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Everything posted by Rainny

  1. I agree. Although I am a Catholic woman born and raised and I stayed home and raised 6 sons, I don’t believe these stereotypes are inclusive of everyone. One of my grandmothers was also a stay at home mother, the other one was an aircraft worker and according to anyone who worked at the plant with her, she was the best damn mechanic Lockheed ever had. To your other point, one of my sons is gay and he and my wonderful son in law do just fine.
  2. My Grandma’s name was Jimmy ?. She was born and raised in Louisiana. The sweetest, kindest woman I’ve ever known. She always wished her name was Jamie, I think it must be some sort of regional thing. Anyway, I haven’t commented on this show in a long time. I also noticed how she drops the “voice” when she’s mad. If I were her, I would be embarrassed for my MIL to see me on television the way she acts.
  3. You made me laugh!! Everytime Peggy starts talking about something being important in the Armenian Culture, I always think to myself, "ya, ya, that's not important to anyone else. What about breathing? Is that important in Armenian culture?" She just annoys me so far.
  4. I thought Bethenny and Carol getting acupuncture was nice but I wish Bethenny would stop with her Luann comments. Then again the they walked into the restaurant. I understand they don't like each other, but does she really have to say so many insulting things when Luann has nothing to do with whatever it is that Bethenny is doing at the moment?
  5. Kelly has several books on Amazon including fiction novels, so it baffles me why Carole can't come up with something.
  6. The bolded is exactly right. My family has a few different camps and they all fight with everybody. But no one outside the family better say shit about it. I can talk whatever shit I want about my brother, but no one outside can and the whole family will back him up even though everybody thinks he's an idiot with no redeeming qualities. That's probably what the elder Gorgas want their family to be like too. My Mexican grandmother used to say if you mess with one bean, you get the whole burrito.
  7. I will admit I laughed during the fight in the restaurant. It was like, "YOU STUPID PHONY BITCH, Uh waiter, I'll have a cola thank you, YOU'RE A PHONY BITCH". Then I think Dolores said to the waiter, yeah, we're Italian like it explains everything. Made me laugh
  8. This is what I thought but better said than I could have. Watching Siggy say that if she can make up with Jac and Melissa why can't she make up with Kathy and Rosie, I had to say, maybe because between those two and her husband going away, and everything else she has piling on her she's at her limit of what she can handle. If they really care about her and want a relationship then maybe they should have just said, you know what Teresa, we love you and want you in our lives when you are ready, no pressure. The way they are going about it is too much
  9. I would think they need the help with as much as they have to be away for filming events, and trips and such.
  10. I don't think he's trying to make it sound like something sexual. I think he's trying to get across to her that he doesn't like it, maybe it makes him uncomfortable at his age and she's not hearing him. It's not a sexual thing, it's just what happens when your kids grow up. They don't want mom hanging on them like that anymore.
  11. If I wanted to make peace with a family member, I wouldn't just show up at her book signing. I would have talked to her in private, away from cameras, and outside people. But that's just me. I'm not trying to be on a reality tv show.
  12. I never thought she was physically ugly either, just her actions.
  13. Laughing at this conversation because I think they are terrible at multitasking unless it's something they want to do. I could cook dinner, know exactly what each of 6 boys were doing, help with homework and make sure the dogs weren't tearing anything up all at the same time, but my husband couldn't watch tv and one of the kids at the same time. I have actually repaired holes in drywall in our house that he started but couldn't finish because something else came up. But you better believe his car and garage are spotless and organized. haha
  14. I snipped your post for space. This part, I don't have a problem with what you are saying here, but it's not just Luann that does this. I have known a few women who's husbands cheated on them and every single one of them stayed with their husbands and blamed the other woman. Even the ones who said that if there husbands ever cheated they would dump him in a minute and take all his shit. Even they blamed the other woman, and then proceeded to blame female porn stars, prostitutes, and female co-workers who may have looked at their husbands wrong or may have flirted with them. I worked in manufacturing and I saw a lot of things going on, it happens. I think it's the embarrassment, humiliation, and hurt talking.
  15. I agree. I don't think it hurts anything to let Milani "pretend" her parents are going to "camp" and that her father will come home quickly. I think she knows inside what the truth is, but if that's what she needs to hear and say out loud, in public, or on camera in order to cope, why not?
