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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. 3 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Alright, now I'm really curious about what I missed here.

    Hi Haleth ~

    If you're referring to the immediate posts above, I had posted a snap of Nicolle (see freddi's post above) that I later found to be manufactured and bogus as the result of freddi's query, and then I removed the photo.  So you haven't missed anything of note, except my error of not doing thorough research. 

    7 hours ago, freddi said:

    I didn't even mind, just was trying to figure out if I missed that on her show! Thanks!


    freddi ~  If you'd like to remove that photo, go into "edit" and place your curser either below photo or to the right of it and backspace.  That should do it.

    Sorry to have misled.

    • Love 2
  2. 3 hours ago, freddi said:

    Was that actually on the air?! 

    ETA: She wore purple today, so I'll guess this is just a brilliant invention! 


    freddi ~ I backtracked through the twitter feed from which I scooped this pic, and found it to be taken down and unavailable.  It led me back to Nicolle's twitter, where I found her wearing this red dress on Aug. 17, which, of course, is too early to coordinate with the headline shown on the chyron.  Thus, I'm agreeing that this is indeed a "brilliant invention" and very bogus.  Thank you for pointing me in the right direction so that it could be removed.


    • Love 1
  3. 23 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

    Makes me wonder why we have to suffer through so many crappy commercials?

    Humor, even the slightly tasteless type, is the best way to "sell" me...it'll grab my attention and even make me rewind to watch it again.

    • Love 2
  4. 17 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

    Ok. Apparently I am TWELVE, but I die over the Dollar Shave Club spots.  The pudgy dude in a towel powdering his nether regions,  the dude shoving tissues in his underpants to look "endowed".  

    Hysterical & tasteless.  So. Yup.  I'm in.

    LOL - These are the ads I came here to post too.  Just saw the "Getting Ready" ad for the first time, and had to rewind to make sure I saw what I saw.  Funny!


    • Love 2
  5. Here's some interesting information about Abby Huntsman, which leads me to believe she may be as strident, if not more so, than M. McCain.  This doesn't bode well for the direction The View will be taking.

    I hope Joy has stocked up on Excedrin and tranquilizers.  Whoopi will need more weed.


    "During her time at Fox News, Huntsman has accumulated a record of incendiary conservative commentary. She has helped shill for Trump, including defending his racist views and repeated lies; pushed racist views and falsehoods of her own; and attacked the media."

    • Love 8
  6. On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 10:53 PM, Fannysue said:

    She might not have been too off the mark........

    LOL - You know that, and I know that, but Abby was quite off the mark of her employer's agenda.  It was a funny slip of the tongue, though!

  7. 5 hours ago, backformore said:

    that blouse with the plethora of gems on the collar - is that a new fashion?  

    because I have seen it twice recently, and never before - on Meghan McCain, and on Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  

    "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."?

    What's good for Sarah is great for me?

    Just plain sucking up?

    • Love 4
  8. 5 hours ago, WarnerCL45 said:

    Me too, for Team Ana.  I would give Abby a chance - just because I have never seen her.  If she's hired, she has one week to prove she's not a moron, then I'm gone.

    It might not take that long.  Her most recent FOX gaff (that I know of) was when she was reporting on the trump/Kim summit and referred to them as "the two dictators". 

    7 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I used to really like Shmuley. He was down to earth and sensible back in the day when he’d be on Oprah’s show. But like all her acolytes Hollywood went to his head

    ...as did the Botox.  Yes, the Rabbi has become quite the star in his own mind.

    • Love 6
  9. 5 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

    I left when Joy left but I never left this board.  This board and all my fellow posters who I genuinely consider friends is my crack.

    Goodness, Blondie ~ I never would have guessed you were no longer a regular viewer.  You do an amazing job of keeping up via the forum!

    • Love 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

    If she's chosen over Ana, I'm so done with the show. 

    Lordy (tm Comey), I WISH I could say that.  This show is like crack to me.  No matter how bad it was, is, or might become, I'm hooked for that hour each day.  I've been through all the low notes - Elisabeth, Sherri, Star, Jedi, Candace, Jenny, Raven-Symone, Meghan, Rosie and Rosie - and I'm still there...a real glutton for punishment, I guess.  Is there rehab for this?

