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S02.E11: The Last Supper Part Two: Entree [Season Finale]
mstar1125 replied to T Summer's topic in And Just Like That
In real life I don't think any of the original 4 would be friends, except MAYBE Carrie and Samantha. Even at that, I could see Samantha being Carrie's PR person who she sometimes also goes to parties with. Carrie would be the acquaintance that Miranda and Charlotte call on when they want to have fun - dinner, drinks, getting into an exclusive club - but would keep her at a distance otherwise. There's just not much in common between them, and Miranda in particular would be too busy to maintain the level of co-dependency that Carrie requires from a friend. I actually think some of Carrie's newer friends make more sense, in that they are as immature is she is - Jackie and Che for example. I think Seema also makes sense as a fellow "single rich older woman" friend, although now that they are both pairing off and Carrie's run out of property to sell that friendship might have run its course -
Oh, absolutely. When directed at Carrie, Charlotte's "Oh, I paid for that apartment" is well justified. It's just when taken on its own, out of context, that it sounds obnoxious and entitled. But, let's be honest, the plights of these two women are nothing compared to any average person. They all acted entitled much of the time. LTW would crush maternity wear. I believe there are certain medical conditions that can - rarely - cause false positive pregnancy results, and extreme fatigue would also be a symptom in these conditions, but I hope that's not where this is going. Definitely. And will also add: Che never cared about getting a potentially underaged boy high at a funeral. Che's a textbook narcissist. I still like them BETTER without Miranda as their partner, and they and Carrie have an interesting friendship dynamic, but would I want a friend like Che? NOPE. But I wouldn't want a friend like Carrie either.
I mean, Trey agreed, yes. But did Charlotte really go through any struggle in her marriage to Trey that millions of other women haven't experienced? Or was she stuck dealing with the consequences of marrying a "good on paper" man too quickly without having a discussion about what they both wanted out of the marriage? She also admired Bunny at first, without realizing that the same qualities that she admired in Bunny would be the same qualities that would make her a terrible MIL to deal with. Anyways, I liked this episode. It felt like there was a good balance of screen time between old and new characters. Not really interested in where things are going with LTW and family though. You mean to tell me they didn't snip, snip after their 3rd child? Or did she think she was already in menopause...I vaguely remember a storyline last season about Charlotte and menopause but couldn't remember if LTW had gone through it yet. I always assumed that LTW was a little bit younger than Charlotte/Miranda/Carrie.
It's interesting to think that the writers might want us to root for her. I don't understand how anyone could see her as a hero, she's thrown her own son under the bus so many times. I'm rooting for Marty, Jonah, Charlotte and Ruth. Hell, I'm even rooting for Navarro. But I don't want to see Wendy get a happy ending.
Right? I called it as soon as it happened that Camila had ordered it. Arturo might have been skimming a little extra $$$ from the cartel, but we had no reason to think he wanted to take Navarro out. Whereas Camila had an obvious motive, made only more obvious by her telling Marty that Arturo and Javi didn't get along. In fact, that information should have made Marty realize Arturo wasn't the one who ordered the hit. If Arturo didn't like Javi, and Javi is now dead by Navarro's order (as far as he knows) and the cartel is back in Navarro's control, then we would expect greater loyalty from Arturo to Navarro, not less. Meanwhile, I wish I understood the motive for Wendy putting Camila in charge of the cartel instead of Marty. It's clearly not to "save Marty" as she suggested, but what advantage does Wendy gain? I don't think her and Camila are besties now that Wendy got her the stock options and the deal with Shaw.
Right? What was the point of bringing up that storyline now, so close to Javi's end? It's not like we needed another reason to dislike him. I guess we are supposed to think "Oh boo hoo, now Javi won't get his name on a building". Unless that's somehow going to become a major plot point for the rest of the season. Agreed. They've used rap very strategically throughout all the seasons. And I'm here for it.
I have such mixed feelings about this show. I love the world the writers have created and the worldbuilding they did in Season 1. I think all the characters are great - with Luke and Aleesha really standing out this season - but the plot is slow and weak. It relies too heavily on Nathan and Nora's relationship and not enough on everything else - did we really need to spend 5 minutes of the show watching their first (and last) hook-up? There are so many unanswered questions and dropped storylines that I hope they get to answer in Season 3 (if there is one) but some of them could have been fleshed out this season. What happened to Jamie? Is no one really going to investigate Fran's death? What about the guy Josh who Fran was going to meet? Who is Pastor Rob, and what are the Ludds really up to? What happened to Nora's dad? Who was Kannerman going to see on Family Day? Will Dylan's parents ever be able to afford an adult body? What's going on with the detective? The guy who Nathan pummeled in the elevator? What was the point of Tinsley, except to give us the great Aleesha line "what does everyone see in this human bowl of oatmeal"? For that matter, why does Aleesha keep getting promoted? It seems obvious that she's being set up as some sort of fall guy, but to what end? I would have loved more of any of these plots and much less of Ingrid pining for a digital baby.
