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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. To those who saw the entire show ~ Did they have a Chuck Shumer call-in at the beginning?  I'm betting not, but he was scheduled for today.  The View had a rather blank week as far as guests appearing!

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  2. 4 hours ago, mojoween said:

    On a semi-related note, I do hate how Kohl’s and Old Navy do their super cash.  Like, I'm in your store NOW.  Please don’t give me 20 bucks to come back some OTHER time.  90% of the time I don’t even use it.

    At one time, until Kohl's figured out what was happening, you could beat this.  The initial program didn't have a future date on the Kohl's Cash - it could be used right after you earned it.  So, I'd do half of my shopping, check out, get the Kohl's cash, put my packages in the car and go back in the store and do the other half of my shopping, using the KCash just earned.  That would then earn more KCash, but in a lesser amount because it was earned just on the actual cash outlay.  Sure was disappointed the first time I tried it after the change and found I had to come back a week later in order to use it!  T'was nice while it lasted.

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  3. On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 0:32 AM, Irlandesa said:

    I remember not wanting Niles and Daphne to get together at first.  I was loving the "unseen Maris" so much.  I always pictured her as Valerie Mahaffey who co-starred with DHP on the hilarious but short lived The Powers That Be

    ooooooooooo- that could be  a fun game:  "What Would Maris Look Like To You?"

    I always pictured Maris with dark hair, and the two that most come to mind are Lara Flynn Boyle and Annabeth Gish.



  4. 16 hours ago, Conotocarious said:

    Yes, Brady is called Tom Terrific by the sports media. Among fans he is simply TFB.


    14 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    The F isn't meant to be his middle initial in this case.  It's more of a description--Tom Fuckin' Brady, to be exact.  In New England that's a compliment.

    LOL - thanks.  It was just a miscommunication on my part.  I didn't think Conotocarious was going there with the initials.  And, yes, I agree...as a New Englander and a diehard Patriots fan, T"F"B is definitely a compliment.  We love our TB, TB12, TFB, Tom, Tommy, Brady no matter what he's called!

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  5. 1 hour ago, Conotocarious said:

    Yes, Brady is called Tom Terrific by the sports media. Among fans he is simply TFB.

    There's no "F" in Tom's name - he is Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr.  "TB" or "TB12" are his usual fan names.  But you're right about "Tom Terrific" being media's designation.

    • Love 2
  6. 9 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    Now, if they made cat litter scented like potting soil...THEN you'd have a scent worth buying for your cats.

    'cept then they'd be peeing in and killing your potted plants.

    • Love 6
  7. 3 hours ago, lexytheblasian said:

    Has anyone ever bought anything from the "View Your Deal" segments?

    I've actually purchased three items through VYD, and have been very pleased with all.  The first was a cellphone lanyard that my d-in-law loves.  Then I bought a cool knit hat with Bluetooth fittings for a young'un in the family - also a hit.  Lastly, I've just received a leather handbag that was shown a couple of weeks ago that I bought for myself.  It's very nice - good quality and good price.  I'm not a big shopper, but these just filled a "want" at the right time.

    • Love 9
  8. As the time for Sara's maternity leave gets closer, I realize more and more how much I'll miss her.  She has a lightness about her, always with a great smile or even a belly laugh (no pun intended) that is so enjoyable to watch.  It took her a little while, but she's settled in and became an integral part of this panel.  I'd be sad if she decided, after two babies, to be a SAHM.

    • Love 20
  9. On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 2:58 PM, sugarbaker design said:

    According to the article, both properties have 3 bathrooms.

    When you look at the floorplan, ALL three bathrooms are in one of three bedrooms.  Now I realize it's just Joy and Steve living there, but we can presume they'd use the Master Bath, then if they have guestrooms for their kids and grandkids, they'd use the other two bathrooms.  If Joy has, for example, 10 people for a Thanksgiving dinner or 30 people for a cocktail party, all these guests would have to go through one of these bedrooms to use the toilet.  That, to me, is awkward.  There's no bathroom accessible to the family/living rooms for party guests without going into/through a private bedroom. 

    (ETA: At one point in my life, I was a realtor for about 10 years.  Noticing things like this is just an "occupational hazard" for me - LOL.)


    Joy's condo.jpg

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  10. 8 minutes ago, lexytheblasian said:

    Sara looks so pretty today. 

    Funny - I thought Paula stole Sara's "pretty" today.

