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Also, Joel's face after Ellie's "I'll follow you anywhere you go." When Joel started to say "The reason I'm telling you all this ..." (about his suicide attempt) and then Ellie interrupts him with "I know why you're telling me," what did she think then was the reason? Just some more generic lesson about how life is always worth living or something? Because she seemed really surprised/moved by the "It wasn't time that healed it" comment.
We're going to have to wait 2 years or whatever for Season 2, and the season finale is this short?! Still packed a punch, of course, and there was a lump in my throat the whole episode, but GOD, I needed more.
Yeah, at first I thought the show was setting up Tegan as a possible love interest for Annalise (the whole "She's still hot" comment a couple of weeks ago), but now this looks like a possibility too. Tegan kinda looked Michaela up and down when she told her she'd hire her when she started her own firm. Maybe to weave him more deeply into the whole Laurel-Michaela-Oliver trying to take down Laurel's father storyline. If Frank is in love with Laurel, he'd presumably go to even greater lengths for her.
Because he *looked into her eyes*. Yeah, for a brief moment, at night, from a tiny plane window, during an extreme-stress event!! But suuuuure, Mr. Montgomery ...
It's telling how irritating many of us find him that those few scenes continue to grate, especially since he was framed both as Kara's Big Loss that drove her to become GrimKara *and* the imagined Mon-El was the one whose "Wake up" was the one that finally got Kara to come back to herself - not Winn, not James, not even Alex, for fuck's sake. Apart from that though, I enjoyed the premiere. Yeah, not exactly original story-wise and wrapped up in a single episode Supergirl-style, but it gave me enough to keep tuning in - Kara/Lena, Kara/Alex, and really, just Kara having meaningful scenes with other characters, even James. It probably won't last once the Scenesucker inevitably returns, but I'll take what I can get for now.
I think this is a riff on "I am made whole in Christ"/"In Christ I am made whole," which is part of accepting Jesus Christ as the Savior part of Christian faith. So are we meant to infer that Bobo is Waverly's father? I remember him being quite tender with her in S1 when he told her that she wasn't an Earp, but I found the time-travelly vision quest stuff a bit hard to follow and tie back to what we know currently about Waverly ...
Not sure if you are aware of the implications of calling people of color "gorillas" and other primate names, but this is a pretty problematic way of referring to the young Muslim girl. I do take your broader point about the introduction of multiple new characters in this final season though.
I enjoy the Luthors, but Lillian Luthor doesn't seem very layered to me. She's interesting to me 99% on the basis of Brenda Strong's charisma, which hints at complexities we have yet to see.
The thing is - in isolation - the scenes when Mon-El is considerate and sweet to Kara are fine, even, well - sweet. BUT because they have always occurred in the context of Mon-El repeatedly disrespecting Kara's wishes, large (e.g. with life-threatening potential) and small (relatively speaking, of course - him telling everyone at the DEO that they were dating), I find them insufferable. My favorite Kara/Mon-El romantic scene was when he kissed her when he was sick/thought he might die. Yeah, he'd been an ass to Kara by then as well - but not nearly as much as he has now a few episodes down the line. Even back then, the whole "Hey, Mon-El is actually fundamentally a good guy - he just doesn't know it/know how to be that guy yet" was irksome, but okay, CW - you absolutely HAD to give Kara a Bad Boy-turned-Good love interest, I could accept this as the trade-off for having a full season 2 etc. IF the show had from then on written Mon-El as respectful of Kara, supportive of her, *and* kept Kara central to the story, both personally and professionally, I'd feel differently about the Kara/Mon-El relationship. But they've done exactly the opposite. If this continues, I may also stop watching. In terms of the Jeremiah storyline, I agree with everyone who can't believe how OOC-stupid everyone was (leaving *Mon-El* to be the smart one, ugh). There wasn't anything interesting that wasn't predictable - except some OOC interactions, imo, between Kara and Alex. I can't imagine Alex *ever* using the "maybe you're not really part of/committed to my family after all" line on Kara, no matter HOW angry Alex was. Yeah, it could have been much less cartoon-villainy-idiotic - the plots are seriously like Scooby Doo-level of simple sometimes. Cadmus should have been a dark shadow over the whole season, rather than a caricature that pops up every few episodes to pose an apocalyptic threat to National City that is defeated in the same episode.
