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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. 6 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    Remember back in the day when the View actually had guests?  Aren't we in sweeps?  They have two actors promoting movies and the cast of an ABC reality show.  I'm wondering if they can't book guests or they don't want to book guests.   More time for them to have all those in show commercials.

    Yeah, and those two actors are promoting the same movie.  Thursday will just be an unpaid advertisement for the products the various sharks invested in.  Sherri for two days?  Eh.  Low interest week.

    • Love 5
  2. It doesn't surprise me in the least that trump is blocking the release of the Democrat rebuttal memo.  I'd be more surprised if he let it come out.  He's the last person who would be open to an opposing, probably coherent response to anything the Republicans put forward.  He's incapable of entertaining the thought of anything that doesn't coincide perfectly with his very strange train of thought.

    • Love 4
  3. Even though I'm not a Coke drinker, I'm absolutely drawn into this commercial every time it's on by the background beat of its theme music.  There's just something so happy and uplifting about it.  Frankly, I hardly hear what they're saying because I'm just vocally strumming along with it, but for some unexplainable reason I love the Cajun woman raising her bottle of Coke as she flounces through the hall.  So glad they brought this one back.


    • Love 2
  4. What a delightful game tonight!  There were 3 bright, non-irritating, ready-to-play contestants - all with a pleasant demeanor and no visible quirks.  I would have been happy no matter who won, but Marty seems like such a genuine guy.  Hope he goes far on the show.

    • Love 10
  5. I think the J! producers need to shoulder some of the blame for these over-revealing stories of late.  From my understanding, contestants supply what they believe to be interesting tidbits to be potentially used for their interview stories, but it's the producers (Alex too?) who select which items to highlight.  Perhaps TPTB need to be a bit more discriminating in their story selections.

    • Love 5
  6. 32 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

    But they're two different things:  Sunny is a nickname, derived from her legal first name Asuncion.  Stormi is that poor kid's actual legal first name.

    Oooooooooo...don't take it so seriously!

    A)  I said "on a lighter note" meaning that it was "a funny"; and

    B)  I said Sunny was critiquing, not criticizing.

    It was a post of levity.  :-)

    • Love 5
  7. Add me to the list of those who didn't care for John's thrift shop activities.  Interestingly enough, today  L.L. Bean announced a drastic change to their "guarantee/return" program, partly because too many were abusing their generosity by "returning" items they bought from such sales, rather than from the store itself.





    · 7 hrs ·

    A Letter to Our Customers,

    Since 1912, our mission has been to sell high-quality products that inspire and enable people to enjoy the outdoors. Our commitment to customer service has earned us your trust and respect, as has our guarantee, which ensures that we stand behind everything we sell.

    Increasingly, a small, but growing number of customers has been interpreting our guarantee well beyond its original intent. Some view it as a lifetime product replacement program, expecting refunds for heavily worn products used over many years. Others seek refunds for products that have been purchased through third parties, such as at yard sales.

    Based on these experiences, we have updated our policy. Customers will have one year after purchasing an item to return it, accompanied by proof of purchase. After one year, we will work with our customers to reach a fair solution if a product is defective in any way.

    This update adds clarity to our policy and will only affect a small percentage of returns. It will also ensure we can continue to honor one of the best guarantees in retail, with no impact for the vast majority of our customers. To learn more, please view our full return policy at llbean.com.

    L.L.Bean has stood for quality, service, trust, and getting people outdoors ever since my great-grandfather founded our company over 100 years ago - and that will never change. Thank you for being a loyal customer and we look forward to continuing to inspire and enable you to Be an Outsider.

    Shawn O. Gorman
    L.L.Bean Executive Chairman


    • Love 7
  8. 2 hours ago, General Days said:

    Sunny was talking about how Nancy first shortened her given name, Asunción, to Sunny

    On a lighter note, I chuckled at the irony of someone with the name "Sunny" critiquing Kylie Jenner's choice of "Stormi" for her daughter's name.  (Dear God...did I just defend a Jenner/Kardashian??)


