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Everything posted by JoanArc

  1. Wealth Management? Bitch, you can't even sell your house.
  2. Damn, Stan built a fortress in those poor neighbor's backyards. I wonder if Anna realizes it will be hard for Josh to find a place to live once he is convicted and eventually realized. Won't be able to be around kids. There goes live in the TTH, or with family.
  3. If they had dated like normal people, they would’ve slept together a few times to get the sexual tension out of their systems, then realized they were incompatible emotionally, and broken up. Or stay together for 50 years and have a whole passel of children, whatever.
  4. Am I the only one that remembers the face bra? Jeremy would wear one.
  5. I don’t know how it works, but even when they’re clean they’re dirty. He’s aged a bit, too. Lost more hair.
  6. Yeah pretty common for EVERYONE, guilty or innocent, to look that way coming out of the trial. Reddit ID'd the dress as coming from an old pregnancy photo shoot.
  7. You think that stopped her? Look at how she dealt with it, and still brought it up on her son's reality to show. Wasn't he 18, too?
  8. I have an electric car. I forgot what a chore getting gas can be! Thank you! This describes her perfectly. Everything was about her first husbands death, to the point of warping Derick.
  9. You know this burns him up. It would kill Jer.
  10. It's not like D is working, she needs the clicks!
  11. She's weirdly the most honest about her messed up upbringing, and the biggest pusher of her lifestyle. Please, just delete the social media, Jill. Stay off for five years. Please. You'll never do it.
  12. Derick Cheated On Jill With some teen hussy, years before he met her! Pieces of the heart, and all…
  13. I like how his cell phone looks like a little black purse hanging off his hip.
  14. She would lose access to free housing, free childcare, free food, etc. Takes a lot of money to take care of that many children. Even at Rodriguez family levels.
  15. It’s $100,000 it would net her wouldn’t last long.
  16. "LORD I need you!" Everything with these people is something you moan during sex.
  17. CSI effect. Might work against Josh's favor. The jury would be more inclined to trust (rightly, but still...) the computer evidence.
  18. Someone took pity on them anfd gave them free clothes. Welcom to post stardom Jess! The boob clone look is growing.
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