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Everything posted by dmc

  1. I think you will enjoy it, I am happy they released it again:)
  2. And now she has the wretched pallor of the white death. It won't be long now...surely I can count on your generosity of spirit to get me through this terrible time
  3. This is what makes him a douchecanoe. And why I know he will be back, because he has no idea what he wants.
  4. Turner and George will absolutely meet again next season. And I suspect Raikes will be back to, as soon as Marian starts seeing Larry he will decide he cannot live without her or he will get married, the woman will die and leave him a fortune and then he will come back for Marian. I thought this was rhetorical.
  5. She showed a reaction but I didn't believe it and I wasn't invested in it. I didn't believe the actor that played Raikes either. We have to believe this is some whirlwind affair and I don't. Marian looks like me after I found out Haribo released all pineapple gummi bears but the supply chain issues only got me one bag and that's it
  6. I didn't think they had any chemistry and I don't think Raikes as a character is interesting. This part of the issue with the writing here. They committed to this plot with little pay off and tied up their main actress in it for the whole season.
  7. I mean Marian could have easily been ruined by Raikes if anyone had found out. He will pretty cavalier with her reputation and her heart. I think she's better off because to me weak is the worst thing anyone can be. Bertha and I agree on that. Also Raikes doesn't love Marian (he barely knows her) maybe smitten
  8. Agreed it’s like a murder mystery with two characters and one is dead. Process of elimination says it’s Larry.
  9. no point whatsoever and Marion has to end up with Larry...there are no more male characters half assed
  10. Not enemies, I don't like bitterness.... C'mon Marion... wanted to see him slapped, peed on by Pumpkin and tossed out of the ball. And how did Raikes even get invited...Marion use your influence to get him tossed out of society
  11. Well we all knew Raikes wouldn't marry Marion. I cannot believe this plot lasted for the entire season and was ill conceived and unconvincing from the start. First of all, Raikes is jelly fish. He's literally an shapeless inanimate object that is not even remotely transfixing. So its difficult to believe a woman who has recently lost her father and moved to a new city to live with virtual strangers would immediately get wrapped up in anything with a guy that is so blah. The only convincing thing about this relationship is that a man would whole heartedly pursue a woman enough to move his practice to another state and then bail. I feel that men absolutely do this. Dive into the deep end and then realize they cannot swim. I feel like we cannot discuss an episode without mentioning Marion's atrocious pale yellow ball gown that looked made her skin sallow and the red flower that made her look like a deer recently shot. Marion and Larry do make a fetching pair, but I am going to need them to flesh out Larry in the next season. So Bertha is already in...and its season 1. This seems equally farfetched to me. It also makes me wonder what we are going to be watching next season. If the new money people are already in with the old money after one season. I am going to ignore the faux servant plot because its whatever and I don't care about any of these servants. They are legit background that every once in a blue moon they toss a plot at. Mrs. Fane has finally endeared herself to me so that's something. Maybe that's why she land such a hot piece like her husband. Sorry show you cannot convince Gladys would ever be into Oscar. I simply do not believe it. Stop acting like this will happen. I loved the Waltz scene Ward McAllister's Society as I Have Found It has been reissued on Kindle if you want to read. I bought the original on Ebay awhile back but its available again digital version for 99 cents.
  12. I think everyone has agreed that affairs are wrong several times. I haven't seen one person argue to have one. But that doesn't mean you need to stay in an unsatisfactory relationship either.
  13. The bar for relationship satisfaction is lack of spousal abuse. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I hope everyone here knows they deserve a loving, caring supportive partner and to feel seen. You can have more than the bare minimum of decency.
  14. I think some of their writing has been bad
  15. My guess is he become if he is found out, he's a criminal and as opposed to a husband overseeing this wife's money
  16. I think blues would be flattering. I think the yellow is part of the issue. I don't know if the shades they use or what...but it washes her out to me
  17. YES. each week our plot guesses are better than the material
  18. I want the pay off to be: Marian is legitimately an heiress, Raikes was embezzling her father's estate all along and when he found out her father was dying...he made up debts and lied about his assets. I want his interest in her to be a long con to isolate her from her family and society that way if she ever finds out about the money there will be little she can do I fully expect the pay off to be Raikes does like Marian but wants to do better for himself that someone with no assets so he's seduced by the world of privilege and marries another. This was foreshadowed when Agnes said pretty soon he won't need you. That means Marian has access to something he wants. He still may like her but like money more. And I don't like Raikes but I see his point, Marian will be bringing nothing into a marriage and I never got the feeling Raikes was a super successful lawyer...I think he's a middle class lawyer. Also I this is part of the reason I think Marian is sort of a dolt. Because this was time where you absolutely needed to think about situation monetarily when you get married. If she marries a middle class lawyer, she's not in society anymore. She essentially would be cut off with a guy she's known two minutes
  19. Yes I wondered the same, it must be intentional as plot related because they are also dressing Bertha and Gladys. To me, the outfits overall attractiveness as garments is debatable. They don't favor Marian at all.
  20. There’s an entire thread on Reddit and several comments here about how unflattering they are on her. I don’t think it’s Louisa by any means. But clearly the show agrees with you so maybe its just preference
  21. I don't know this plot will be any more elaborate that he's a rogue that dumps Marian for a more profitable woman. Remember these are the people that just gave us the George court plot. I just had a thought are the costume designers making Marian dowdy on purpose to show how easily it would be for her to end up like her aunts and further illustrate her need to breakaway with Raikes
  22. Remember when I told you in the Euphoria forum that I went to a school with lavish productions and big drama department. Every year there was a drama New York City trip. It was really actually amazing. My teacher Ms. Martin would line up a week of Broadway shows for us to to and some off Broadway. He was staring The Who's Tommy as Tommy. After all of the shows, the actors and crew would come out and talk to us and answer questions. We also saw Damn Yankees and talked to Bebe Neuwirth and Victor Garber. Its a pretty elaborate trip. Michael came out to talk to us about his performance and acting. He came over at some point to chat with my and my friend Holly and we exchanged addresses. There were definitely some letters and it was a great experience to hear about working with a production.
  23. I met and used to be pen pals with Michael Cerveris and I didn't even see him in this.
  24. I mean if he didn’t just handle Marion’s father’s estate and maybe handled his business completely. My attorney absolutely knows about my extended family.
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