    It really annoys me to see the attention that this Omarosa Big Brother blurb is getting on this and other shows, including news networks such as CNN and MSNBC.  Omarosa is nothing more than a slithering snake who will perform for whoever signs the checks.  This Big Brother crap is simply her way of earning a mightily unjustified big payout by keeping her relevance going long enough to win the prize.  Bitch really knows how to play her audience, and she's as phony as they come.  Amazingly, she's been laughing all the way to the bank for many years.

    • Love 12
  9. 58 minutes ago, Tosia said:

    Yedterday and today were real game changers (FINALLY!), in that the other hosts actually challenged MM by asking her questions exposing the lack of logic in her Faux blue-card statements,  i.e., Trump wants the wall, but  (Whoopi) he promised over and over in his campaign that Americans would NOT have to pay for it;   Trump upsetting his base, but(Valerie) so a minority base is running the country?; and Dems have to get out and vote more, but  (Joy) 3 million more people did NOT vote for Trump; and Schumer will shut down the gov, but  (Sunny)Trump is videoed saying he doesn't care,  etc....

    Hmmmm - Have to wonder if this is a planned and coordinated effort on the part of the lib-sided hosts to rid themselves of their pesky intruder.  Perhaps they're hoping that by pushing back at MM, she'll get disgusted and frustrated enough to make her break for home and family.

    • Love 4
  10. 3 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

    Despite their name, Dunkin Donuts considers themselves to be a coffee shop. I don't know how long that's been the case, but I recall it being part of the news stories when Krispy Kreme went public about 18 years ago. On DD's web site. they call themselves "America's favorite coffee shop", and I think I've seen that phrase in some of their ads.

    DD is currently in the midst of a "rebranding" designed to focus more on the coffee side of the business.  It recently opened its first test location carrying just the "Dunkin" name in Quincy, MA, with the hope to transition more of their locations in the near future.


    • Love 1
  11. It really caught my eye tonight that there were several clues that were not shown on the board, rather they were superimposed over the contestant shot like the FJ.  Is that something new, or have I been oblivious all this time?


    ETA:  Meant to post in Episode thread, but thanks, Browncoat, for responding and clarifying.  I'm a regular J! watcher, but tonight it absolutely jumped out at me.

    • Love 1
  12. Loved the e-Trade commercial where all the 80+ers were going back to work because they didn't save enough in their retirement funds during their working years.  The glitzy DJ was a hoot!

    "I'm 85 and I wanna go home.  Day-O."

    • Love 8
  13. 12 hours ago, lexytheblasian said:

    Meghan McCain’s body language screams “I’M NERVOUS!” yet she seems... nervous. I know, completely contradictory but that’s the only way I can think to describe it. She’s much more likable. 

    MM was beyond nervous - she was insufferable.  Besides being stuffed into that very ill-fitting red outfit, she was speaking in her most elitist voice.  GAHHHH.  When she first bounced out, she reminded me of that purposely annoying character in Frasier named Poppy, the daughter of the station owner, who co-incidentally was blond and wearing red.

    Still talking out of both sides of her mouth:  On The View, she defends trump, here she says she wants to see her father go up against him.  Then, in talking about her wedding she says "Nobody drank a lot during the reception, which I was happy about." and then went on to say "I wanted my wedding to be like a drunk party."  A woman of contradiction, to be sure...

    • Love 10
  14. On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 8:00 PM, LillyB said:

    The best thing about Superbowl Sunday is the Clydesdale commercial.

    While there won't be a full Clydesdale Superbowl ad this year - just a teaser to get you to Budweiser's Facebook live feed of the steeds - Bud has a few Clydesdale extras for you to play with once you're there!


    From the article:

    "In addition to the brief spot and the Facebook live feed, Budweiser created an AR Snapchat lens that will allow users to play with the Clydesdales on Super Bowl Sunday. Users will be able to get the horses to not only appear in 3-D, but also to jump over cases of Bud and kick footballs."


    On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 11:09 AM, funky-rat said:

    I hate the Dilly Dilly ads too.  I think it's because all of the Eagles fans around here have picked up on it, and are beating it to death with a stick.

    Here in Patriot Land, Dilly Dilly has become "Billy Billy" in honor of our esteemed coach, Mr. Belichick!

    Go Pats!

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