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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. LOL - from MMM's Twitter account:



    Meghan McCain‏Verified account @MeghanMcCain May 16

    Hahahaha - also, I believe I wear fur everything and khaleesi game of thrones braids all the time...



    THAT'S what she thinks she's going for with the braids???  Swing and a miss...

    • Love 2
  2. 31 minutes ago, DrSpaceman said:

    Seriously, Dan Quayle from Massachussetttes (did I spell that right?) Come on.  I mean I know I am from Indiana, obvious for me, but still.....so far off. 

    And, it was Tom from Massachusetts who threw out that terrible guess!  For shame...

    • Love 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    I shouted at the TV, "Use the Force, Luke!"  Didn't work.  I don't think the dudes in the next hotel room appreciated my yelling, either.

    LOL - but I'll bet they were wondering what was going on in your room!

    • Love 10
  4. Kenz said:


    I had to rewind the section at the end of the show, because I couldn't believe that Whoopi suggested that because of  what's going on in Hawaii now (volcanic activity) that the Bachelor couple might have to reconsider their wedding in MAUI in January. Does she not know that there are several islands in Hawaii, and the lava flow is on the BIG ISLAND of HAWAII??? Why did no one speak up about that? The Hawaiian Tourism Board must have been thrilled to have heard her stupid remarks

    Dear Whoopi and Meghan:

    https://imgur.com/a/BZOS4g3#NuyWFDI, and Maui is an entire other island to the north.  I think that Bachelor couple and 99.999% of travelers to the Hawaiian Islands will be just fine.

    • Love 6
  5. Quote





    37 minutes ago, JakeyJokes said:

    And then Whoopi says that Deval Patrick was not the first black governor but the guy in L.A. was. Wait, what?


    and Blondiec0332 said:  I heard her say that and thought LA is now a state?.


    Guess it comes down to how you punctuate "LA"!  If referring to "L.A." as in Los Angeles, then, No.  BUT, if referring to "LA" as in Louisiana, that's technically correct (according to the great Wikipedia).  Per Wiki,




    First African-American governor of Louisiana: P. B. S. Pinchback (Also first in U.S.) (Non-elected; see also Douglas Wilder, 1990)


    • Love 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Jaded said:

    In addition to Whoopi swallowing up time with "Welcome to The View" at the start of the show we also had her licking RMB's asshole to try and keep her simmer level at a minimum.

    MMM needs an ass kicking, rather than an ass licking.

    • Love 7
  7. OMG - it's a topsy-turvy day when Whoopi has the best hair on the panel.  Sara looks thrown together, Joy is shaggy and needs a cut,  Sunny's hair is wearing her, and Meghan looks like an 80-year-old dowager.  Get it together, ladies!  You're on TV!

    • Love 11
  8. In the simplest terms with regard to the royal wedding, Meghan is so dumb that she doesn't realize that now and then she needs to pull the stick out of her ass and just enjoy the beauty and happiness of an hour where she doesn't need to judge or opine.  How much happier she could be if she'd just allow herself to breathe deeply and relax, without approaching every moment in a conservative, nationalist frame of mind.  Pity.

    • Love 20
  9. Ugh - Bret Baier.  I've never watched his show and never will.  There's just something bizarre about his look - no neck, squinty eyes - that I find difficult to watch.  Yes, it's shallow, but he's one of several people that strike me this way.  He and his plastic wife make quite the couple.  Rant over.

    • Love 13
  10. 14 hours ago, Reality police said:

    Does anyone who the actor is that plays Death? Can't find him anywhere. 

    No, but I found this:




    Q: My daughter and I have a disagreement about the Evil Commute commercial for Spectrum. In it, the Grim Reaper, the Mummy, the Werewolf and a mad scientist are riding a train back to the ’burbs, when the Reaper gets a frantic text from his kids complaining that a storm is wiping out their TV reception. I say that the Grim Reaper is played by Jeffrey Tambor. My daughter says no way. Who is right?

    J.K.L., of Belleville

    A: Sorry, but as the Reaper might say, your daughter has you dead to rights.

