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IMHO, James is one of the most fascinating people on this show and Kristen is a close second. When sober, James is intelligent, witty, focused and incredibly charming. He really impressed me in the scene when he was trying to get some time spinning in that club. First, he made the effort to speak to the DJ in Spanish; second, he had a flashdrive of his music with him, and third, when Peter tried to step in on his behalf, James, in a non-offensive manner, made it clear he got this (and he did). On the flip side, when provoked, it's as if a switch flips between the James who has potential and the James who will egg your house on Halloween because you accused him of eating all the pasta. He becomes a 10 year old and reacts to situations like a 10 year old boy (e.g. spitting on Kristen's door, saying mean things such as calling Britney fat because he was mad at Jax). His reaction at the golf course after he was questioned about hanging out with Kristen is a perfect example because he was acting like a little boy- a little boy having a melt down because he's scared of getting kicked out of the cool group. I'm curious to see James in his 30's after he emotionally matures a bit and learns how to drink like an adult.
Chrissy looks like the middle-aged version of Emma Nelson/MiriamMacDonald from Degrassi.
Abby, Sean and Chris is like Ginger, Ace and that James Woods pimp character in Casino.
Landon Clements: She's like, the Valley Girl from like, Georgia
cuphead replied to cooksdelight's topic in Southern Charm
Quoting myself bc I feel a sense of validation after watching this past season. Landon is awful, and I'm convinced she's on coke or adderall in half of her scenes. -
I'm not a fan of Bugs, but I can understand her issues with Hannah as a boss. Bugs takes this profession seriously- which was covered earlier in the season when she was talking about how she knew Wes, and the respect she had for him bc yachting was a real career for him, as it is with her. So taking that into consideration, it must be very hard to have a manager who is not as overtly serious career-wise, and may not be helping her juniors elevate their skills. Personally speaking, I have had great bosses who have served as mentors- either by leading by example, or by teaching me how to improve my weaker points and encouraging me to acknowledge/utilize my stronger points. On the flip side, I have also had bosses who only care about getting themselves further up the ladder and don't care about developing their team. When you deal with the latter, it's difficult not to have a bit of resentment. And from what I've seen, Hannah is definitely the latter. So, in that sense, I cans ee why Bugs is hard on Hannah in her talking heads. Hannah is a bad manager who only knows how to manage up (to her superiors and guests/clients), but has no idea how to manage down. (juniors or with colleagues).
Bugs is slowly turning the screws on Hannah. I really didn't like the way she switched the roles around during the hug-it-out scene. There is no reason why Hannah needed to explain herself to Bugs, her subordinate. What made it worse was she also came off as extremely deferential and this immediately put Bugs in a power position. It was really arrogant of Bugs to not even apologize for showing/telling everyone about the messages. She's using this situation to make Hannah the common enemy and that can only tighten her bonds with the others. This is some high caliber, Eve Harrington kind of gameplay we're watching right now and it's only obvious to the viewers at home because of the editing.
S04.E13: Ain't No Thang Like A Chicken Wing
cuphead replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Southern Charm
Agreed. The bubonic plague is not a good look for her. -
Was Landon on something in that break-up scene? She seemed disheveled, kept flipping her hair about, was glassy eyed, giggly and super emotional (went from smiles to tears and back to smiles). The poor guy aka Bizarro Shep looked a little weirded out by her behavior and really didn't give a rat's ass that he just got dumped on television. Landon must be worse in real life.
I thought it was genius to have Brad, Troyzan and SIerra vote Tai,and for Tai to vote Sierra. In doing that, the women's alliance have effectively created mistrust in the WWMD alliance. SIerra and Brad are tight, so knowing that Tai flipped and voted for Sierra would definitely make them view Tai as disloyal. And having them vote for him would definitely make Tai feel betrayed and targeted. Can't see them working together anymore after that vote. In addition, voting out Zeke meant they would be cutting it close on their numbers advantage, so they had to find a way to swing someone from the other side just for a bit of a cushion. Targeting Tai to be their isolated flipper makes sense since he isn't a strategic threat and seems a bit malleable emotionally, which means it wouldn't be difficult for someone like Cirie to control his vote. Speaking of Cirie, remember when she was two step ahead of everyone and managed to convince the WWMD alliance to vote out Halie as a way to keep Michaela around as a secret ally? Taking this into account, I can believe that Cirie was the one who came up with the idea to make Tai their swing target so she can keep him close as a kind of vote-goat.. We have seen them bond on several occasions (e.g. the chat they had after the RC when she crossed the balance beam), and Tai even expressed a desire to work with Cirie very early on in the season. This points to a potential alliance somewhere down the line, and with each passing day they are getting closer to the end of the line, so it's now or never.
S04.E05: Craig Of All Trades, Master Of None
cuphead replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Southern Charm
The scene with Landon and Austin should have been about the drama between Austin and Shep, but Landon hijacked it and made it an audition for her own show on the Travel Channel or Food Network. Austin just seemed to give up talking about anything because she kept making it circle back to ROAM and the script she wrote in her head. I think she wants to be a female Anthony Bourdain (as if!!!) with a splash of Martha Stewart. Her family is probably funding the lifestyle she currently leads, but I suspect now she wants someone else to pick up the bill AND pay her a salary for being a drunken vagabond. I would never watch a show hosted by a bland, entitled, spoiled nitwit named "Landon". If the she hooks up with Thomas, I say we ask South Carolina to pass a bill that will allow public stoning for people on reality television who lack the self-awareness to realize they're smug, insufferable douchebags. -
Thank you editors for all those close-up shots of Andrea and Sierra's faces. They made me realize that Andrea is phenomenally beautiful, and this is coming from someone who thought she was just meh before tonight's episode. They also made it painfully clear that Sierra needs a shave tout suite. Geez, I think I actually saw the hairs on her eyebrows and upper lip blowing in the breeze while she was chowing down in the RC.
I'm so glad Sarah got another chance to play. She's easily becoming one of my top ten favorite survivors.
There was a shot of Debbie guzzling wine out of a bottle at the Reward Challenge. Have a feeling she was more than a little tipsy at the merge feast. Call it a hunch. And just because it needs to be said, I love Aubrey's awkward athleticism.
During the confessional when she talks about being ready for war, a butterfly lands on the top of her head, and just sits there as she giggles away in what could be interpreted as either giddy anticipation or nervous dread. I think it's clear that even Mother Nature recognizes Cirie's awesomeness.
Thank you editors for giving us those incredible shots of Cirie's face at Tribal before and after Hali received the final vote.