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  1. Okay, I just watched the episode and wow... The Lexi and Fez calling each other flashbacks were so wonderful, how they talk about their dreams and hopes and how Lexi points out how what they have in common is their empathy, sense of humor, curiosity (and they both want kids, she says in a joking way but it's true). And how if Fez likes a girl he wants to peel every layer, get to know her on a deeper level. Lexi still doesn't know what happened to Fez and will she be there for him to support him when she finds out? Stand by me, right? Fez had hopes for himself and now his future seems to be gone and he is traumatized and he lost his brother. And he possibly will go jail. While Ash was the one who dug the knife into Custer's neck, Fez did the final blow and he has to live with that fact because I don't think it is something he wanted to do but he had to do something to protect Ash and he was going to pin it all on himself and if they went to the hospital people would be asking questions and how do you get out of it? I think Ash was scared and he did not listen to Fez and now he is dead. How will Fez ever recover from all of this? It is going to take a long time to heal. I hope he won't stay in jail long. The Rue and Lexi flashbacks, how Rue told Lexi she liked her play and I assume that Rue read Lexi's play before the play came out? And they would hang out. And I assume the other Rue/Lexi flashback was from earlier, and how they were talking about their dads and how they feel and how Rue went to comfort Lexi. I hope their friendship returns. Rue and Jules had a small talk and it looks like they have forgiven each other? They will probably find their way back together again. And wow, Cassie nearly ruined Lexi's play but Lexi and her cast picked it up again. (edited) Cassie and Maddy fought and Nate got Cal arrested.
  2. I did like Lexi's play, I think it was done with sensitivity and some humor. You get more insight into Lexi. The Lexi and Rue scenes were nice and aw, the Lexi/Rue/Fez scene, I knew Lexi and Fez met before!! And they have been talking every day in the past few months! I don't really understand the timeline of Fez not being at the play though, were the scenes at his house meant to be before the play? I guess that was before the play and we'll find out next week why he didn't show up.
  3. While I think that the Lexi and Fez scene was cute, I am still missing more context. How do we go from one full converstation, to the store scene where they hardly said a word to each other to Lexi going to Fez's house and them being so comfortable with each other and him holding her hand? We are missing moments between the store scene and the couch scene in this episode. I guess we are meant to assume that they have been talking for a few weeks off-screen, but it would have been nice to actually see it on-screen. Maybe we will get some flashbacks of moments later. I think the writers did not expect a lot of fans to love them so they invested very little in them, but why is this relationship happening? Maybe there will be more in season 3... I don't know if Rue is serious about getting clean this time, but she has a number of people who she needs to apologize to. It was nice of Ali to also see Gia's point of view and how Gia also needs love and this is difficult for her to watch as well. The ending scene with Rue's Mum was sad, you can hear her desperation, it was odd though that Rue was rejected more help by professionals. That Maddy and Nate scene was dark, but it was not unusual for the show and for their relationship. The thing is that Cassie knew that Nate was abusive to Maddy, there literally had been a converstation in season 1 where Kat called Nate abusive and Cassie was there and she must have also heard other stories and the way she is acting now... Is she really so desperate for love? And I don't think Nate actually loves her. Like someobody said somewhere, Nate does not love anyone, he only loves power and control. I think this is going to lead to Nate abusing Cassie... So, Nate gave the tape to Jules. Nate needs to stay away from her, he needs to stay away from everyone but he also does make a good antagonist.
  4. I watched the episode. It started out with an intense fight with Rue, Gia and Leslie and the plot twist that Jules and Elliot were in the living room. I do empathize with Rue, there is a lot of sadness and grief she feels and I know it is difficult to deal with such feelings. To be in such emotional pain and missing someone can feel unbearable. And I understand why she feels she needs the drugs, but she was also majorly freaking out over the pills being gone because she knows how dangerous Laurie is and she really messed up and did not think about her own safety and her friends and family. Rue said horrible things to her sister, her mother, to Jules, she tried to take medication from Lexi and Cassie's Mum, she tried to take medication from Fez's grandmother and shoved him against the wall. I don't think that Rue meant all the horrible things she said, to the people she loves or cares about. I am not sure if they should be quick to forgive her though. I am not sure how I feel about Fez kicking Rue out at night when it could be dangerous. She crossed a line, but wow kicking someone out of your house, who you consider to be family, like that may have been harsh. I am not sure how they can come back from that. I would have liked to have seen Rue/Lexi friendship. Everyone wanted to help Rue but she also needs to help herself.