    While the actor certainly bears a strong resemblance to the popular comedic actor, it’s another example of looks being deceiving. Although they say they cannot divulge the actor’s name, the folks at O Positive, the agency that dreamed up the spot that has Mother Nature raining on the Reaper family’s satellite dish parade, assured me “with 100 percent certainty” that it is not Mr. Tambor.



    I wonder why they say they can't divulge, especially when all the other actors are identified in various ad agency blogs.

    • Love 2
  11. 42 minutes ago, May Jacks said:

    I feel like the ABC execs got the word on how Meghan's childish behavior has been all over the media and now the show is being blatantly obvious about telling us how much they all get along and respect each other.

    When they were going off on their love and respect spiel this morning, it was obvious that TPTB have had their "talk" with Miss Meghan.  I wouldn't be surprised if it included the threat of her potential job loss.  No-one voluntarily makes that big of a turnaround virtually overnight.


    The Thompson children were absolutely gorgeous with Mom's pretty facial likeness and their great hair and coloring.  They got the best of both parents!

    • Love 14
  12. 32 minutes ago, OnTime said:

    Who knows? I'll never understand why she dress to look more overweight.

    She is very thick waisted and looks so heavy siting next to Sunny. Her clothes just annoy me!

    MMM's wardrobe is a nightmare ~ wrong styles, wrong colors, and overblown patterns.  The days she looks bad far outweigh the days when she's actually pulled together.

    • Love 5
  13. 10 hours ago, Kemper said:

    Who had the 9:00 slot before Cuomo?...I can't remember. 

    The 9:00 p.m. slot was the second hour of Anderson Cooper's show (8:00-10:00), then it's Don Lemon for 10:00-Midnight.  Both shows repeat for the Midnight-4:00 block.

    CNN tried out Cuomo in the 9:00 p.m. slot for about four weeks a couple of months ago, so it much have been successful enough for them to make it regular programming.  Of course, it might have been just the novelty of "something else" in that hour that drew curiosity seekers, who may or may not flip to him on a regular basis.  During the trial, he was still appearing on his morning show, "New Day" from 6:00-9:00 a.m. with Alisyn Camerota, burning the candle at both ends, and it showed.  There were a few mornings when it looked as though he were fighting to stay awake.  I can't imagine he'd want to maintain that schedule on a permanent basis.

    • Love 1
  14. On ‎4‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 10:01 PM, pivot said:

    Also, very disappointed to see Andrea Mitchell, Kristen Walker and Rachel Maddow among others writing that letter of support for Tom Brokaw. Just because Tom didn't assault you, doesn't mean he is innocent. Maddow should know better. 

    Just happened upon this article,  https://www.thecut.com/2018/04/nbc-employees-felt-forced-to-support-tom-brokaw-report.html which may somewhat explain their "support", but still doesn't excuse that they agreed to be complicit.  The anchors didn't write the letter, but they did sign.  Apparently it was written by Goldman Sachs executive Liz Bowyer, who produced the Tom Brokaw Reports docuseries and worked on two of the anchor’s books.


    Of particular note from the article:



    “We felt forced to sign the letter supporting Brokaw,” one NBC News staffer said. “We had no choice, particularly the lower level staffers. The letter was being handed around the office and the unspoken threat was that if your name was not on it, there would be some repercussion down the road.”

    She continued: “Execs are watching to see who signed and who didn’t. This was all about coming out in force to protect NBC’s golden boy; the network’s reputation is tied to Brokaw … If more women come forward, that’s a big problem


    • Love 2
  15. From Meghan's thread, regarding Justin Bieber:





    18 minutes ago


    I know. I've made the joke many times as well lol. I never cared for him (still don't), but I always feel bad for the kid since everyone hates him. I'd take him over Justin Timberlake any day.


    When I was expecting my second son, one of the names considered was Justin - and that was even before Timberlake existed.  How happy I am today that I named him Jason instead, because I wouldn't be able to handle the association to either Bieber or Timberlake, neither of which I enjoy.  However, at the time, we jettisoned the name b/c I was afraid it would be shortened to "Just", and I could picture the teasing of his schoolmates as "Oh, it's 'Juuuust' TuniaSon...".  I think he's happier also.  :-)

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