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  1. This makes a lot of sense. In the Bachelorette, there was a scene when Zach tried to cheer up Rachel by suggesting she let out a primal scream. At the time, it was just sweet and empathetic, but it totally also fits the narrative of a people pleaser.
  2. Agree. It’s the first season in a very long time that the lead and women all displayed normal feelings and didn’t act out for their 15 minutes of fame. Both Ariel and Gabi were articulate in calling out Zach’s mistakes, and he owned his missteps. Oh and my interest in the next season of the Bachelorette just went up to a 15 out of 10. Well done show, well done.
  3. Dr. Travis Stork and his F1 (Sarah?) both lived in Nashville. IIRC he had a lot more chemistry with his F2 but went with the safe bet. I don't think this is the case with Zach - he's clearly smitten.
  4. Best hometowns in a very long time. Autumn in Vermont (though I believe maple tapping is in the spring?), NYC pizza and a real Jewish deli, genuine southern hospitality in Georgia, and Texas where Zach hopefully was able to go home for an evening. (And no one’s mentioning Zach’s comment at Sarge’s Deli about the tongue sandwich?) Plus not only are the women beautiful this season, but their families are all attractive too. Well done, show. I don’t think Zach likes to go outside his comfort zone, and it showed in his dates tonight on the women’s home turfs, most obviously with Ariel. Kaity is on the same wavelength and so appeals to him the most. Not that anything is wrong with that; a relationship should be built on resonance. Assuming Kaity is F1 (and I have no idea), it will be interesting to see whether Gabi or Ariel leaves first, or if it’s a most-dramatic-ever double elimination. I don’t recall if there have been any proposal previews. And please make Ariel the Bachelorette and have the show set in NY. I think Jen Schefft had her season in Brooklyn, so it’s time.
  5. FF’ed through most of the episode. Saw a bunch of crying and exits. Great group of girls for hometowns. Zach did very well. Kaity - kind, pretty, warm. Closest in wavelength with Zach. I can see them together for real. Gaby - down to earth, funny, easy rapport with Zach. Another great match for Zach. Ariel - confident, cool, articulate, witty, worldly. Possibly a touch out of Zach’s league, and he likes it. Her family is going to be amazing. Charity - most striking of the 4 but a bit guarded. I’ll need to go back to watch the mentalist date to see what she revealed. Not sure she’s even that into Zach. PS: I’m intrigued by Brooklyn’s thick silver glitter eyeshadow. Can someone with more experience with makeup share how it’s able to stick to her eyelids?
  6. Same. Not quite Andrew Firestone, but Zach’s up there. He’s mature, not afraid of conflict, and seems genuinely comfortable with himself. It’s still early in the season, though, so hopefully all the attention doesn’t change him. I can’t remember all of Christina’s “offenses” - I know she blurted out that she thought she’d get the date rose and some comment about Brianna’s first night dress having roses but she seemed at worst catty and self-absorbed. Was there something else? Like a lot of you have said already, she’s a far cry from the “villains” from years past. Overall liking this season so far. The women have normal jobs, and the attention seekers seem to have been weeded out already.
  7. According to Wikipedia until Nov 22. Same. The time of year it’s being run is a bit odd to me, too. Crazy antics on end of summer tv is amusing. Not as enjoyable this time of the year. I watch about every 2 or 3 episodes and even then only parts.
  8. I agree with you @phlebas. Rachel wasn’t great, but I can’t imagine what it was like to go straight from what sounded like the disaster that was Clayton (I only saw the last 2 episodes of his season and - just wow) to all of this. And as nice as it was to have Gabby with her on the journey - and their genuine friendship and mutual support was one of the highlights of this season - it was also probably hard not to compare herself constantly. I suspect what we saw was an exaggerated version of herself due to these stressors.
  9. I feel like this year’s eyelashes are actually toned down from what they were, and yeah, still a hot mess. (Can I just say your avatar makes me smile every time.) Having skipped everything between Pilot Pete and Gabby/Rachel, I barely know anyone. There are 2 guys with beards but I can’t tell them apart. Who are the 2 women fighting? No cheesy intro theme song? Dang, Jesse still looks so … polished compared to the guys.
  10. How funny would it be if someone from an earlier episode showed up at one of these ladies’ F3 dates offering a room key, like Trish from Jesse’s season? Just me? Even the contestant with the best personality on this season (Zach) can’t keep me interested.
  11. I did the same thing and had to rewind twice, watching that Samsung commercial with Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now twice because it’s so catchy, to see that they didn’t use the fantasy suite. And just now I googled that commercial while Gabby was talking with Jason because a freaking phone ad was more interesting than a conversation with Jason. Gabby, pull yourself together! It’s not that he didn’t love you. He just had a mission to uphold his blandest reality show contestant title.
  12. Ok, again, how are Gabby and Rachel not swooning over Jesse? Empathetic, good listener, easy on the eyes. C’mon ladies! Maybe he’s a great guy in real life but Jason’s edit has him as the blandest F3 I can remember. I can’t recall a single way he’s stood out all season. Then again, the man may be a genius - he may have made it through the show with his reputation intact. Anyone else think Rachel and Aven have similar facial structures - close set eyes, sloping nose, same smiles? I can’t unsee it.
  13. He really is. He’s the sock-wearing middle-aged guy in the room but still fun. Tyler is a sweetie. Jared vibes. Hope he finds his Ashley I, whom, despite all the drama, I always liked. It really is nice how supportive Gabby and Rachel are of each other. (Small voice) I like these two. I don’t get Meatball. BIP will be odd to watch in the fall.
  14. You’re not imagining it - or else I am too. Zach actually has a personality. (Wasn’t he the one who suggested Rachel let out a primal screen to destress?) He looks like he’d be a catch in real life, too. For that reason I don’t want to see him as The Bachelor and get drawn into that vortex. There is zero chance Johnny is looking for a wife. Jason looks about as excited to be on the show as he’d be waiting for his order at Panera. For the 3rd or 4th episode now I’m pretty much only looking forward to the Jesse spots. Slim pickings today.
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