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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. 3 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

    so many more viewers seem to appreciate Sara like I do.

    I think Sara is adorable, and she's someone that I'd love to have as a friend.  She's fun, perky, a little goofy or nuts when appropriate, and has such a hearty and honest laugh.  I'd bet she's a blast after a glass or two of wine.  Other than Joy, Sara's my fav on the panel and she'll be missed during her leave.

    This pregnancy seems to really agree with her.  She seems very happy and looks beautiful.

    • Love 20
  2. 1 hour ago, DB in CMH said:

    the inane lets all pretend Santa is real BS,

    I have no problem with this since there can easily be under-5-year-old Santa-believing rugrats playing in the room while Mommy is watching The View.  In our house, we let Santa live for as long as possible!

    • Love 10
  3. Ironclad Tupper, beloved local celebrity with international outreach to thousands, has crossed over the rainbow bridge.  As the bulldog mascot of Bryant University, Tupper never hesitated to "lend a paw" by welcoming and cheering his student fans.  Tupper passed "doing what he did best — being adored" during the annual Festival of Lights on the Bryant campus.

    "Ironclad" was his kennel name, but he was actually named "Tupper" after Earl Tupper of Tupperware fame, who donated the land for the school's beautiful campus in Smithfield, RI.

    He loved the limelight, pausing regularly for photos and TV cameras.  According to Bryant U. President, Ronald K. Machtley, former Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from Rhode Island, “He developed into a royal monarch.  He had his own carriage. He would always give high-fives. He loved basketball games.”  Tupper was treated like royalty and he acted the part, riding around campus in a dog carrier or golf cart, dressed in a Bulldogs T-shirt.


    LOL - So much name dropping, so little time.

    • Love 4
  4. 1 hour ago, fishsanwitt said:

    I am so freaking tired of Meghan McCain being a delicate little snowflake. Grow up! Those people in the focus group - I almost couldn't believe they were real - people actually think like that. I was on-board with Sunny - I can't wrap my head around their points of view.

    If it's this bad now, we can only imagine what it'll be like after her fateful day arrives.  They'll be handling her softly, for sure, b/c she'll be tender for quite a while after her father's passing. As others have speculated, I wonder if she'll continue on the show, or if it'll be too much for her sensitivities to handle.


    HoboClayton, I want to "like" your post X 1000!

    • Love 9
  5. 3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Something just hit me regarding the Cologuard commercial. "No need for time off...." because we should never take time off, ever. We must all be wage slaves for corporations until we drop dead in our traces.  Fuck that.

    This reminds me of that Laser Spine Institute ad that implies you can toddle in for their back surgery and then just hop on back to work.  Mmmmm - no.  When you read the fine print, you find that they strongly recommend you book a hotel room near their facility in the event you need further care, and - oh, yeah - they require you bring along another person to assist you after the surgery.  So, it's time off work X 2, airline reservations X 2, hotel booking X 2, meals and ground transportation X 2, plus the cost of surgery.  Not quite as simple as advertised.

    • Love 7
  6. Pretty decent week. 

    I'm really happy the show has picked up Darlene Love as an annual Christmas tradition now that Letterman is off.  Her appearance always adds that extra bit of holiday sparkle.

    Biden's always a pleasant guest and a gentlemen too.  Hope to see a LOT of him in the future!

    Christian Siriano is a cutie, and it's nice to see his success after Project Runway.  Would like to hear a good update on him.

    OK, View, ya' got me for this week.

    • Love 7
  7. 2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    I don't know that the product is, but another annoying ad is the one where the couple is going to grandma's house for dinner, and woman tells her husband/boyfriend not to wear the Oakland Raiders* sweater because grandma wouldn't like it.


    1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

    He's just like all Oakland Raider fans.  I know this from experience.

