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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 2:23 PM, Browncoat said:

    I despise Nutella -- unpopular opinion of the day!  It's the ruination of good chocolate by icky hazelnuts.

    Oh nuts!  I see it just the opposite:  the ruination of good hazelnuts by yukky chocolate, possibly even more of an UO.

    • Love 4
  2. 17 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

    Besides, Canadians are just so darn polite, I think Meghan's rudeness would be too much of a shock for them, leaving them unable to produce their maple syrup.  I just don't want to live in an America without real maple syrup on my Sunday morning pancakes.  :)

    Yes, Canadians are very polite and we love having them as our northern neighbors, BUT...


    • Love 3
  3. Rachel never needs to apologize for covering what others don't, and not covering the same ol' that others do.  Tonight's show was interesting, informative and refreshing.  Plus, Rach is a trooper...the only of the regular MSNBC hosts to show up tonight (unless Matthews was on - he's not on my watch list).

    • Love 8
  4. 2 hours ago, backformore said:

    If her father had won in his bid for president, her life would have been so much different than it is now.   She wanted to be Ivanka.  In her mind, she would have been a better "First Daughter"  with a role in the White House.  


    BINGO!  You've absolutely NAILED it, backformore!

    • Love 7
  5. 19 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    I love how they always have something to offer when people visit even if the visit was unexpected.

    LOL - This reminds me of the crossover King of Queens episode where Marie Barrone stops at Doug and Carrie's house to pick up Raymond, and Carrie has nothing to offer the thirsty Marie.  "Dear, you should always have a little gingerale on hand if someone stops in."  Marie then goes on to show Carrie the proper way to clean her counter tiles, and ends up finishing the job as Carrie sits back and watches.

    • Love 4
  6. 26 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    Well, you don't have to worry about the Reba McEntire commercials lingering around too long, since the entire premise of the campaign is an ongoing list of celebrities taking turns with the role; the next one will be around soon enough.  Flo has been around for many, many moons now, so those annoyed by her commercials are obviously not causing any losses for Progressive.

    We're starting to see a new batch of George Hamilton as The Colonel commercials, and he looks very...tanned.  It's an improvement over Reba.  She just didn't work in these ads.

    • Love 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Cajungirl64 said:

    I wish Woodward and Bernstein were younger (speaking of which, considering the historical parallels, isn't it odd that neither have become interview fixtures on CNN or MSNBC?). 

    Bernstein is often on CNN, especially as a panel member on Anderson Cooper's show.

    • Love 2
  8. "Sacred shrine" led me to Arlington, and "folded flag" confirmed it for me...but I had just been to a military funeral on Wednesday in my local state and "sacred shrine" was empathized throughout.  It was, btw, the most solemn, respectful service I have ever attended, and the grounds were magnificently maintained, providing a loving and appreciative final send-off to our dear friend.

    • Love 6
  9. On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 1:33 PM, SoSueMe said:

    I've got to say that I can emotionally handle Shriners commercials better than most since they do have a positive slant compared to many others. The animal cruelty ones are just devastating to me and I think I work against myself on these since every donation I make seems to flood every website (including PTV) with pitiable ads showing sad, mistreated animals. Courtesy of the ASPCA. It has gotten to the point where I have to actively harden my heart to even use the computer. I will need to make donations anonymously from here on out since I guess they can track you.  

    Sorry, SOSUEME, "anonymously" won't save you since they aren't tracking you by your name, but by your computer's IP address.

    • Love 3
  10. When my boys were small, I had the ideal setup for doing the ironing.  On a sunny, breezy day, I'd put the boys in the backyard, the ironing board on the patio, the TV next to the sliding glass door, and my bathing suit on my bod.  In that way, I did the ironing while keeping an eye on the boys, the other eye on "my soaps", and got a great tan all at the same time.  Multi-tasking to the max!

    • Love 14
  11. 12 minutes ago, backformore said:

    Trump screwing around and paying people to keep quiet makes him vulnerable to blackmail. If he wasn't president, he wouldn't get a security clearance to work in the White House.

    ...and it still astounds me that the President, VP, Senators and Reps are not required to have a security clearance.  You'd think they'd be at the top of the list!

    • Love 17
  12. Here's one that really annoys me - it's the new l. l. bean "Be an Outsider".  Yeah, it's a cute idea, but - DUDE, ya' gotta' make sure that campfire is completely dead before turning out the lantern the night before!   No camper worth his hammock would leave it smoking.  Hasn't Smokey the Bear made any impression on you?  <snarl> GARRGGHHHHH.


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  13. 2 hours ago, mojoween said:

    On an unrelated topic, does anyone have a good product to recommend for terrible, horrible, dry and ragged cuticles?

    Rubbing in liquid Vitamin E is always a good overall healer, as well as Cortizone-10 crème.

    • Love 2
  14. ^^^Oh darn, as I followed the link above, I accidently removed my original "like" when checking for its date and had to renew it.  I'm really not three years late to the party!

    At least we've placed the blame given the rightful accolades to the culprit the proper originator of this continuing saga!  Hail, GreekGeek!

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