  5. Okay, so, I finally watched the episode (yes, a little late). I hate the Jules cheating and the thing with Elliot. I don't think Rue meant it when she told Jules "I can't stand you.", she was high. And I understand Rue and the darkness of grief and wanting to escape that darkness, I never did drugs or alcohol but I can understand why she would want to do those things that make her think she'll feel better. And seriously, Jules and Elliot leaving Rue on the road... Bad move. And Cassie, I don't really understand what is going on with her and what her motivations are, why she is acting the way she does - I don't think she really loves Nate, but she just wants to be loved and she wants to get that from him but she also realizes that he is a toxic person and that he and Maddy were toxic for each other. Cassie is a mess, I feel like they are ruining her character but maybe she can pick herself up again. On the topic of Fez and Lexi. Realistically it is not going to work but I can see where they be a good match. They both can read people well and are caretaker types. I think he can be kind, he has empathy and he is smart in the way of being able to read people well and how he is deliberate in his actions and what he says, calculating and strategic but he is perceptive and knows how to deal with people. And I think that those can be things of why Lexi would feel drawn to Fez and how she may see more potential in him and could encourage him and make him think about himself. And Lexi is smart, sensible, she is protective of those she cares about and she looks after people and I think Fez will like that about her and he may be able to inspire more confidence in her and making her feel seen. I think they have so much potential, and even if it is temporary, it can still be beautiful, soft, passionate and heartbreaking. I don't want Lexi involved in drugs, but I don't think Fez would want her to and I think he'd try to protect her from the dangers of his life and I think he'd treat her well. It is just his lifestyle that makes it more dangerous to be with him. Currently there are 257 fanfics of Lexi and Fez on Ao3 and after only two scenes of about 5 minutes of screentime, so many people already have an idea of their relationship and see their potential. It could be great on the show, but I don't really think I can trust them to handle things well, looking at what they have been doing to Rue/Jules. But we shall see.
  6. How are Lexi and Fez going to fall in love if they have no scenes? Where is the build up? They obviously had a crush on each other, but they are just going to do nothing? Maybe we will get more later. but there has been nothing for two episodes in a row now...
  7. There are still 5 episodes left, so there is still time for more Fez and Lexi development. Ethan may seem like a safer choice for Lexi, but it wouldn't be an interesting pairing. And we already have two love triangles. Fez and Lexi have a crush on each other, I think they have potential but to also end up tragic.
  8. I am actually starting to think they might go there with Eddie, but I am not entirely convinced, but there is a maybe... With how Eddie talked about "the idea of us" and how he tried to love Ana but he couldn't, as I have seen people saying - there have been character arcs like this where a character was unsure about their sexuality and they ended up coming out as gay (or bi, but that doesn't happen much). Eddie is repressing so much, his past traumas but it could also be more than just that.
  9. Hmm, I do believe that season 1 we had more of a cohesive plot and a more clear and consistent characterization. Better pacing. Generally the writing was not top notch, but it was a lot better than season 2 has been. It had potential.
  10. This episode felt so underwhelming to me. It felt like nothing really made sense and there were so many inconsistencies and too much was happening again. What was up with Cheryl and the red hood and bow and arrow? It was funny but at the same time no. And the writers did not even allow her to process that she almost got murdered by the Black Hood. Missed out on some nice Cheryl and Toni moments as well. What was the point of Toni being kidnapped? Was this really the end for Fangs? Was Josie sleeping the riots out? Veronica's characterization and her realizing how bad her father really is could have been done in a nuanced way... I am not sure what the Veronica and Hermione scenes were even about. And now Hermione had to shoot someone? What happens next? But at least Veronica is realizing that Hiram is not going to change. I really need FP to stop yelling at Jughead. Hey FP you are the father here, maybe you should have been the one making a sacrifice? And of course nobody listens to Jughead when he is right it is all a dumb idea to go ahead with a blood bath with the Ghoulies and so Jughead has to make a dumb decision by sacrificing himself for his friends. Did he really think the Ghoulies would not come for the Serpents even after he decided to play the sacrificial lamb? Jughead does so much for the people he cares about, he cares about his home, his friends, his family, his girlfriend and while he may come across as "overdramatic" or "annoying", he often times is not wrong. Just like he was not wrong about Hiram. Wonder how Veronica and Archie will respond if they find out Hiram wanted Jughead and all the Serpents dead. Not sure why Hiram is even so fixated on a 16-year old. The writers forget how young Jughead is and through the whole season he has been suffering. This is also the third time this season we saw Jughead being beaten up by a group of people. And as for the