Nora is really unlikeable this season. Not sure what she sees in Matteo (other than a rebound). Also, athough her dad was portrayed as a luddite, it seems out of character for him to be a full-on cult member. Agent Cheeto also works for Horizen, right? If so, then why do they need Nora at all - couldn't he have hidden the ring drives around the office and released the worm into Lakeview? I can't wait for the fallout when Nathan realizes Ingrid didn't upload.
Thank you! I remember "LE" being referenced but couldn't remember the context.
I need a whole separate series about the adventures of Rabbi Jen. Other than the intrusive bathroom scene, I found her quite charming and entertaining. Speaking of that intrusive bathroom scene, I don't even know why the writers felt like Rabbi Jen needed to be there. I thought the back-and-forth between Carrie and Miranda was written better than 95% of this series (albeit a low bar and notwithstanding the absence of the reverse "you're living in a fantasy" callback I so hoped for) and didn't need a tertiary character to butt in to remind them they are (supposedly) best friends. That scene with Miranda and the grandmothers had so much potential, but in the end, she barely even interacted with them. Except to stupidly ask "What's going on?" over and over. I hardly call that "meeting the family" and I would have gained more from that scene if Miranda sat and had an actual conversation with the family rather than the "I'm Che. I do what I want" sidebar we got. I understand we were supposed to see the three of them sitting in a row and extrapolate that this is why Miranda chose to dye her hair back to red, but I would have liked to see more reaction from Miranda, maybe about feeling old sitting next to them. Instead, we got low-IQ Miranda in a daze about where she was and what she was doing. I suppose they were also going for some symmetry between the first episode when she defends her gray hair to this final episode where she's back to red. I wish they hadn't spoiled Jackie's surprise wedding in the trailer for this episode. There really was no reason to, and if they wanted to show Carrie interacting with Jackie outside of work, there were other parts of that scene that were less spoiler-y. ETA: I forgot to add - Anthony as the Sky Masterson understudy in Guys and Dolls. Love that for him.
Any idea why this episode is named "Ellie"? I don't recall a character by the name. I was thinking Ellie = LE = law enforcement? Maybe because of all the interactions they had with LE - Maya/FBI, Wendy engaging with the new sheriff about "missing" Ben, Darlene sniffing out the Byrdes' involvement with the missing sheriff?
Anyone else get a bit of a predatory vibe when Marty was on the phone with Charlotte, and Javi said something to the effect of "you should have said hello to her from me"? He must be, what, 15-20 years older than her? I got the same vibe back in the previous episode when Javi and Charlotte were seated next to each other out to dinner in Chicago. It made sense to pair them at the table, so that Marty and Wendy as a married couple could sit next to each other (and also set it up so they could both see Javi's reaction when he got the phone call about the FBI bust), but if I was the parent of teenage Charlotte I'd be keeping her as far from Javi as possible. I haven't seen the next 3 episodes yet, so I'm hoping they are not setting up a future storyline of unwanted (or wanted!) advances on Charlotte by Javi.
I haven't seen the episode yet, so I'm only going on the description of this scene from others who have posted, but if there was ever a time for a reversal of the "you're living in a fantasy" scene, this would have been it. Instead it sounds like we get more self-righteous Miranda telling Carrie how to live her life.
Imposter syndrome is crazy like that though. On paper, Nya would seem to be in the top 1% in terms of what people think of as achievement and success, but it doesn't feel that way when you are in academia maintaining a crazy workload of teaching, research, advising, and administrative responsibilities while getting compensated 10-20x less than the football coach and administrators. With that said, this is how I remembering interpreting Nya's reaction as well. Not intimidation, but surprise, gratitude, and maybe a bit of jealousy and BEC towards LTW.
Yes to all of this. I've been involved with several organizations, all of whom are ecstatic about those "rich white women who write checks". Because usually they aren't very helpful otherwise - see: Carrie in her high heel shoes trying to paint. I can't wait for menopause. I know it comes with its own set of issues (e.g., hot flashes) but I'm ready.