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Everything posted by Blondie

  1. Nope. Don't like the new guy at all! He doesn't have the boyish charm Selleck had. He's not nearly as handsome. New Higgins doesn't have the authority in her voice when trying to make Magnum follow the rules. Don't think I will be watching this one.
  2. thought it was a lot better than I expected. never did like the guy they had playing riggs. he just wasn't a good fit in my book. the new guy takes the risks that riggs did but does it so much better.
  3. I thought she said she had a migraine. Without knowing how often or how bad she has them (I really don't care for the act she puts on for this show) I have to sympathize and even possibly excuse her behavior. Heaven help me.
  4. if Tom or one of his legal team didn't read the manuscript before it was even a book then I am from Jupiter. there is no way he didn't give his OK to publish without taking proper precautions. I don't believe her.
  5. I just can't get over Taylor's face. What the hell did she do to it? It's freaky the way her mouth moves and nothing else.
  6. Didn't need to see this. The way she is sitting, unfortunately, reminds me of the "oops that's not the McDonalds arches" T shirt that kid recently wore to school.
  7. Hubby and I still watch although Tuesday nights are tricky between Moonshiners, Oak Island, and RHOBH. I wonder if Cutie Pie was with Josh when he made his disastrous trip to Sturgis. Heaven forbid she was in the pickup while it was still attached to the trailer. I haven't seen her since the cottonmouth incident. She is the star of the show!
  8. OK So this is what I wanted to say. Hopefully it makes sense, if not just call me Dorito. I think, regardless of what Lisa said about riding with Dorit, she wanted to have a private chat with Dorit about what Kyle said and to analyze the 2 stories. Dorit is horrible. And while Kyle was hammering at Dorit, had Lisa jumped in, Kyle probably would have shut her down as she has so often in the past. Either Kyle is a better actress than we give her credit, or she was really drunk and talking out of her head, or she really needs psychiatric help to get over all this stuff with her sisters. Lisa looked shocked, hurt, angry and drunk to me. The way she was hugging Kyle to her breast was really strange. Loved hearing Kyle squeal that she couldn't breathe. And jumping forward to next week, why the heck does Kyle get Bethenny involved? Does she always need her posse for backup?? I hate people like that.
  9. "There's a name for you ladies, but it isn't used in high society... outside of a kennel."
  10. Noah, said he knew the fencer was working because he could hear the popping. Should have done his homework. If it's popping it's shorting out somewhere and won't stop a bear, or your little brother. 6 joule packs quite a wallop when the fence is properly grounded. It will still tingle a bit if there is a short but not enough to keep out a predator. And the drill bit you were using to make the screw holes for the hinge on the shell? It' was way too big. In fact, did anyone else notice how it cracked the shell when he first showed it.
  11. Craig behaved like an ass. Being late for everything is disrespectful. It shows that you care more about yourself (how you look, what you do) than the person who so graciously invited you to their home or function. If you don't care then be honest and just tell them you have something else to do. If you are going to be late the person who invited you is owed an explanation. When I invite people to my home I do everything I can to make them feel welcome and important. However, if I am serving a meal and they don't bother to be on time I will remove their place from the table and start without them. From what I have seen, Craig is just as condescending to Naomi at home. Neither really has respect for the other and would be better off getting some self respect before expecting it from a partner
  12. OOPS. One more thing. Having unmarked pills in a baggie can be a serious problem. If you had a life threatening emergency and medical staff found that bag of who knows what it could delay life saving treatment while they tried to figure out whats in the bag, what you have taken and how much you took. Never a good idea!