    YAY for Tuesday - Ana Navarro is co-hosting.  That could be an interesting comparable to MM right on the spot!  A "Conservathon"!

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  11. 11 hours ago, Tabasco Cat said:

    In my experience you get more respect from the locals yokels when you've got NY plates on your car.

    Not if you're in Massachusetts or Rhode Island, but that's more of a football kinda' thing.  LOL

    (ETA:  I actually feel somewhat threatened when visiting my son in NY during football season, having RI Patriots-logo plates on my car, so it works both ways.)

    • Love 3
  12. 22 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

    Did ("Airhead") Sara just call out Vinyasa?

    I was wondering the same, merriebreeze

    Sexy man?  I'll take Lester Holt, thank you very much!

    • Love 6
  13. 20 minutes ago, smittykins said:

    they changed policy from requiring a doctor's note after missing three days to ONE day. 

    That's the real corker, too.  When you feel so crappy that you just can't pull yourself out of bed, shower and dress for work, you're expected to get up and drag yourself to a doctor's office or clinic so that you can get a note.  That's when you just want to take an aspirin, pull the sheets over your head, slumber the day away and sweat out the toxins.  Not only are you infecting everyone in the doctor's waiting room, but you may be a hazard on the road too - not a good scene for anyone. 

    Absolutely the best part of retirement?  You don't have to call one damn person with your sick-in excuse.   Just snuggle in!

    • Love 10
  14. Call in sick?  Wasn't going to happen where I used to work.  My Owner/CEO boss was a tyrant about that and about any other reason for not being there.  In fact, if I told him (for example) that Mr. SoandSO wasn't going to be in because his mother died, boss' comeback was "Well that explains why his mother isn't here, but what about him?"  Sadly, he wasn't joking.

    I've worked in a number of styles of companies over the years - from family owned to large very corporate settings - and find that this attitude seems more prevalent in the family-run businesses.  It's "all about the loyalty", but the loyalty runs in only one direction, from bottom to top.  The "family" makes its own rules, corporate structure be damned!

    • Love 8
  15. 6 hours ago, WritinMan said:

    I hate the those Christmas car ads where people give their spouse a car for Christmas. It's in the driveway with a giant bow. Usually a really expensive car. Several car companies do this, and we'll probably only see more of them in the coming weeks.

    The families never really look rich, but they can just give a car to someone. Who are these people?

    Buick's doing 'em one better...it's in the living room "under" the tree.  No bow, though - they must be poor.


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  16. 21 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Sunny’s report on and from Puerto Rico was heartbreaking. But her comments about the lack of tourists confused me. I mean, the whole island was devastated-it looks like a third world country. Why would anyone want to visit there right now? Where would they stay? There’s the whole water issue and that the island is surviving on generators. Unless i missed something??

    Unbelievably, cruise ships have returned to the island!


    "Cruise lines return to Puerto Rico and urge travelers to book Caribbean sailings"

    "Old Town San Juan and Fort San Juan, a well-known 16th century fortress built by the Spanish, still provide viable excursions, Royal Caribbean’s Goldstein said.

    "If you are a resident, it is a difficult existence if you don't have power, and yet they continue to strive every day," Goldstein said.

    "We differentiate between the long road the island has ahead of it and what we can deliver as a guest experience," he said."



    • Love 7
  17. 5 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

    Someone said Clinton Kelly's recipe for something was their go to recipe.  Who said it & what was the recipe?  Did it get deleted?

    backformore said that above regarding Clinton's turkey white bean chili:


    I don't know about the specific recipes from today, but The chew recipes has all the recipes from their show.  Really good recipes. My go to chili recipe is Clinton Kelly's turkey white bean chili.

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  18. 3 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

    Something tells me if that woman lives alone she can't pick up the ceiling and move it to where?   


    3 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

    Since PR doesnt have any infrastructure and therefore no garbage pickup, perhaps the food is better left in the fridge than outside with dogs and other animals ripping through it. She probably has no trash bags and no garbage cans. <snip> She can't move everything out to the curb for pickup as in Houston or Florida.  


    2 hours ago, imjagain said:

    Id rather keep food in a closed fridge than out for rats and other animals to get . As was pointed out upthread. There is no garbage pick up. 

    Burn it?  Bury it?  Both?  She didn't have a mountain of food in there - just a few shelves and the refrigerator door.  Surely in two months' time she could find some method of disposal, and at the very least could push the few boards aside so that she could walk into the bedroom. 

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