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Everything posted by Iwillnotacceptrose

  1. I think the reason the show even brought up the whole cyber bullying thing is because Kaitlyn has drawn so much attention to it on social media. Because there has always been a lot of hateful comments towards past bachelor/ettes. Remember Juan Pablo? People said atrocious things about/to him. Courtney from Ben's season was subject to all this not just from the internet, but also the mainstream media and people coming up to her on the street. I'm not in any way saying it's OK to cyber bully because lots of people do it, I'm just saying that devoting so much time and attention to it is the wrong way to try and stop it. I've actually seen someone apologize after Kaitlyn retweeted them, but I've also seen people say on the same thread "why do you only respond to negative comments? I've been sending you love for weeks but you never respond." For every person who apologizes for a comment there are 10 who will see that and do the same hoping for a similar response. And if you put them on blast and bring your fans' wrath upon them (which sometimes is way worse than the original comment), aren't you then becoming the bully?
  2. I find it hard to believe that the show genuinely believed they were taking a stand against cyber bullying. Having the experience they do, they should know that highlighting negative behavior only encourages it, because the people doing these things want attention above all else. Someone needs to tell this to Kaitlyn as well, because she constantly responds to random negative tweets and not positive ones, which makes people much more likely to say something mean just to get a response. I also find her a bit hypocritical, because she tweets and snapchats mean things about some of the contestants after episodes air. Sure she doesn't say she wishes they would die but negative/mocking comments coming from someone who says she "finds the best in everyone" while crying about others doing the same to her doesn't garner my sympathies. And the difference is that the people saying horrible things about her are anonymous, faceless strangers while she has personally spent time with these bachelors.
  3. Kaitlyn looks worse and worse each week (both literally and figuratively). At this point she and whiny ass Shawn deserve each other, let's just end the show now so he doesn't have a complete meltdown and she can have all the sex she wants without having to feel guilty. I thought Cupcake was laughing at the end of that date! There were no tears and he kept putting his hand/scarf over his mouth. So fake. I totally agree with the people who said they must have bribed these guys with a ticket to paradise or by dangling "The Bachelor" apple. Joe, JJ, Tanner - go meet Jade. Cupcake, Ben Z, Ben H - start your auditions now.
  4. I thought Nikki was pretty obvious on Juan Pablo's season. She met his family and he gave her almost all the group date roses. I have a feeling The Bachelor will be Josh Murray, which is eh. Unless it was him and his brother as dual bachelors!
  5. I think many people are grossed out by last night not so much because she had sex with a contestant, but b/c she had sex with NICK, who most viewers see as the most unattractive, unlikable guy left. If that was Shawn or Ben Z people would be saying "Get it girl!" It's just like how Nick got ripped to shreds last night on Twitter for kissing and telling again, even though he did not do so this time, while Shawn acted super possessive and jealous but received only positive, gushing comments. That may not be fair but there it is. I feel bad for Jared, I think he's truly falling for Kaitlyn, and doesn't realize this is a Shawn vs. Nick show. The other guys seem to know what's up.
  6. I feel like this over produced, overly dramatic season is the producers' one big F U to us viewers for demanding Kaitlyn become the bachelorette.
  7. Bring back the original format! So sick of these idiotic "cliffhangers" and having every episode start with a rose ceremony. The guys ganging up on Nick was so immature, Shawn B lost a lot of points by refusing to ever say his name - are you 12? He is definitely more Alf than Gosling at this point. You know they would all do the same thing next season if they were in the same situation. Andi turned away Chris B, Ben turned away whoever it was that came when Courtney freaked out... blame KAITLYN for letting Nick in, not Nick for trying to pursue his Twitter love/16th minute of fame. The less said about Ian the better since his ego probably expands with each utterance of his name. Joshua - poor guy, I think he was prodded by producers do that. Nick - your song sucked and so did your weird zip up jacket. Ben H - please take me on a 2-step date! You are WAY too good for Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn looked totally plastered during the Pocahontas date. And while Ian acted douche-ly, he had a point. I agree that it looks like Kaitlyn is only there to make out with guys. I feel like in the past we had way better narratives (whether fake or not) - Farmer Chris needed a wife who will move to Iowa, Conservative Sean wanted a sweet wife to bring home to his sweet family, Single Mommy Emily needed a husband/father for Ricky, Lawyer Andi is tired of only focusing on her career (HAH!) and just wants to find love. But what about Kaitlyn? What does she even do? Did they ever do a profile on her home life and what she wants? Next week looks nuts (pun intended).
  8. Kaitlyn needs to stop wearing so much black! That has to be a stylist decision b/c last season she wore so many colorful outfits. Her hair and skin also don't look so good lately - her hair is always stringy/limp and skin looks greasy. Doesn't the lead get a makeup artist/hairstylist? In contrast, Jared getting better and better looking! I went from thinking he was one of the worst looking guys there to thinking "wow" - it's amazing what a shaver and comb can do. It also seems like Chris Harrison is just as over this season as the rest of us.
  9. I just watched Unreal, and now I view this whole thing in a new light. I think in the past some leads had more control over things (Emily) b/c TPTB really wanted her to be the Bach. However, with this whole 2 leads thing it puts whoever gets voted for in such a terrible position. They probably had to agree to everything the producers wanted b/c it's not like they're the only option. Then they get a cast of guys half of whom voted for the other girl, which preys upon their insecurities and emotions. Kaitlyn was probably so happy to see Nick b/c she knew for sure he was there for her, and has wanted her since he saw her on CS's season. Other guys may have said so but she can't be 100% certain since she didn't actually see them vote for her. Positive things: Shawn B's abs, Jared's combed hair, Ben Z's arms, and Ben H's general adorableness.