  13. First, there was an article about fashion designers getting paid by actors to have their children walk the runway. Win Win for everyone. I wish I had the link, but I am unprepared as I write this. The article came out when the Hadid girls got their start and it featured younger children but I feel it's the same for the teenagers. Rinna is worthless. She is a liar, two faced, and not all that smart. She brought up the baggie and xanax, she brought up the lip implants, she laughed at the panties yet when someone else dares to mention it she's all hurt and indignant. I'm not buying it. Erika can just sit down and shut up. I am so tired o pantygate. For heavens sake, if any normal person had flashed someone else they would be mortified. She should be embarrassed at her self, and not other peoples reaction to it. Grow up woman. Eileen is just a prop for Rinna. She adds nothing to the show. Absolutely nothing. Lisa V has really backed away from the show. As said earlier I think she is only on to promote her causes. did anyone else notice the look on her face when Kyle said she and Kim had been on the show since the beginning? Kyle stays the same year after year. This may not be a popular opinion, however, I feel Dorit is an extremely intelligent person. She is multilingual which is no small feat, and seems to choose her words very carefully. Watch out for her. Once she gets her feet under her she'll be a tiger.
  14. Ericka, honey, just because you can wear it doesn't mean you should. LisaR, just because you can say something doesn't mean you should.' Ditto for all the ladies.
  15. Ha Ha. Eileen should take her own advice. She is the queen of holding on to things!
  16. I don't understand the demand for apology to Erika's husband since last night she said on WWHL that Tom didn't even know about it yet. That makes her just as phony as the rest of her personalities. Rinna has jumped the shark just like Vicki on RHOC and her lie about cancer. They can both go. What is the difference between Dorit and pantygate and Tamra broadcasting that she saw the dancer's balls when those gals went on their tropical vacation?
  17. Noah didn't even assemble a brake for the turbine. If the wind is blows as hard as he said it will tear that thing apart unless you have one. And how are they going to maintain it? Will Bear shimmy up the pole to grease the bearings ? I guess we'll have to wait till next season to see if Noah's girlfriend moves in? Did he say "my girlfriend" enough times or does it need to be repeated once more? He has a girl friend you know. Will Bear jump and roll through the bush so many times that he actually snaps an ankle, tumbles through bear shit or whacks his head on a stump? Will Bam come home with a wife/girlfriend, or is he out scavenging for more materials to build his mansion that papa grifter will barter for the good of the family ? Has Matt's cold turkey recovering alcoholism hold? Will Gabe ever get a clue? just one clue please!!!! And those poor girls? I shudder to think of their fate.
  18. Rinna complaining about LVP not being there for the award was just stupid. LVP showed up to help prepare meals, wasn't that enough? And I didn't see Erika at the award banquet. But I guess thats different. What a loser. She just keeps digging deeper and deeper. I am thinking her attack on LVP last year was a made up deal. I don't like her or trust her.
  19. Filling gas cans from what looks like a pretty new generator that probably doesn't even hold a gallon of gas at any one time?? Not only that but it's raining so he's contaminating said gas in both the generator tank and the fuel can?????? Idiot. (I'm saying gas can and I know its the nice fuel jugs) The girl sneezing constantly while preparing and cooking food was just gross. Noah had to take his girl on a date when there was so much work to be done to prepare for winter. Oh Noah, you better get a little bit smarter or your family could all die. And then, he had the electric fence hooked up to what looked like a battery charger (even though he said it was an old battery). Battery chargers of that size have to be plugged in to electricity to produce the charge he's getting. And then we have the "hunting" expedition. Rainbird Oakley" makes a kill shot from quite a distance on a deer that is laying down in heavy brush. Right. If you believe any of this I have a bridge you might be interested in.
  20. Rinna told Eden things that were said to her in confidence. Rinna is not a true friend because you can't trust her. Rinna twists things to "her truth" to try and get herself out of trouble. Rinna does things maliciously to get even and to make herself look good to those who don't know the whole story. Rinna can't remember things she said but can remember the exact words someone said about someone else. I wouldn't trust Rinna with anything. She wants to be the center of attention in every situation. It's always about her being manipulated, or trying to please everyone, or looking for sympathy. She has lost every bit of credibility she ever had. Eileen better watch her back. Rinna will eventually spill the beans on everything she has ever said.
  21. not butter. lard. good old lard. if you ever tried it you would never go back :)
  22. Robert reminds me of his Uncle, the sitting king. He's devious and self centered. While the actor is very good, I don't like the character. Liam is a milder version of what we saw of his father. His character is becoming childish though. The queen is still a bit of a snake in the grass! I love her.
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