cliffhanger this episode, of course Jughead is not actually dead, kind of a pointless cliffhanger. Betty went through a lot for one night. Having a confrontation with her father who is the Black Hood, Hal almost murdering Alice and actually threatening to kill all three of them, and then in the end seeing her boyfriend's body who she thinks could be dead. So, Hal is the Black Hood, or at least one of them, as it is implied there have been other men as well. It was not all him alone. OI am not buying the whole concept of Hal being the Black Hood. Please tell me that he was not the one behind those phone calls to Betty. Why was he emotionally tormenting his daughter? And the whole backstory and the "darkness" thing... Are the writers implying that psychopathy runs in the Cooper family? Psychopathy can be hereditary. Which is what they have been teasing with Betty and her "darkness", but Betty is not like Hal. She feels love for the people she cares about, would do anything for them, and she has been struggling with anxiety and stress because of the pressure Alice had put on her in her childhood. I guess maybe Betty has the potential to have symptoms of psychopathy but the writers would never fully go there, right? Her mental health problems have always been treated so terribly by the writers, and they shouldn't demonize them,. Betty would never be like her father, grandfather and great-grandfather. She is not a monster. I am not sure where the writers are going with this. One of the things Betty and Jughead have in common is how much they care for the people they care about and would do anything for them. And the phone call scene.. Jughead had to hear Betty's voice, he had to tell her he loves her and always will before walking into his possible death. It probably gave him more courage to go through with his reckless plan. Before Betty and Jughead were going to reunite, I was so hoping for that parallel to the scene in 2x06 where Betty tells Jughead, "I never stopped loving you." and I was hoping Jughead would say it as well and now he did! I do think the scene would have been more powerful if we had any more romantic and sweet moments between Betty and Jughead in the past 6 episodes besides the sleuthing, and more probably could have been said but I'll take it. She was the only voice he still needed to hear before proceeding. Part of me also wonders if the writers should have delayed Betty and Jughead's reunion and had filled a half season with friendship, pining and some angst and maybe this phone call would have had more of a power effect where they could have reunited in 2x22. But I am guessing the writers probably did not think the Bughead shippers would have had the patience after the awful way the pairing has been treated in 2A. But I mean, if they already had problems showing their relationship in 2B, they could have saved the reunion for the seaosn finale. Let Betty and Jughead breathe and stop tormenting them so much in season 3, writers. They are two of the characters besides Cheryl who have been put through the most in this season. And think of emotional depth of all these characters. Funny thing, there were many phone calls in this episode, as if they were a substitute for why the characters were not communicating enough. Well, on to the season finale next week I guess.
  11. Ohh, I actually quite liked this episode but at the same time I am laughing at all the sloppy writing. The problem with this season is, it has all the themes that are interesting! Privilege, classism, power, poverty and wealth and there is so much you could do with all these characters. If this was a well written show, they would be talking about mental health issues and you have all these characters who have all the potential to be complex characters and given way more depth and if there was more consistent characterization and motives. It has all the material to have a great story, world building and characters. I will probably repeat this again when 2x22 airs but this season had way too many plots that could have been going on for two seasons had everything been developed properly and executed well. They had enough material for maybe even 3 seasons. As someone said before, it is obvious that the writers had no idea who the Black Hood was from the start and now they are trying to just wrap up everything in a neat bow tie and meanwhile, the Southsiders and Northsiders are starting a riot in the town and there is also Hiram's plans for the town and he is evil. Not sure if this is working well, I think it is badly planned. They could have just finished up the BH story in 2A. There is something that I do find important that the writers have sacrificed in favour of plot, plot, plot and the quick pacing. The relationships between the characters. I am not talking only about romance, but also the friendships and even enemies becoming friends and characters finding common ground, Along with characters having room to breathe and responding with normal human emotions. None of these characters are even really communicating. Some thoughts: 1. I really did enjoy the Cheryl and Betty scenes, they work well together and I have always wanted them to be friends. But the blackmailing thing has tainted things a little, also Cheryl treated Betty like crap at the stand it could have used more build up than a sudden 180 degrees and Cheryl calling Betty "cousin" so many times. I do think Lili and Madelaine have a nice chemistry together and they both are talented young women. That Betty and Cheryl scene with Betty crying really was well acted by Lili! And of course Madelaine also has her subtle and strong moments 2. Betty's behaviour was inconsistent when it came to Hal and her suspicion, and she did not make many good moves... But let's remember, she is also traumatized and has gone through a lot.. If Hal really is the Black Hood, I just hope he was not the one behind the phone calls because some of those were really creepy, he got to have people working for him. Like the shooter at the school. 