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Everything posted by BlackMamba

  1. LMFAO Someone who's brave email this to Kyle so this grow herself a spine!
  2. And so did Danielle on NJ. Gretchen did sit next to him two times in 5-6.You realize Andy purposefully made the lightning "dark" to show us it was a "dark" season. Oh that Andy. Then Andy realized the sneak peek on the first day of March Madness Clever.
  3. I will be wrong if I said I didn't laugh at Kim's Lisa Rinna impression and Brandi saying Lisa R has had the same hair style for 20 years. Photos
  4. Kim is still implying LisaR has an eating disorder "go eat. go eat." I must say Brandi does look nice.
  5. REUNION SNEAK PEEK http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-reunion-video-tears-f-bombs-fights-2015193
  6. I realized, if someone, especially a close family member of mine, kept implying I was 'thief' on national tv I would be done with them cold turkey. Aint no way in the world your going keep putting that label on me and think it's ok. It's almost like Kim is trying everything in her power to destroy Kyle's rep everytime she implies the theft analogy. Kim is doing some shady and damaging stuff to her sister. I saw this pile of ghostwritten garbage. Brandi is only trying to defend Kim because thats her storyline. She sounds like a big ass idiot because not only did Kim work as a child but so did Kathy and Kyle. That's probably another reason why that home was left to the three daughters and not just Kim.
  7. Kyle and Kim are some tiny women doubt they would had ate all that meat. Then they had noodles too. If I was the crew Im eating if she said it was ok. I never let good food go to waste.
  8. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2015/03/kim-richards-real-housewives-beverly-hills-return/
  9. Brandi even "gossiped" to not just Lisa R but her Bff Jennifer, on camera, about Kim and said to her she wouldn't talk to Kyle because of her claim Kyle didn't want to be involved so why the hell would she care. Thats dangerous business if Kim remotely said to Brandi in those 2AM calls shes suicidal why would one withhold that information from one's family member is disturbing! I know Brandi and Kyle dont like each other but if I were Brandi I would do whatever I have to do get that detail to Kyle. My conscience would get to me. Even in Brandi's TH she expressed concern and confusion she didnt know what to do about Kim. Brandi's been withholding shit she knows about Kim's addiction way longer than Lisa R. I think Lisa R is flaking out now since Kim brought the worst out of her in Amsterdam now shes trying to act like shes never has or wants to be involved. Both Brandi and Lisa R are being real sloppy and messy how they are handling "the situation". Like Eileen said dont crack that door you not going to open it all the way, basically dont half ass it.
  10. Who you telling! Leeza will be next on the list sure enough of people Brandi has crossed. Leeza get started watching seasons 2-5 on iTunes to watch how your new friend treats her friendships.
  11. Im one of those people if woman wants to date a boy that age great have fun but Brandi wasn't fooling me why she got with him. She was too excited when she knew Max and dutch boy were connected. Brandi wanted his pickle for obvious and creepy reasons to be closer to LVP's life. I never bought Kimsley was just an alcoholic. Other than alcohol I believe Kimsley is an experimental kind of girl. Pills... coke... whatever she wanted to try she probably did. When Kyle said Kim was not well enough to share a mortgage I knew exactly what she meant. It was like 'wink
  12. I elect Brandi to get more facials since it keeps her from "speaking her mind freely." Makes me wonder if Brandi has some junk on YoDa. I bet YoDa was the one that told her Joanna broke up her marriage. YoDa might have Lymes but shes not above all the drama.
  13. Eileen calls out Lisa R again for being messy in her blog. And here's Lisa R. blog
  14. Kyle Needs Lisa R.'s Support http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/episode-519/videos?clip=2853340
  15. The sitting chart of for the Reunion https://instagram.com/p/0WV_w9xP5T/
  16. I still don't understand why Kim assumes Brandi won't burn her if given the chance! Please this is Brandi Fucking Glanville here who is hanging onto her last 15 minutes by a thread. I'm starting to believe Kim when she says she doesn't watch this show fully because if she truly did she wouldnt mess with Brandi. Then again, she's like Brandi in many ways. As long as Kim doesn't get burned she doesn't give a damn, well, Kyle told her Brandi hasn't been a good friend Kyle has no reason to lie to her own sister! I'll say let her find out the hard way. If Brandi gets desperate enough or the producers tell her "it's time to drop Kim as a friend" she will do it and will destroy her. I can't wait til the reunion and see if Kim tries to defend and sugarcoat her friendship with Brandi even when she watches how shady she's been behind her back.
  17. "You bring me to this house after you took the money to buy this one." Really Kim? She brought you over there to clear the air between the two of you without interference and not around other people not to make you jealous as you clearly are. I suspect we have a bad case of scattered brain and also common sense.
  18. Pfft that is there relationship all in a matter of 20 minutes that has been playing out all their life. Kim brings up old shit, tries to play victim and twists history Kyle gets mad and has to prove she's right Kim has no proof of her claims (lies) and tries to backpedal and lack accountability Kyle get emotional and is destroyed Kim then tries to play the caring and comforting sister act. Wash, rinse, repeat.
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