    LOL - My son is a Raiders fan, which is a little touchy here in Patriots land.  However, I just learned in a conversation with my daughter-in-law that both she and I have been hunting for that light-up Raiders sweater as a Christmas gift for him.  Fortunately for both of us, it's sold out everywhere in his size, since paying $79.99 + $10. shipping is a little pricey just for a joke.  The ad, by the way is for the NFL Shop, and apparently it's doing its job!

    ETA:  The November 19 Pats/Raiders game was a good one for 90% of my family.       Pats 33 - Raiders 8

    • Love 3
  8. Niles in his Jesus costume is the funniest thing I've seen on TV since Carol Burnett came down the stairs wearing Tara's drapes and drapery rod.  Both are classics.

    • Love 9
  9. Larry had me yelling at my TV tonight by showing the tape of trump's Florida speech. "We have a rigged system here, folks...a really, really sick system that we're going to clean up."  If I were trump, I would be thanking my lucky stars, because it's that very "rigged/sick" system that has him sitting pretty in the WH today.  Wouldn't you think he'd be praising the system that got him elected?  What a "maroon".

    Color me naïve, but until this week I dumbly believed that trump, while sitting on his literal and figurative throne, was actually sending out his own tweets, and I questioned the voracity of the claim that his "Flynn lied to Pence and the FBI" tweet was sent out by his attorney.  Duh...so it turns out that Hope Hicks also has nimble fingers and an assistant to make sure we are entertained by trump's streaming consciousness.  Thanks, Larry...That little bit of info sent me to Wikipedia to track down her interesting bio.

    From Wiki:   "Hicks also took dictation from Trump for his tweets, and then sent the text to another person in the Trump organization who actually sent out the tweets from Trump's official account.  When in New York City, she would spend most of her day sitting in Trump's office, handling inquiries from the press and taking dictation from him to tweet."



    32% approval?  trump is still riding that Down escalator.  

    Great show tonight - very interesting and informative in all LOD covered.

    • Love 1
  10. 37 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

    but I could have sat here all night and never come up with FJ.  I guess I don't watch enough prime-time TV.


    37 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    FJ was an instaget for me - not many long-running cop shows with a female lead.

    I was sad the champ lost, though.

    Yeah, tonight's FJ really proves the point that if the question is in your wheelhouse, the answer is a snap!  I said Mariska Hargitay after the first three words of the clue, yet Kyle was totally stumped and he's the one smart enough to be a 4-day Jeopardy! champ. 


    deemac said:   


    I've never heard of her.......but I almost turned off the TV Ben was irritating me so much.  

    She's lovely, as the daughter of Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Hargitay might be expected to be!  Good genes.


    From Wikipedia:  Hargitay was born at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, California, the daughter of actress and 1950s-era sex symbol Jayne Mansfield. Her father was the Hungarian-born former Mr. Universe Mickey Hargitay.[

    • Love 4
  11. That clip of trump begs the question of why wasn't a glass or bottle of water available for him at the podium.  I'm wondering if someone messed up or if he just wanted to avoid another Marco Rubio* moment.  I could see his vanity creating the latter situation.  It gives another slant to "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."


    *Can we henceforth use "a Marco Rubio" to describe a water dive (as in "pull a Marco Rubio"), much like "Rube Goldberg" describes a wacky contraption?

    • Love 1
  12. Speaking of ads on this show, what the hell was that Restylane promo at the end of the show and why was it disguised as a medical interview?  That's just truly insulting to the audience.  Do they really think we can't see how obvious it is?  Besides, I do believe they've slipped that little nugget in at least once before.  Did it ring a bell for anyone else?

    • Love 7
  13. 3 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

    He did say, "relieved others came forward"


    3 hours ago, NeverLate said:

    I'm not thick, but why would he be relieved? Imho nobody was lying, or setting him up, if there wasn't a photo, who knows, maybe he wouldn't have stepped down .He was a good senator my girlfriend has said, but she wasn't happy with the accusations.