3. That Veronica plot was so random and the writers did not know what they could do with Veronica this episode? But she is now taking the side of the Andrews. Writers, give her a storyline of her own next season! 4. I loved Jughead in this episode, he cares so much and would do anything for the people he cares about. Fangs was also so soft and the actor was pretty good. I do think it would have had more of an impact if Jughead's friendship with Fangs had been been developed more because we never saw any of it. He mostly build up a friendship with Toni. But still, I really felt for them! It was a sweet moment with Jughead, Fangs, Toni and Sweet Pea! I do think Fangs will survive and wow that whole scene when he got shot! I felt so bad for him through the episode. 5. And yeah... I don't like Betty and Jughead not communicating, not telling each other all the hell that is going on in their lives. The separate storylines does not bother me, they don't have to be attached to the hip 24/7. Was I bothered by Jughead not taking Betty seriously when she said maybe Hal is the Black Hood? A little, but he can't read her mind and Jughead was talking about how things could not be worse than Chic and Betty said in a soft voice, "What if my dad is the Black Hood?" so I get why he took it as a joke. Was I bothered by Jughead not checking up on Betty when she calle dhim about the shooting at the school, while Fangs was just sitting there in his jail cell and nothing was really happening? A little. But since we did not see the phone call, Betty probably assured him that she was doing good and there was nothing else he could do and that she had her parents comforting her. While Jughead was also dealing with the stuff with his friend. This time Jughead has a better excuse because his friends really needed him and Betty has not told him anything, so I can't blame him. This is not like in 2A. And maybe Betty wants to protect Jughead and not drag him into another mess as he willingly helped covering up a murder. Did I think all of this was in-character? Not really. If Betty and Jughead had talked to each other about their problems, it would have been more difficult to manage the two different plots so they had to force them to do things that felt rather OOC, at least after the developments of 2x12 and 2x13. I would have liked some short sweet moments though, I don't see the problem with 1 second of a kiss on the cheek or a quick line of, "Calle me if you need me." or something like that just to show their strong connection. They don't need a big moment every episode, but small ones would be nice as well. But I do hope 2x21 and 2x22 will have some good moments. 6. So, did Archie and Jughead made up of all the sudden? They had conflict a few episodes ago and did not resolve anything and now they are cool? They have to stop dropping plots and I am saying again, have these characters communicate. I do like their friendship. 7. I am not sure what to think of Reggie. Clearly he did not shot Fangs. But what is wrong with him? Why does he dislike the Serpents so much? He talked to Hiram and brought a gun with him. Now that Charles is a regular, how are they going to write Reggie next season? His worldview on the Southside hopefully will change. ALso, the way he talks about women, ew. The ending, oh no Cheryl! I am sure she will be fine though. I am looking forward to what the next two episodes will bring.
  12. I agree with all you said! I hate that stereotype of male characters having to be violent. What I loved about seaosn 1 Jughead was how he was not a violent type, unless he was pushed to it and someone said something hurtful to someone he cares about (when Chuck punched Betty) but other than that... He was more brains than violence.
  13. I wanted to say that I loved how Veronica took matters in her own hands, I love it when she is being her resourceful and clever self! And the Veronica and Archie scenes were sweet, I do love how Archie was going to rescue Veronica and when he came she already had saved herself. But she can play her parents as well, she is not afraid of their reactions but I do wonder if her parents will always let everything slide. They will try and control her. Nick St. Clair as much of a scumbag he is, he is the most consistent character of the show but that is probably because his role as a villain is clear and he is not in any way redeemable. The plot seemed a bit random though. On another note, any The Good Wife viewers who were thinking, "Peter and Alicia would be so, so, so disappointed and horrified with you!", lol. Good the actor's character on The Good Wife was not like this. And Betty... I don't know. Yes, she should not have delivered Chic to the Black Hood and while I understood she was also scared and gave Chic a head start, it was still such a odd choice to make. She had the time to shoot the Black Hood, but also Betty may have wondering if he was the real BH (as she heard Archie's theory), Betty has no experience of using a gun and the BH could have been quicker and shot her, and what if she had missed? She could have called the police, but remember the last time when the BH threatened to harm the people she loves if she called the police? She may be afraid for him to do that again. But yeah, it was... *dark*.