  16. I worked up until we had our 3rd son when I quit to stay home full time. Daycare cost more than my paycheck. Even though I stay home our sons know how do their laundry, cook a simple meal, and clean the house. My older 3 even changed diapers for the younger 3 when I needed the help. I made sure they learned these things not only so they could make choices on how they lived their lives, but because my husband is a youngest child and he did nothing for himself growing up. I always say I'm not sticking some poor girl with a man who can't even fry an egg or make toast for himself. Both of my Army sons wrote me letters from basic training thanking me because they could not believe there were people who reached the age of 18 and were helpless to do their own laundry. Knowing how to do things made life so much easier for them. I also don't understand the lack of respect the kids seemed to have for their father. It had to be an act. Our household isn't over the top traditional and still our kids snap right in line as soon as dad pulls into the driveway. It's always been like clockwork, they hear the garage door and I hear "Dad's home, Oh crap" then the running around to make sure all the stuff he told them to do before he got home is done. They have a good relationship with their dad, they talk, they joke around and do things together but even when they were little they listened to him when he told them not to do something.
  17. Seemed like Carole was trying too hard to get Adam to say how happy he is with her and how happy he is in the relationship on camera.
  18. Ha! Now I know why my 16 year old does that when I'm talking to him. I always wondered about that. I hate that. I won't tell him you ratted him out.
  19. I don't think Jules yelled/screamed at her. She was trying very hard to make a point and I think she raised her voice a little above her normal speaking voice. But I do think Bethenny screamed at her when she told her she couldn't talk anymore.
  20. Ugh, see, I don't pay that much attention to them off the show and all their twitter and Facebook and instagram postings and timelines and dates. I don't click on that many links to articles on this board either. On the show they make it seem as if it all happened in a matter of days. It's all too confusing. So, if what you say is true, this crying and carrying on is a re-creation, or an act for the cameras? All this after she tells me every week in the beginning of each episode that if I can't handle the truth I can't handle her.
  21. My husband and I are under 50 and we have a living will. We did have it because we have assets and kids. When the lawyer made it one of the things that had to be specified was who would make medical decisions for us in case we couldn't do it for ourselves. One of our beneficiaries, who are only our children, could not be the one designated to do this. It had to be someone else who had nothing to gain from our deaths. I don't know if it's a state thing or if it's the same everywhere. I don't particularly like Bethenny, I don't particularly not like her. I think she's overly dramatic has been using this emergency for attention, otherwise she would have taken the time off, or went to all these events without telling every single person something was seriously wrong and she was bleeding all over the place. But I can't beat up on her for being upset and crying when she's told she should have a living will because she's having surgery. I sort of feel like that is one time when she's actually having a genuine emotional response to something. She loves her daughter.
  22. You don't sound preachy at all. I've lived with my share of health problems in my lifetime, including abnormal menstrual bleeding. Not going too far into it here, but after my last kid, I developed some problems and I did ruin bedding, clothing, had anemia and all that. I ended up having an endometrial ablation. I had to get up, get kids to school, housework, and during some of my health issues earlier in my life, I still held a full time job and I told no one. My point was, that Bethenny had a choice to put herself through dressing up and going out or not. She put herself through it and she didn't have to. I wouldn't have. She isn't carrying on doing things people do everyday for their families like people who don't have the resources she does do. She got dressed up to go out and have drinks with friends. It's not the same. I wouldn't have done it. All that said, I believe her, I believe she felt the way she said, but again, if you don't have to put yourself through it why do it for screen time.
  23. I couldn't do it. No way I could be bleeding so badly that I ruin rugs, bedding and all that and then get dressed up and go out. I would be worrying the entire time about my clothing, the car seats, the restaurant seats, floor, etc. Especially not if I felt as weak and tired as she said she did. There is just no reason to put yourself through all of that. I believe her, I just wouldn't do it, I would have been in the emergency room, or at home resting until my Dr. appointment.
  24. Her first bankruptcy is on her, I agree. But the $25,000 she owes in condo fees I disagree with you. They have been married for 8 years, they have 2 children. He makes the money in the household. From what we have seen he hasn't been complaining about her needing a nanny or a housekeeper otherwise he would have cut that expense out years ago. In my opinion he knew exactly how she was when he married her and I would think it would be in his best interest to make sure her bills are paid. They are married, she's not bilking him out of money, it's their money.
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