    Perhaps I'm just reading this phrase differently. but since Tom Arnold was quoting Leeann Tweeden, my understanding was that he meant SHE  (Leeann) was "relieved others came forward" so that she wasn't seen as the lone accuser and, thus, wasn't solely responsible for bringing Franken down.

    If you take another look and fill in the assumed pronoun [She], it makes sense in that context:


    "with pal Hannity’s support of Roy Moore which is why she hasn’t done show. She was shocked when i read Roger Stone dirty tricks Franken smear emails. [She was] Surprised that folks at KABC shared her Franken story before she did.  [She] Never wanted Al fired.  [She was] Relieved others came forward."

    • Love 7
  14. 2 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

    On a totally different subject -- did anyone get the "secret word of the day" for Thursday? That part of the show was preempted for the Al Franken Very Sad Thing. Thank you in advance.

    Today's secret word was EGGNOG.  Good luck, CC!

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, tribeca said:

    Maybe I’ll ask her on Twitter her sin regime then find thr knockoff brand. 

    This made me chuckle, thinking what/who the "knockoff brand" for her sin might be!  Not mocking...just enjoying! Let us know if you get an answer - LOL.  Enquiring minds want to know.

    • Love 4
  16. Thanks, Whoopi, for "going there" about Bannon's comments regarding Romney and his sons.  Your reaction mirrored mine precisely, and I too applauded you along with the audience.  For Bannon to bitch that Romney's sons didn't serve in the military was rather counter-productive considering that 45 has four adult offspring who haven't served either.  Did they all inherit Daddy's bone spurs?

    By the way, why does Bannon always look like he just walked out of the woods?

    Shallow note:  Wide horizontal stripes, Meghan?  Not a good look on you!  And the hair braids didn't help any.  Even Woodstock couldn't save your outfit, and he's a cutie.

    • Love 20
  17. Dear, cute Sara - She looks so ready to birth that I expect her to go into contractions right on stage.

    Phooey.  Corey Lewandowski was a disappointment, especially after I had such anticipation for his appearance today.  Really, I didn't need another tongue bathing of 45.  CL's book is supposed to be about the insider 411 of trump's campaign, and that's what I was hoping to hear about.  I want DIRT, DAMMIT!

    • Love 9
  18. 12 minutes ago, NeverLate said:

    I agree, just check your facts, as Sunny said. It's not that difficult! 

    Am I misunderstanding you?  "just check your facts"...was this directed to me or were you referring to Brian Ross?  I don't believe I made the error.

    • Love 4
  19. 12 minutes ago, NeverLate said:

    Brian or David, he was still wrong! 

    Mistakes DO happen - LOL.   Someone named David Ross is shouting "Fake news, fake news!"    Irony?  Brian Ross made a mistake too, just sayin'. :-)

    • Love 19
  20. 1 hour ago, NeverLate said:

    David Ross, learn to vet properly! Wow ABC, you don't need to be first just right! Glad he's suspended without pay...glad they put this in HT.

    Ana, meh.

    It's Brian Ross.

    21 minutes ago, honeydo7 said:

    When MM said she was so unhappy & uncomfortable coming to work everyday on The View, I expected her to say she was leaving.  I'm surprised after all her years of first-hand political experience, she's never heard that old saying: If You Can't Stand the Heat, Get Out of the Kitchen!

    Same here, Honeydo7 - I was waiting for her announcement!

    • Love 10
  21. On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 1:42 PM, Jaded said:


    The Political View with Corey Lewandowski (author, "Let Trump Be Trump: The Inside Story of His Rise to the Presidency"); Keegan-Michael Key (Broadway's "Meteor Shower")

    This might really be fun, especially when Joy bites into CL.  I just read quotes and passages from his book that were included in an article on MSNBC's website.  Some of the insider info was hilarious, including trump's dinner order of "two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish and a chocolate malted".

    From CL's book:  http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump’s-campaign-big-macs-screaming-fits-and-constant-rivalries/ar-BBG3wFu?li=BBnb7Kz

    And just imagine MM's reaction to the turncoat!

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