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Everything posted by TTTTorrance

  1. Yikes. I think they are both totally useless (and that Amanda is a horrible mother), but yeah, Josh seems legit scary and controlling to me. I think what was the creepiest to me in those articles was how his so-called "personal assistant" kept referring to their "shared apartment" and "Josh and Amanda's home." IIRC, they broke up last year! Josh has been living in Atlanta -- they don't "share an apartment" in California any more than Josh and Andi do. Also, it is a major red flag to me how (previous to this incident) Josh kept giving interviews about how he and Amanda were "working it out," how the kids called him Daddy, etc. And a few weeks earlier, he said this to US Weekly: Again, I hardly think Amanda is mom of the year, but he is giving her shit in a national magazine for not moving across the country (with her two kids, who have a dad who seems fairly involved, near them in California) to live with him in Atlanta because "that's where [Josh's] family is" and he "want[s his] parents to be around for his [AS OF YET NON-EXISTENT] kids."??? Statements like this make me think that Josh is incredibly controlling and narcissistic and does not in any way see the value of compromise in a relationship. And then there was his tweet a few weeks ago praying for God to give him a classy wife like Melania Trump, and . . . yeah. Finally, how in the world can Amanda freaking Stanton (who does not appear to have two functioning brain cells to rub together) be vacationing in Fiji and Josh Bonehead Murray (who so far as I can tell appears to have no job other than Advocare and Instagram shiller) have the financial wherewithal to be gifting Audis to ladies and employing a (press friendly) "personal assistant" to contact law enforcement when said lady does not comply with his terms and conditions for use of said Audi? I clearly chose the wrong profession.
  2. If I recall correctly, Molly was completely gobsmacked not to be chosen and did make some anti-Melissa statements to him. I think the editors removed some of that for the show, after they knew that she was actually going to be Jason's ultimate choice, but I remember that at one point an unedited clip was floating around in which Molly went off on Melissa, claiming that she was too immature and unworldly for Jason (which is hilarious for 24 year old sheltered Molly to be throwing shade at 23 year old sheltered Melissa for not being sophisticated enough for boring, basic insurance salesman Jason). Based upon things both Molly and Melissa said post-show, as well as things other contestants in that season said, I think it was pretty well known that Molly and Melissa didn't particularly like each other, even before it was clear they were going to be the final two. It is funny, I remember I couldn't stand Molly during her season and during the whole switcheroo aftermath, as I found her incredibly smug and calculating, but I will say that she and Jason seem pretty well matched and that they really seem to have a very happy family life. So, good for them! I certainly found them both much more likable than either Sean or Catherine on Celebrity Wife Swap, and they both at least have regular jobs and aren't still earning a living from their Bachelor fame. I also think that Kirsten, the runner-up in Andrew Firestone's season, also some pretty scathing things about Jen in her post-dumping limo interview. Kirsten was great TV -- she was totally gorgeous but also looked just like an evil queen in a Disney movie (as I think the recapped at TWOP described her). I think she was really the first "I'm not here to make friends" Bachelor contestant. It was funny because Andrew was totally hot for her but was very clearly told by his horrified blue blood family that he wasn't going to propose to that bimbo. Remember Andrew crying after his brother told him that Jen had let slip that Kirsten had had a boyfriend with whom she had just broken up at home? That season was definitely my favorite. Bitchy Kirsten, drunk Amber, crazy Cristina who wanted Andrew to "taste her culture," the goofy vegetarian who ate meat for the first time in ten-some years when Andrew offered some to her -- that season had some great characters who weren't all aiming for a shot at Paradise or Instagram fame. I loved Tina Fabulous's style and clothes, but she really was a brat. I don't think the editors liked her either, as they kind of screwed her over with that fantasy suite edit. I am embarrassed that I still remember this, but the other women gave her the name Tina Fabulous to differentiate her from the other Tina that season, who was an earnest and kind of frumpy girl from Tennessee (whom the TWOP recapped called Tinassee!) I felt so bad for the not-Fab Tina! Yes, that was Sarah! Charlie named her Big Sarah, to differentiate her from the ultimate winner, Little Sarah. (I didn't feel as bad for Big Sarah for her nickname as I did for non-Fab Tina.) She was pretty, but yeah, totally delusional and conceited. Her post-dumping interview was one for the ages. She went on about how she was discriminated against for being beautiful, and that people who did that were "like, racist." Ha!
