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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. As others have noted in the Episodes thread, Joy just doesn't seem to be herself this new season.  Not sure if it's the changes on the show itself or if she's even more depressed about the "new guy".  She looks tired, both in her demeanor and in her physical appearance.  I do hope she's OK healthwise and that this is just something temporary.  She needs to get her spark back.  I, for one, miss it.

    • Love 10
  2. 1 hour ago, Tammee said:

    I do have to say, that Ive liked how Whoopi has had her hair pulled back all week.  Looks good


    11 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    And the new jackets and tunics are nice. 

    Yeah, she's definitely spruced up, and it looks good on her.  Like her new "do", and her clothes are certainly more cheery and colorful, and less "bag lady" looking.

    • Love 5
  3. 6 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

    And yes yes yes, to Megs getting her own show.  Pleeeeeeze!!!!!   Somebody, somewhere, hire her.  I am begging you.

    Sorry, Ladyrain...I understand your point, but that's just rewarding her for bad behavior.  It doesn't work with 5-year-olds, and probably wouldn't work for MM either.  She needs to fade away completely.

    • Love 13
  4. While I'm not 100% in agreement with Whoopi's "fake plant" theory, I do think she's right that there's something really slimy about the release of this op-ed piece.  It wouldn't be that much of a leap, however, to imagine the thought process of an insider creating a situation in which POTUS becomes the victim, rather than the perpetrator.  I'm not against the printing of the op-ed, but something seems really "off" in its timing and release.

    • Love 5
  5. 3 hours ago, Cindyluwho said:

    I miss the warmth and lightness that Sara brought to the show. 

    Same here.  Sara was a little ray of sunshine.  She's the type of person you'd like as a personal friend.

    • Love 17
  6. On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 6:31 PM, chenoa333 said:

    The 3 P's. Fuck off and die Alex Tribeck. That commercial is the loooooongest commercial ever.

    I know we've discussed this before but its gotten to the point where I'm ready to call Colonial Penn (??) insrance and get arrested for profanity over the phone. "WHAT'S MY PRICE ALEX?" It's all the same: we screw EVERYONE over for the same price! And why are seniors always portrayed as fragile, feeble minded and gullible?

    I've never had a thing to do with Colonial Penn, so you can imagine my surprise when I opened an unidentified envelope to find an early birthday card from Alex...cutesy "Happy Birthday" on the front, and a photo of Alex inside.  I shook it, but no $$$ came out.  Thanks, Alex.

    • Love 9
  7. It's just Day 1.  I'm reserving judgment until we get a little further along and Abby settles in.  When she was on FOX, I wasn't impressed - a typical Foxbot.  The real litmus test here is how the panel operates and gels when they're at full force.

    • Love 7
  8. 5 hours ago, suomi said:

    The last time he was physically capable of shampooing and combing his own hair was the morning he prepped himself prior to checking in at the Hanoi Hilton in '67, after what turned out to be his last aerial mission in Nam. 

    That's quite a thought, isn't it?  The things we take for granted...

    • Love 7
  9. 1 hour ago, AdeleDazeem said:

    As for the "ETA", he, himself, said why he voted no. It was strictly procedural, and he believed in the process. The bill was never analyzed by the Congressional Budget Office. That was the reason he voted no. He voted straight party-line on everything else these past 2 years. Don't forget about the Keating Five, too. 

    That's part of what makes America (already) great...we can have many opinions.  No, I haven't forgotten the Keating Five, and other areas where JM and I differ.  But we agree - war hero?  Yes.

    • Love 5
  10. 12 hours ago, califred said:

    People in uniform often stay like that.  He did crack a few smiles during the other speeches. 


    5 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

    I wonder if it’s because he is in the Navy and didn’t want to disrespect his commander in chief. He also went over to Obama and Bush after service which I thought was a nice gesture.

    I've posted about this in the Small Talk thread.


    • Love 1
  11. ^^^You're welcome, Haleth.  While the brothers more than likely wanted to support Meghan, they may have felt that doing so would indicate displeasure/non-support of "he who shall not be named".  Big chance to take under the circumstances.

    If MMM does happen to be there on Tuesday, I hope Whoopi will refrain from her usual "So, what did you all do while we were away?"

    • Love 3
  12. Haleth said in MM thread:

    "He stayed stone faced throughout, not clapping for anyone. I'm sure he was very proud of his sister."


    There are strict guidelines regarding what military can do while in uniform.  From my limited understanding, this can vary depending on branch of service or rank. 