    • Love 13
  11. 4 hours ago, backformore said:

    Yeah, if you imagine that dress and shoes on Sara, it might look good (not the hair though).  Kind of cute and playful - maybe with a different belt. 

    I've said this before, but Meghan needs to understand and accept her body type and dress for her body.  She is "short-waisted,"  meaning she has a short torso, so her boobs and waist are not that far apart, vertically.    A narrow belt, positioned lower, is a better choice.  Cinching your waist with a wide belt makes your boobs look enormous when you have that body type. 

    She's also added that "Marital 15", typical of new brides after dieting foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr  (similar to the "Freshman 15" after you get to college) that doesn't help with her styling.  You can't fit 10 lbs. of potatoes in a 5 lb. sack...just sayin'.

    • Love 6
  12. Answer:     Monologue

    Question:  What is the proper term for Trebek's "interview" with tonight's first contestant, Tara?

    After all his blabbing, Tara got to say a grand total of about 6 words, 4 of which were in answer to a lengthy question.  Bad form again, Alex.

    • Love 11
  13. Just left my feedback also, giving my negative opinion of MMM and touting Tara or Ana as Sara's replacement, "either of whom would be a reasonable and informed balance to the shrieking Meghan".

    However, this little blurb on the bottom of the form is both interesting and dismissive:

    "Note : The Company's long-established policy does not allow us to accept for review or consideration any ideas, suggestions, or creative materials not solicited by us or our subsidiaries. Therefore, in the event that you have submitted such content, please be advised that the submission has been forwarded to the Company's legal department for handling."

    Sooooooooo, ABC is openly unreceptive to any ideas, suggestions we may have?  Isn't that what comprises "feedback"?  Nice way to negate your audiences' opinions, ABC.

    • Love 6
  14. Sara's leaving now presents an interesting dynamic if, in fact, The View adds a second conservative to the panel.  We've all speculated on Ana or Tara to replace Meghan, but being added to Meghan is a whole other animal. 

    Ana is smart, passionate, emotional, and eloquent.  Tara is smart, strong, experienced, and persistent.  Meghan is ill-informed, under-educated, over-emotional and self-centered.  No matter which is hired, Meghan will lose by comparison.  I feel it will be a highly exasperating and frustrating situation for Meghan as she struggles daily to argue her points, which will ultimately force her from the show.  Her ego and tolerance won't be able to handle such a strong competitor...and either will be a competitor at least in Meghan's mind.  I picture her red-faced, teary, loud and angry as she exits.

    • Love 22
  15. Abby Huntsman?  Good grief...another Foxbot.

    From the little I've seen of her, I fear she could be another Born Again Candace.  Two of them with high-powered daddies might be nauseating, especially if she's a buddy of MMM.

    I'd much rather have Tara there to push back against MMM.

    • Love 7
  16. 51 minutes ago, WarnerCL45 said:

    I wouldn't have a problem with Tara, but Ana is still my first pick.

    I love Ana too, but I've given up on hoping for her because I don't think she wants the job on a permanent basis.  She's pretty much stated so when asked.  Her Miami guy is Gene Prescott, president of the Coral Gables Biltmore Hotel - not conducive for him to relocate.  Ana has said in the past that she tires with all the travel and periodically cuts her schedule back to remain in Florida.  Commuting weekly doesn't sound like her Plan A.

    • Love 5
  17. On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 6:20 PM, Haleth said:

    There's still the sticking point of her home and bf in Miami. Would she want to split her time between FL and NY?  I don't know what Tara's story is.  Does she have a show on another network?  Is she based in NYC?

    With apologies b/c I'm tired and a bit lazy today, here's the link and an excerpt from Tara's website; She's already on the ABC News payroll, based out of NYC where she lives with her husband, and is well-positioned to join the panel of The View if she is asked and so desires.


    "Tara Setmayer is a CNN Political Commentator, ABC News Political Contributor and former GOP communications director on Capitol Hill. She regularly appears on CNN's prime time programs and contributes to ABC's The View, Good Morning America and HBO's Real Time w/Bill Maher."

    She's been my top pick for this job since I first saw her about two years ago.  Hope it comes to be!

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