  3. Yes, Sean is the worst, and I thought his tweet about Nick was 1) not at all funny (par for the course for Sean's tweets) and 2) really sanctimonious. He does think he (and Catherine) are "better" than everyone else in this franchise -- apparently because he was malleable enough that the producers were able to manipulate him into proposing and ultimately marrying someone from the show, and also has been wiling to appear on at least five reality shows (more than Nick, btw), which don't seem like incredible accomplishments to me, but whatevs. He is also incredibly smug about his faith, in a very off-putting way. I agree with the poster above who said that Ben is someone who has faith but unlike Sean, doesn't act self-righteous or judgmental. Plus, Ben actually walks the walk (multiple mission trips abroad, volunteering and continuing to raise money for that after-school program in his hometown), unlike Sean, who as far as I can tell, doesn't do much more than work out, shill crap on Instagram, and sit on his couch tweeting incredibly unfunny things. I think this is why Sean actually seems the most jealous of Ben, who seems to have wrested the title of most liked Bachelor away from him, at least for now. I think it has been clear that Nick doesn't like Sean from the very first show, when Sean was one of the three giving him advice, and said something along the lines of "you have to admit, you acted like a real tool the last times you were on the show." The look on Nick's face was hilarious and made clear that he cares not a whit for Sean's opinion (no wonder given that Sean is probably the biggest dork in this franchise, with the possible exception of Jake Pavelka.)
  4. I was personally quite amused at how butthurt Sean Lowe got on social media after the announcer in the previews deemed Ben "The Most Popular Bachelor Ever"! Sean was retweeting/favoriting the tweets of various fangirls disputing that, and contending that the best/most popular was actually Sean. Not surprisingly, he was also extremely judgmental about Ben's actions this week (and retweeted/favorited tweets that criticized Ben). Methinks someone can't handle being yesterday's news. Loser. Per Reality Steve, Ben and Kaitlyn did have sex in the fantasy suite.
  5. She reminds me of Lori Trespicio from The Real World: Back to New York, who, like Caila, is half Filipino and went to Boston College. A few people have said she reminds them of Catherine Lowe, although I think Caila is much prettier than Catherine.
  6. I've always found Catherine and Sean absolutely unbearable, and this show (scripted though it may be) just confirmed that. Sean has always been a completely self-absorbed doofus, with the personality and intellectual curiosity of a gnat, but it clear that all the press/attention he got as Bachelor has completely gone to his head. On the other hand, I don't see Catherine as a victim. I think she is also self-absorbed, bitchy, and pretty lazy. Her instagram is filled with elaborately posed selfies of her doing ballet, at the gym, etc. (Side note: whenever I see these type of pictures, I always wonder, who is taking this picture? I can't imagine asking someone to take a picture of myself in my ballet gear, and then posting it on social media.) Anyway, I think that if she really wanted to have a career, she would. But, like Sean, she's pretty lazy. She'd rather hang around town taking selfies, traveling to LA to do various reality tv appearances, and bask in the comments of random people on social media who talk about how she and Sean are so beautiful and the greatest thing since sliced bread. While I do think it would be absolutely miserable being married to Sean, and I do think that he likely sets the agenda so that they are doing what he wants to do (e.g., go to familiar restaurants, drink iced tea with his family, play flag football with his friends), I don't think she would be a peach to be married to, either. I agree with the poster upthread who said that the whole waxing thing with Jason -- besides being totally stupid -- showed some latent passive-aggression and anger, likely towards Sean. I also thought she was a total bitch in the radio station. She didn't even acknowledge the "junior DJs" Kat and Ben (I only know them because I live in Seattle) but only the co-host, Bender (who, fun fact, appeared on Jason's season and is now Molly's co-host). Her saying that she hadn't prepared at all for the show and the "I'm just a girl, tee hee" was pretty annoying. And the Wratherine was too annoying for words. She and Sean are both two total children who deserve each other. Funnily enough, she was on the radio in Seattle yesterday and said that she thought she came off well. I personally thought she came off nearly as bad as Sean did. (Sean, by the way, is totally butthurt at his portrayal and posting all sorts of excuses on twitter, including that everything was scripted and that he only said things because the producers told him to. Saying untrue things for money?? Doesn't sound very Christian to me.) Anyway, I didn't particularly like Jason and Molly during their season. I still think Jason is kind of dumb and Molly's eyes still scare me, but I actually really enjoyed them on this show. They seem like a regular couple who is trying to balance busy lives, career, and family in the best way possible. They seem like they are real partners and also really like each other. Sean and Catherine probably have their heads stuck too far up their asses to learn from them, though.