    Military tend to remain stoic because any action or reaction they make can and may be cause for discipline.  It's possible that may have crossed the line of what is permitted.  He was wise to refrain.  While this particular article refers mainly to social media, the temperament of it would seem to apply to public display also:


    "...an Army Reservist found himself in deep trouble last year after he took the stage at a Ron Paul campaign event while in uniform to express his support for the candidate. This kind of political activity is prohibited because he was in uniform."


    " Active-duty members may not engage in any partisan political activity, even on social media sites."


    "Reservists and Guard members not on active duty have more latitude and may engage in certain political activities, provided they are not in uniform, and do not act in a manner that implies sponsorship or approval of a candidate. Military personnel should avoid any activity that violates this policy."

    (Sorry, once again all my navigation/quote/edit buttons etc. are gone from this site, so this is the only way I can present the quoted material.)


    • Love 7
  13. Meghan looks like a zombie today - highly medicated, I'm sure.  Tough for the family...they're not even half way through the memorial events.  Long way yet to go.

    One of the passages of grief is anger.  I can honestly see Meghan striking out, at her father for dying, at her family for not grieving as openly as she, and at any of the public who dares to express negativity about her father.  She doesn't have the type of personality or the control of her emotions to hold it in.  There are destined to be outbreaks in her future.

    • Love 6
  14. 4 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    I haven't had that problem, but some browsers are more erratic than others. So it could be that. Also, the typical IT first pass solution is to clear your cache (which works an amazing amount of the time), but I have no idea if it has anything to do with your problems.

    For whatever reason, all items are back today without doing anything, but that's typical...they seem to come and go without reason.  Thanks for responding.


    58 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:


    I've learned all 196 by doing this quiz multiple times

    Oh my - even worse than I thought I was.  This could be a great memory training device!

    4 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

    As this page: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/how-many-countries-are-there-world-2018 shows, there are varying answers to that question.  It all depends on exactly how you define "country," which can sometimes be a rather controversial decision.

    Interesting.  Thanks, MrAtoz.

  15. 1 hour ago, secnarf said:

    196 sovereign countries.

    Ahhh - I was going by this:  http://www.worldometers.info/geography/how-many-countries-are-there-in-the-world/, but see other references to 196.  I concede!  And that's why I'm not on Jeopardy!  LOL

    BTW, is anyone else missing their edit/quote/quotemultiple, heart buttons and the forum buttons from the top of page?  I periodically lose them (such as now) and have to guess and click on spaces to accomplish a task.

  16. 10 hours ago, backformore said:

    Grieving often begins before the actual death, and don't most people return to work after a death in the family?   My experience is that people take a week off, possibly two. 

    I know workplace culture has changed since I was a worker-bee, but anywhere I worked, we had to be back after the allowed THREE DAYS of bereavement.   In my past experience, "most people" didn't have the level of flexibility that The View seems to offer its co-hosts.  I'd bet they'd have no problem with MMM taking a few extra days after Sunday's burial to travel back to NYC and re-group.  On the flip side, for example, my ex-boss, upon hearing someone was calling because of a parent's death, was famous for saying "Well, that explains why Mom/Dad won't be here, but what's Jr.'s excuse?" 

    Anyway, she'll be there when she's there, regardless of what we may speculate.  I'd just prefer that she's not back until fully ready - no matter how short or long that might be - because I really don't wish to see her break down on stage when the topic is discussed.

    • Love 13
  17. Watching the Teachers Tournament re-run, Alex asks contestant Bob during his interview about rapping the countries of the world "How many countries ARE there in the world"?  Bob said he couldn't answer that question, but I note that Alex didn't offer the answer either.  I wonder if Alex was "winging it" and didn't know himself, and got caught by it when Bob couldn't answer.  Alex needs to heed the advice given to aspiring trial lawyers:  Don't ask questions you yourself don't know the answer to.  The answer, BTW, is 195.

    • Love 1
  18. I highly doubt MMM will be back on the show for the 9/4 start-up.  After all the high emotion of this week and JM's burial on 9/2, I'd think she'd want some recovery time just to get herself together.  She'll be pretty raw for a while.  It'll be interesting to hear her thoughts with all the ups and downs (no pun intended) of this week, and that's probably the only time I'd use that sentence with regard to MMM.

    • Love 1
  19. 2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

    Over the weekend I saw a commerical for GMA  with Strahan and some blonde - I was like "is he going back to Kelly's show", then I looked and it was Sarah jumping all over him like a fool, and she really looked like Ripa.  I see you ABC.....

    This makes me sad for Sarah.  I hope she's not going to play the ditzy blond on this show...what a waste.

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