford the mortgage so she basically got put the hell out because she wouldn't be living there rent free. She also said she still got the cancelled checks (BLOOP) and you see how quick that old mean bat tried pulling Kyle back into her emotional web then! It was so disgusting!
  6. I wouldn't say that was Teresa's fault those ratings went down and I do stand by the fact she was treated unfairly on that reunion not by her shady family members, ex friends in Chuckie/Jacass but even Andy himself with his attack dog questions at her and none at the other 4 twits. The family upheaval storyline just became too tiring and it got too dark for viewers with no resolution. The season 6 of RHOA was really good because it was balanced out with drama/comedy yet it was well over 29 episodes, including Kandi's wedding and the husbands secrets revealed I was happy it finally was over. RHOBH is heading in that direction it seems with the excessive drama and not finding a happy medium to keep their viewers happy so they won't tune out all together. Bravo is quite lucky their key demos for BH is up compared to last season (which I believe those demos fell because the Vanderpump fans tuned out and went over to her show).
  7. Understandable. I want them gone myself. I just can't part ways with the show because there are still 4 other people I do like.
  8. ZM I believe this reunion will be more like RHONJ after season 4's intense reunion. Bravo will like the fact things are unresolved (especially if the ratings turn out well) so it can give them a reason to bring back everyone. Brandi has another book in the works and a wine coming out Bravo definitely wants their little percentage of that money while giving her free promotion towards her merchandising. Plus Bravo will also give us another round of Kim vs Kyle like usual. I just don't think Bravo will be letting go of their knuckleheads in Kim and Brandi.
  9. Carlton would had been a good villain had not been for all the 'witchypoo' nonsense and wicca stuff. She was too cartoonish! But I believe she brought a lot of it on herself how strong she came on with her hate towards Kyle. She didn't play her cards right and she had to go. As for Joyce, Andy knows damn well why he got rid of her. IMO, she was breaking the 4th wall a lot an interviews. Andy don't like the wives do that or attempts reveal those "secrets." I liked when "The Dream Team" tried coming for her at that dinner at SUR she didn't back down to them she even challenged Lisa V when LVP kept trying to make excuses for Brandi's bullshit. She even was the one that smartly ratted out Brandi to LVP that she was going to turn on her, but LVP didn't want to believe her pet, truth cannon would ever until she ended doing so in Puerto Rico. Now LVP and Joyce are friends, even LVP follows her on Twitter, and she doesn't follow many people on Twitter.
  10. Kyle will be on The Real today. If you miss it the rerun will be on BET.
  11. I challenge Kandi Burruss and Kyle Richards to a cry off! I'm sure Kandi would win though that woman can crack that voice and the water comes out instantly from her eyes.
  12. Kim cutting off Kyle is more vindictive IMO. With the ROL gossip that Kim doesn't update Kyle on Chad is quite shady and f'ed up. It's one thing when they have their problems as sisters but to not let Kyle know whats happening with her nephew's health is sinister and once more Kim trying to use the guilt trip strategy on Kyle to feel sorry for distancing herself away since the dog incident. She knows Kyle loves her children why punish the children that's not right. Could Kyle get her updates from Kim's other daughters and Kathy even, yes, but it's best to hear it from the horse's mouth mainly since it's Kim we're talking about.
  13. Yes that's how come Kim and Lisa R went at it. Because Brandi didn't tell her side of the sitdown with Lisa R but she twisted and manipulated the convo to Kim and Lisa R took the bait of Brandi's suggest to the intervention prior at Eileen's.
  14. Kyle vs Kim Exclusive clip on Ryan Seacrest http://www.ryanseacrest.com/2015/03/16/kyle-richards-confronts-sister-kim-about-brandi-glanville-in-rhobh-exclusive-clip/ Kim is so ridiculous,. Least Kyle is finally gonna get some bass in her voice and handle Kim.
  15. Im sure Brandi had a fit in private. You see how much she had stink when Eileen and Whitney Cummings were shading her on WWHL she went into a Twitter meltdown on Andy the next day.But I think the person who really blew their top over Eileen's salary was Kim. She genuinely doesn't like Eileen because shes 5 yrs older than Kim and beautiful, family person, together, shes a book author, and she has the Emmy. You can tell since the sitdown between she and her sister and Eileen tried to meditate Kim said "I dont have the warm and fuzzies for Eileen." Why?? What she do to you but try and help you and your sister repair your relationship. Then we see later it has to be the envy of Eileen's accomplishments.
  16. Kim will be back under Kyle soon as those season 6 negotiations starts again. She might not be talking to her "evil sister" now but Kim wants her big fat Bravo paycheck and the person that could put in a good word for her is Kyle, she knows that. Then when she gets paid she'll be back abusing Kyle on camera and saying shes never been there for her. Wash, wince and repeat yet again. Thats why I hope Kyle doesn't stick her neck out for her ungrateful sister during contract time. Let her ass finally hit rock bottom since she wants to isolate and make herself into a victim over things she created on and off cameras from addiction to her dog.
  17. Drunk or not, Brandi seems to always gloss over her bad girl behavior as a "joke." She knows her actions are wrong that's why shes quick to say "Just kidding" when she makes the claim all the husbands on here cheat. Or when she gets into physical altercations or out the other ladies personal business they might not want disclosed or could hurt them in the future. Im tired of the excuse "She was drunk" because all a drunk lush like Brandi does is use it as an excuse to keep abusing others and never changes. These women tend to drink all the time on this show but other than yell and throw juvenile insults at each other they have never gotten physical until Brandi entered the picture.
  18. That's the point for me. No the slap wasn't egregious but everything else was. Trying to force a kiss on Lisa when Lisa even said back in season 4's reunion Brandi has tried to kiss her before and she rejected her and yet she does again. Cornering LVP so she wouldn't leave. Wanting to LVP to hit her first so Brandi could possibly spin a story to play victim. And when LVP didn't give Brandi what she wanted she ended up slapping her first saying to Yo it was a "joke".
  19. Ok you don't have to agree but you don't have to dwell on it. It was just my opinion it was nothing concrete.
  20. ClosetConfessions on youtube said Brandi was upset in the last episode because she's missing using White Rain on her jacked up hair. I was crying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhlQdkjgv9M
  21. Don't worry, I'm sure she got her hair insults from Brandi who has said publicity Kyle needs layers.
  22. Even in season 2, Kyle wanted Kim to move near her but Kim didnt want that for some reason. Im guessing here but maybe Kyle would had made regular visits to "watch over" Kim and see if she was drinking and drugging. Kim didn't want Kyle to be in her beeswax.
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