  7. This episode was absolutely ridiculous. As a poster up thread pointed out, the party chairman had absolutely no justification or right to take Alicia's phone. And both Alicia and Eli know this very well - they are both intelligent and sophisticated (Alicia is ostensibly a lawyer) and have both been known to engage in hardball tactics themselves. Yet when a state political hack instructs his goons to take her personal property from her, both she and Eli both stand there with this "derp!" look on their faces as if they are in Nazi Germany or 1980s USSR, instead of laughing in his face and telling him to buzz off or they will call the cops to report theft of personal property. Such a stupid plot point. Equally stupid is everyone acting as if Diane is in criminal jeopardy here for unknowingly turning over manufactured evidence. A person can't be convicted of a crime unless the government can prove mens rea, or criminal intent. Diane didn't knowingly submit false evidence because she didn't know it was false. The SA has no evidence to rebut Kalinda's story that it was Kalinda who manufactured the metadata, and that Diane had no reason to believe it wasn't legit. For Diane, Cary and Kalinda to mope around acting as if Diane was facing some Hobson's choice of either cooperating against Bishop or going to jail is totally out of character and makes no logical sense. The Diane of the past five seasons would laugh in Geneva's face and dare her to bring charges. It is doubtful a grand jury would even indict that case and no way would a petit jury would ever convict. The Kings need to spring for a consultant on criminal law because this of point insults the audience's intelligence.
  8. http://stylenews.peoplestylewatch.com/2015/02/27/jason-mesnick-molly-neil-lane-ring-exclusive-photos/?xid=socialflow_facebook_peoplemag So, Jason gave Molly a Neil Lane diamond ring for their 5 year anniversary -- and given the above press release -- I mean article-- from People, he presumably got it gratis in exchange for mentioning Neil Lane's name 100 times. I feel like this would have been a very sweet gesture -- had it not happened on-air on Molly's radio show, and if they hadn't felt the need to issue a press release after it happened. While I give them credit for sticking it out -- and they do seem to be in a stable,happy marriage with cute kids -- something about these two has always rubbed me the wrong way. Probably their famewhoreishness and stunts like this ring thing. I occasionally listen to their podcasts, and what always strikes me is how dumb Jason seems, and how Molly is so bossy and bitchy. I get the feeling she totally runs the show in that house.
  9. Ugh, I'm sorry, but I just can't stand Sean. In that same Dish Nation episode, he also talked about how on Emily's season, she told him that after the cameras left, he could come back into the fantasy suite so they could hang out (but just talk -- no hanky panky). Apparently she told him that he was the only guy she was going to ask to do that, and it was quite a shock to him to find out she also invited Jef and Arie back after hours (the implication being that Emily just doesn't have as much "integrity" as amazing Sean). He then said that he would bet that Emily did "more than hang out" with Jef and Arie. What an ass! For a guy who prides himself on being so thoughtful, sincere, and kind, it sure isn't cool to insinuate that Emily slept with both Jef and Arie, even though he has no way of knowing whether that happened or not. It wouldn't bug me so much if he didn't clearly take himself so seriously as such a paragon of virtue. I read his crappy book (I know, I am a masochist) and it was basically him patting himself on the back for being a wonderful person. The funny thing was, a lot of the things he did weren't so wonderful -- like losing a bunch of investors' money for some stupid company he started with his friends. He calls his former friends out by name and insinuates that they were shady,but I wonder whether Sean has ever tried to repay some of those investors with the money he has made by becoming a shill for all things Bachelor (I'm sure the answer is no.) He also continually referred to Arie as "bad boy Arie" (and not in a humorous or joking way), clearing comparing him negatively to angelic Sean. I guess I just have a problem with people who believe themselves to be more virtuous and better than others just because they chose not to have sex before marriage. I'd take Arie and his faults anyway over boring, self-absorbed, not-a-funny-bone in his body Sean. I also just think he and Catherine are grade-A, narcissistic famewhores.
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