  14. It is not just lack of romantic moments that is the problem for a lot of Bughead shippers. The way the writers have been treating them has been lazy. For some reason, the writers can not put Vatchie and Bughead (and now Choni) on equal footing with some good material. Veronica and Archie get some sweet scenes with depth, which is not a problem. The problem is when Bughead get 0 good content when there have been many missed opportunities for some scenes with emotional depth. 2x12 probably had the best Bughead scene of this season, the couch scene. Along with the 2x05 Pop's scene as a second. And the 2x15 Betty and Jughead co-presidents and Betty asking Jughead to stay with him scene. Because those scenes felt so meaningful and had emotional depth. The writers have missed many opportunities for many things in 2B as well but let's talk about 2x19. What I loved was: * Betty panicking over the BH being back, getting flashbacks (which they did give to Archie but writers ignore Betty), Jughead comforting her and telling her he won't leave her out of his sight this time, that he won't push her away again when she needs him. * Jughead finding out about the webcamming, telling Betty he understands and punching Chic for being a creep and telling him to stay away from her. Wait! Oops, my memory failed me. I can only read that in fics where luckily enough this fandom has good writers. Would that have been so difficult to have on the show? What do we get instead: Jughead and Betty sharing a half-brother, Jughead actually listening to FP when he told him it would be better for them to leave Betty and Alice while knowing Chic is a potential murderer (Archie would not have done that with Veronica), Betty lie to Jughead again for no good reason. What was the whole point of them going to the desk and have to act like a couple when they already are a couple? What as the point of Jughead punching Chic just to get info? (We did not even get some cute Bughead when they lived together) After the development we got in 2x12 and 2x13 this felt like a whole 10 steps back again with Betty lying to Jughead again and Jughead leaving Betty alone with a possible murder just because FP thought it was a good idea when Jughead did not want to leave at first. But he still did it. It does seem like to a lot of Bughead shippers that the writers resent Bughead's popularity and are now treating them in such a a lazy way. Besides all the other stuff they pulled in 2A, 2B seems better but not that much better now. Some writers probably don't even like Bughead. After the hell of 2A, guess people were hoping for better writing. Anyway, that was me venting about the writing of Bughead and also pointing out what a lot of Bughead shippers have been saying and I do agree with it. I have not watched the whole episode yet, but may write more thoughts here after.
  15. My favourite part of the episode was the end when in the middle of a murder happening and everyone realized what was going on and running away Jughead called out Betty's name and rushed through the crowd to get to her! I just love moments like that. Midge did not deserve to be a murder victim. I do like parent/child interactions, but are the writers seriously going to act like Betty did not have a legit reason to be afraid of Chic and have Alice cry over Chic when not even considering how Betty as feeling? Why she even moved out? She did not went to live with her boyfriend just because she wanted to, she was running away because she was scared and she went to the person she feels the most safe with. I did not feel anything for Alice's character. It was heartbreaking that she gave her son away, but seriously. Pay attention to your daughter. Archie is starting to see Hiram's true colours now? There were nice scenes between Archie and Fred and choosing Fred's side and telling Hiram he can't come between them. What a change from previous episodes. Betty and Veronica. I understood why Betty felt a little betrayed with Veronica hiding how much she knew of Hiram's plans with the prison thing, Betty's words were a little too much! I appreciate Archie sticking up for Veronica, but the only flaw is that when Betty said those cruel words to Veronica during the BH storyline, the circumstances were different. Betty was not being a mean girl, she was emotionally tortured by a serial killer who forced her to cut ties with her best friend and threatening her. Let's not forget how cruel you were to Jughead, when Betty was forced to break up with him and asked you "it doesn't have to be cruel." and guess what you did, Archiekins? Not a good comparism to make. Either way, I wish they did not have Betty being nasty to Veronica, even though I get her being a little upset. But it is also unfari, because Veronica is also being manipulated by her parents and is conflicted. Betty singing to Veronica to apologize was cute, I'll take it I guess. We had Cheryl apologizing to Josie. It was a pretty creepy plot, but alright.. Speaking of apologizes, Betty could have apologized to Chuck at the end when she had the chance. Cheryl was really into playing Carrie and her taking away power from Penelope! Well, that woman is a horrible parent, so go Cheryl! Could have had more Cheryl/Toni. It was not a bad episode.
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