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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. See that's what is so sweet and special and neat about the Duggars. They aren't messed up at all 😱
  2. I'm sorry but between the dress, ugly sandals and hairstyle Jana looks a cult member caught in a 70's time warp.
  3. Agreed. Maybe if Jilly Muffin wasn't such an insufferable know-it -all about marriage, sex, cooking and....well everything, I would feel an ounce of compassion for her. As it is, I think her current Kama Sutra misstep is freaking hilarious.
  4. Honestly, I think Jim Blob should be very afraid of Josh. I know many say Blob is keeping Josh on a very short lease but I think Josh holds all the power, whether he realizes it or not. After another 3-4 kids (9-10 in total) I can see Josh just walking away from Anna and everything and writing a bombastic tell-all about the Duggars. At that point he really has nothing to lose and lots of skeletons to reveal for $$$. My bet is on Josh writing the tell-all to end all tell-alls. Ymmv.
  5. Here's the scarf, greasy stringy hair and all.
  6. The problem is she's a 50+ year old woman wearing a hairstyle 15 year olds wore in the 1970s.
  7. https://citrusandlemon.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/aa-17073-rochelle-sleeveless-high-low-print-top So I went down the rabbit hole at Poultry & Chicken. The above little shirt is $63.99. Seriously WTF? And I couldn't find Jill's red jeans from the more recent picture. As Jill didn't draw an arrow to them I'm inclined to believe they're her own and not Poultry's.
  8. But would Jill's picture cause you, or anyone for that matter, to say "I absolutely must have that outfit now despite the inflated price tag"? Nope, not me. Btw, gotta love the greasy stringy hair in the scarf pic. Nice touch.
  9. I'll print up a crappy looking certificate with a cheesy seal on my home computer.
  10. Ah, but you are not the ultra super special christian that Jill is. God clearly loves her the best On a serious note, I am truly sorry to hear about your dad. I prayed a similar prayer of mercy for my dad in his final days. It is heartbreaking.
  11. I agree about the Duggar's limited choices but how like minded are the Gaines really? Joanna is a pants wearing college educated businesswoman who works outside the home and gives her husband orders. She wore a defrauding strapless gown for her own wedding (yes it's very sad that I know this) and aligned her business with Target which is the modern day Sodom/Gomorrah to anti-LGBT christians Yes the Gaines self identify as evangelical christians but they seem worlds away from the Duggar's brand of gothard fundyism. I don't get it. Back to the thread topic, yes Jana's hair color is nice.
  12. Unless the Duggars are close personal friends with Chip and Joanna (and I don't think they are) it's kinda sad and a little creepy the way they idolize the Gaines. The Duggars are like Fixer Upper groupies.
  13. Poor deluded Jill & Dickhead, no one cares about your wedding anymore. There have since been 6 additional Duggar weddings and umpteen births. You're old news. Just move on already.
  14. I'm thinking each business sends her only so many 'freebies'. When the freebies dry up Jill moves on. ETA: At least I hope she's not paying for these atrocious clothes.
  15. I'm surprised Jill didnt post a selfie with her leaning over the casket, crazy eyes and all, giving a thumbs up. The day is still young though.
  16. Mary died a week ago today. As it's been the main topic of conversation in most of the Counting On threads I assumed everyone knew. My apologies if you did not.
  17. Just as I suspected, Jill's dumpy ugly dress is another Poultry & Chicken offering $54.99. I'm surprised Jill didn't hashtag the crap out it and invite us to save 15%.
  18. Who thinks Jill, Chubs and their starving band of street urchins will crash the grandma Duggar funeral?
  19. So Dickhead wore his scuffed up brown elf shoes with a fancy grey suit and Jill wore a dress that looks like it was a 19th century home ec project gone awry SMH. And you're telling me Jill couldn't at least take safety pins or some scotch tape to hem Iz's pant legs? These people are so f'ing clueless.
  20. Actually they closed on the Siloam Springs house. $285,00 I believe and they purchased it for $55,000. That's a tidy little profit considering most of the remodel was probably done with Duggar labor and expertise. I feel for the buyers, poor fools.
  21. Color me shocked, Dickhead has been able to keep his yapper shut through all the Grandma drama.Thought sure he'd be pontificating about being right with Jesus before you die and all that.
  22. Actually in early pics of Dickhead dressed as Pistol Pete he was more filled out and far less creepy looking. On a related note, I was making chicken salad today (roasted a chicken earlier in the week) and my mind immediately went to Jill's 'look what the cat barfed up' chicken salad monstrosity. I swear these people ruin everything. And I have a great recipe. It's from an old dear sweet family friend who.....oh, nevermind lol
  23. So if I understand Jill's blog post correctly the Dillards lived with Mary when they returned from DA? Mary did the cooking, cleaning and laundry as well as watched Iz. Then what the hell did Jill do? She wasn't on bed rest. If anything, Jill should have been helping her elderly grandma and doing grandma's housework, not the other way around. Pregnant women can still wash dishes and do the laundry. These people talk about having servant's hearts but I don't see them do even the most basic things, even for their own loved ones. Sorry for the rant but I would never think of allowing my elderly mother or father (my grandparents have passed) to serve me when I am young and able bodied. Maybe its just me but Jill's blog rubbed me the wrong way.
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