  10. Wow, I must be the only person who thought this episode was a vast improvement over last week's! I thought last week was THE WORST, and granted I've been drinking prosecco tonight, but I was engaged. First off, the dates were WAY better than last week's. A goofy rap battle, a dressed-up museum dinner, and an Aladdin performance are all right in line what I've come to expect from The Bachelorette. I also found the guys much better this week and actually thought some of them were cute! I'm torn on the Nick thing. I told my gf's that he must be MUCH better looking in person, b/c of all the guys that have ever been on this show I would never have pegged him as the one who would "get" 2 bachelorettes in a row. He just seems so.. unremarkable. I know he is an AE at Salesforce, and as someone who has been one at one of their competitors, I'm surprised he could take this much time off and that he wouldn't be worried about his professional reputation. I guess maybe if he was in certain markets it could be an asset or at least not a deterrent? I'm now so curious about him! The romantic side of me kind of supports them though, because like Kaitlyn said, they will both be raked over the coals for this. People are NOT going to like her keeping him around, and the fact that they both understand that and still want to move forward shows that they're following their hearts. It reminds me of Jason and Molly - the whole country HATED them, but they stuck together and are still married to this day. Although I do understand the guys' POV, it would suck if you've gone through all this crap and then find out she's bringing on someone else. Anyways, I'll be tuning in next week (with more wine b/c it seems this season is much more enjoyable while drinking)!
  11. I never post but had to get this off my chest: I'm absolutely appalled at last night's show! It was by far the WORST episode/dates I've ever seen from this franchise. I'm shocked that they subjected elementary school aged children to that crap. I don't care that they're actors, they're still CHILDREN. Yes I believe in sex education, but not from a bunch of reality show participants who have no sense of what's appropriate and seemingly couldn't care less. Then we have the brokeback debacle - I'm very familiar with frankenbiting and the like, but either Clint really does have some feelings for JJ or (by far more likely) he knowingly participated in the producers' drama creation, which is in line with his "villains gotta vill" crap. So now people go on the show wanting to fill a certain role? Before you know it, the whole show will be composed of amateur/wannabe actors who will let producers dictate every single thing they say and do. It seems this show is really deviating from what made it successful. It's abandoned any pretense of being somewhat classy and romantic and has just become completely trashy and a total joke. I miss the travel porn. I miss the castles and the ballrooms, I don't need to see disgusting toilets - there are plenty of other shows for that. I want a lead who will be somewhat serious about the process. I feel like in the past people do come on the show mainly to promote their business/brand, to go to awesome places around the world, to make friends and be a part of "Bachelor Nation" but they also actually want to date the lead and are open to falling for them. Kaitlyn was great on the Bachelor, very funny and adorable. But she reminds me of one of my friends, who is hot and fun and calls herself "one of the guys" - she's hooked up with half the guys we're friends with but none would ever consider having her as a gf. And that's how she likes it, which is great, but she's definitely not someone who should be the Bachelorette, who is supposed to be looking for a husband! Seeing Kaitlyn's dates and actions and then hearing her say "I see my husband in this room" is a total disconnect. I can't believe I'm actually really looking forward to Nick coming back now.
  12. I agree with those who said Whit looked sad and disillusioned on the AFTR. She seemed genuinely in love during the season but the light went out in her eyes last night. I would bet they've already broken up but have to stay together bc of contracts. This is also probably why Chris H kept saying there was no fairy tale romance and he focused on Becca - b/c he knows this won't last. I actually teared up when Whit gave her toast to Chris's family, she really wants to be a part of that :(
  13. I think this is awesome! I like both women and think it would be great if they were co-bachs for a few episodes at least, but it will probably be just one of them after the first ep. Kaitlyn looked pissed during that whole segment, and Britt (who is normally beaaaautiful) looked worse than ever? Strange. I don't think the reason they decided to do this is bc Chris has a hard on for Britt. It's probably because: - the Bachelorette ratings have been going downhill (I believe Andi's was the lowest yet, and even Chris said he couldn't understand why bc he thought it was one of the best seasons) so they have to change it up somehow - Bachelor Chris's season has rejuvenated the franchise's ratings, bc they casted more crazies/emotional women who brought on more drama, so they are hoping to carry this on to the next Bachelorette season - the guys who have been cast/are being casted say they want Britt more - they know Britt would bring it in the drama/emotions department - Kaitlyn's season would be really fun and chill but a Britt season would be high drama, which seems to bring in the ratings So because Bachelor Nation wants Kaitlyn and the producers think Britt will bring in higher ratings they decided to do this. They can easily make us like Britt again in the first episode, and even those who refuse to watch can get sucked back in once they hear about all the drama happening in proceeding episodes.
  14. I didn't see some of the seasons (including Ashley's, Brad's 1st) and would also love to watch them somewhere but not willing to pay per episode. My fave seasons are Andrew's (for Tina Fab, the BEST contestant ever IMO), and Brad's 2nd (for Chantal), and Emily's (for Jef and Arie). I HATED Jason and Molly bc of the whole AFTR debacle, but now I listen to their podcast and have changed my mind.
  15. I'm super lurker, but I had to sign up to say how shocked I am that guys here say Kaitlyn is not attractive. I watch the show with some couples and ALL the guys like Kaitlyn the most! They think she is hot, fun, and witty. All of us girls think Britt is by far the best looking so here I am thinking Kait's look must be a guy thing. One even said she reminds him of Megan Fox! (I think he's just drunk) I also have seen many (attractive) guys on twitter (including former contestants) praising Kait so I don't think it will be a problem finding guys who are hot for her. For the record I think Britt is the most beautiful woman to have ever come on this show, and would've loved another season of staring at her amazing hair, but I think Kait will put on a fun season.
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