Everything about Kara getting together with Mon-El undermines the show's message about female empowerment and agency. Myxzptlk is meant to be the obvious rape culture villain - trying to force Kara into marriage, literally saying that Uncle Jor-El should *hold her down* until she agrees to wed him - but Mon-El has consistently disregarded Kara's express wishes as well. By their own admission, Mon-El exemplifies toxic macho masculinity, and has done so time and time again. But NOW Kara suddenly sees the light that he's actually not really like that? The Sanvers scenes were lovely, and I really enjoyed seeing Kara and Maggie talking about Alex as well - those two play well off each other in a low-key way. I also agree that Winn and Lyra were a plus in the episode - Winn's emotional openness felt real, and I'd like to see more of the two of them together. But all these positives were almost completely overshadowed for me by the monstrosity of the Myxzptlk/Mon-El/Kara storylines.
I think the idea of pairing Kara romantically with someone who isn't a regular human does make a lot of sense. Not because she would "break" a human during sex - which other superhero shows in the same universe have shown doesn't have to be an insurmountable challenge - but because they have the potential to understand Kara's experience in a more personal way. If that person can physically help her battle the forces of evil, that's a bonus, sure, but by no means a requirement in my book. So Mon-El had a lot of potential to be a good match for Kara - he's also lost his home planet, also is set apart physically on Earth with his super-strength - but like lots of people have commented already, the writing for this character and for Kara and Mon-El's interactions has mostly been SO bad. Yeah, he partly changed his dissolute ways, but Kara rightly called him on that just a couple of episodes ago for doing it for the wrong reasons. Since then, he hasn't really shown that he'd live up to her expectations of a true hero. And maybe his more obnoxious airs have been toned down, but I just can't see Kara with a man who, till very recently at least, was so much the embodiment of superficial frat-boy. Sadly, the metahuman I would love to see Kara with - Barry Allen - is too busy with his own city and show! If Kara were to be with a human, it would also make sense to pair her with someone powerful in other ways - that's one reason why Cat Grant would work for me, or Lena Luthor this season, especially with the chemistry Kara and Lena have (mostly courtesy of Katie McGrath, but the writing is helping in that regard as well, particularly this episode). But since Kara is supposed to be straight, straight, STRAIGHT, that will never happen. I was meh about her romance with James last season, but with James' whole Guardian deal now? He's definitely off my list. Which is a shame, because if the writers had developed James as an actual CEO at CatCo with a different style and agenda than Cat had, he could have had an interesting relationship with Kara - sometimes conflictual but not always; that snapshot we saw last night of Kara disagreeing with James and Snapper about running the Lena Luthor story is an example of the kind of plot the show could explore more but probably won't. I do hope Lena Luthor remains no darker than grey; she makes a great recurring character and if the show is planning on integrating the Luthors more into the Supergirlverse, I'm all aboard. But I'm afraid she'll go straight-out evil before the season's done and Kara will have to get rid of her in some permanent way.
I think the difference between James-as-the-Guardian on the one hand and Alex on the other is that Alex works as an agent of the DEO, and generally has a whole team behind her. Yes, sometimes she goes in alone and puts herself in danger, but not in the same way that James has worked more or less as a vigilante team of two, with Winn there only as recon/tech support. If Alex decided to start wearing a mask and go it alone, I'm sure Kara would have strenuous and passionate objections! But I agree the show didn't really frame Kara's arguments to James in this way; it did seem like the sole problem for her was that he was human and therefore could get killed. Mon-El's whole redemption arc is mostly painful for me to watch, but at least it has more of internal logic than James', even if it's following a cloyingly predictable trajectory. Kara calling *him* out made more sense to me, because it's not really heroic to fight only because you want to hang out with a person you're romantically interested in, or because you care an inordinate amount about that person's well-being over the principle of helping people in general.
Both of the inevitable reveals (James-as-Guardian, Mon-El-as-prince) are being dragged out for so long after we the audience knew the truth/figured it out that it makes Kara look foolish for not catching on sooner. Knowing this show, though, I suspect both reveals will happen in the same episode to make it *super*-dramatic. I appreciate Maggie actually figuring out that Kara is Supergirl pretty fast, although I wish we'd gotten a little more comedy/drama from her not knowing. Maybe the writers thought about having three reveals, but decided that it would be too much, even for them ...
Agree with everyone who commented on the episode feeling too crammed/rushed. Why must every. single. storyline be wrapped up in one episode? If we're going to have Kara powerless *again* so soon after she was held captive by Cadmus in 2x07, why not extend that storyline over multiple - even two - episodes? Especially if they went to all the trouble of having the Stargatey device getting them to an unusual setting - another planet! - that could have made the by-the-numbers slave-trade story more interesting. Alex/Maggie went from morning-after bliss to "I can't do this" to we-made-up so fast it was whiplash territory. I was actually interested in Winn's crisis of confidence, and thought maybe *that* would get explored over the next few weeks, but no, all he needed was to win one physical fight and he's all gung-ho again. Amen to that!
Once Frank was still alive, I thought it would be Nate. Those shots of Wes horribly burnt were gruesome.