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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. 58 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

    Am I the only one who felt like Wolff came off badly in the interview?


    He was here to promote his book, but I just felt like something was off the entire time. (ps. I don't like Trump, so this isn't due to my political stance. It's just that Wolff didn't come off as great here and I wish Paula was around to ask proper questions)

    You're making the same point I did in my posts above, but in a better manner.  I've now seen Wolff in at least six interviews, and he expresses himself poorly each time.  However, I don't think even Paula would fare better with him since Lawrence O'Donnell, Stephen Colbert, Brian Stelter, Savannah Guthrie, Don Lemon, Katy Tur, Norah O'Donnell and Chuck Todd have all interviewed him with no greater success.


    Just to clarify:  I'm not doubting what Wolff had to say in his book. However, he needs to present himself in a more articulate manner.  If he writes as he speaks, I'm not impressed.

    • Love 10
  2. 11 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    Yeah, but there's no law that says an uncle and nephew will have the same name. 

    ...and there's also no law that says the uncle is necessarily the elder one!  I know two families (not mine) where the uncle is younger than the nephews. 

    • Love 6
  3. 57 minutes ago, AdeleDazeem said:

    I know he can seem inarticulate, but, I think he's just being cautious in his answers and, somewhat, moderate.

    He's the author - he needs to stand up for the words he wrote.  If he doesn't, who will?  Wolff is making some huge claims in his book, and he sounds very evasive when discussing it.  There are many who are/will be stepping out to cut him down, and he's not doing a good job of defending his research.  "Believe me" (as the trumpster would say), if there's anyone who wants to read a tell-all on trump's personality and administration, it's me, but when I invest my time and dollars doing so, I want it to be true and worthwhile.

    • Love 2
  4. While I'd be really interested and entertained to read the dirt on trump's administration, Wolff himself is the reason I'm holding off for the time being.  He's been all over the airways, and he seems very inarticulate, especially for an author who should have a better command of the language.  Think, if anything, I'll get on the library waitlist rather than shelling out $$ to Wolff.

    • Love 3
  5. Ashley Graham's outfit was driving me nuts.  Every time she was on camera, I wanted to reach out and put those damn straps on her shoulders.

    I also really dislike the uncombed look that Greta Gerwig was sporting.  It just looks lazy.

    Yes, I'm grumpy today.

    • Love 8
  6. Well, here we are at the end of the week - granted it was only 4 on-air days - but yes folks, The View had exactly ONE guest for the entire week (Dan Harris) who came on with 10 minutes left in the show to hawk his book.  What a way to start the new year.  Are they even the slightest bit embarrassed by this?

    • Love 1
  7. 5 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I do some of both.

    I took it as: he told his boss he was going to the doctor but because he didn't use the right detergent, his clothes still smell like the steakhouse he visited the last time he wore that shirt.  Which makes his boss think he lied about the doctor to get extra time for lunch at a steakhouse.

    I'm not saying that it's a good commercial or that his clothes really would smell that strongly after being washed, but I do think that's the point of those commercials.  That your clothes still smell of whatever you did when you last wore them because you didn't use the right detergent.

    According to iSpot TV, "Downy announces Protect & Refresh to help lock out odors."  It's not that the shirt has steak odor remaining, but that the detergent he used didn't protect him from new odors.  Apparently the idea is that if you use Downy Protect and Refresh, your clothes will repel any odors with which you might come into contact.


    • Love 2
  8. My take on Meghan is that she just doesn't want to be fully locked in to one solid position and have it out there on public record.  IMO she wants to be able to wiggle out of positions or disagreements by saying "I never said that".  Once she takes an absolute stand, she can no longer make that claim. 

    • Love 12
  9. Twitter updates occasionally show up in my e-mail, and I found this one tonight.  It still seems odd to me that this friendship continues.  Note Whoopi's usage of the sentiment "Happy Holidays" (on the box) rather than "Merry Christmas" that she so loudly touted on the show.


    • Love 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Tanichka said:

    The thing with Greta is that she's a little old to appeal to network execs.  The face job doesn't help - I think she would have had more credibility had she left it alone.

    Ugly goes right to the bone.

    • Love 2
  11. 2 hours ago, little hermit said:

    Does anybody think it looks like she had a boob job? When the commercial runs, where she's wearing that black dress with gold studs, fabric, or whatever it is, comes on that thought just automatically runs through my mind. I hate these commercials and what's worse is that this time of year they will run like a 5 minute commercial!

    Possibly, but I'm thinking full-body Spanx.

    • Love 8
  12. 1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    I was surprised the Greta didn't bother me. I was expecting her to be more of an apologist/defender for the Republicans, but I guess since their political discussion was only about Trump and the book she really didn't have an opportunity to talk about any other issues. 

    I'm wondering if Greta isn't deliberately downplaying her usually strident views since she's pretty much in a job seeking mode these days and may be trying to appeal to a broader audience than she usually attracts. While she defended that cockroach Hannity, her visit today was otherwise quite "vanilla", which is very unlike her.  It's funny what unemployment will do to a TV personality looking for a home.  Being a "contributor" to various network shows or organizations might suffice for the moment. but she's too ambitious to settle for that in the long run.  She's running out of major networks to take her on in an eponymous presentation.

    • Love 15
  13. 20 minutes ago, Tammee said:

    I wish they'd hv booked him when Sara is back.  They have such a great report, very funny .is that spelled right?  Yikes   repoire? No, that looks worse

    I believe you're looking for "rapport", Tammee.  :)

    21 minutes ago, Tammee said:

    Well put Tunia, totally agree.  Loved her in Reno 911.  Bloody hysterical, along with Wendy

    The quote you're referencing here, Tammee, should actually be ascribed to Tosia.  I, Tunia, can't tolerate Niecy Nash!  JMO/LOL

    • Love 3
  14. 20 hours ago, ABay said:

    It will be below freezing all week and leaving extra time to pull on all the outer clothes and scrape off the windshield every morning are pains in the ass. But I'd rather have this than 90 degree heat and high humidity. If only that was a choice instead of getting stuck with both.

    Agree 100%.  You can always put on another sweater, but there's just so much you can take off and be street legal!

    Besides, I subscribe to what I call "The Green Pepper Theory". When you want a green pepper to stay fresh, you put it into the fridge, not the heat.  Same with your skin!

    • Love 5
  15. 23 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

    @Tunia I was eyeballing that at Bed Bath and Beyond a few months back. I moved from a ground floor unit to a third floor unit with no elevator and stairs suck!

    I think you'd like it.  With the heavy duty bag, I was able to bring in about 8 fully loaded plastic grocery bags at a time which was probably about the recommended weight limit of 75 lbs.  It was just a bit of a tug on the stairs, but far superior to looping the bags onto my arms.  Wish I had purchased it a lot sooner, although after using my Amazon reward points, it cost only about $22.  Nice bargain!

    • Love 4
  16. My latest "As seen on TV" purchase is a huge WINNER!  Today I received my Climb Cart, the one with three alternating wheels per side for going up/down stairs, and had opportunity to try it out immediately.  First of all, it's literally a "snap" to assemble and took no more than two minutes to do so.  The quality is pretty good - looks like it'll hold up for a while with proper usage.  I ordered it with the higher quality, larger waterproof bag, and was happy that I did.  It's roomy and well made.

    It arrived just as I was about to leave for the grocery store and errands so I put it right to the test.  I've been having back difficulties and hauling things is becoming a problem, and the Climb Cart came through for me.  It even worked well cutting through snow accumulation, and it is a master on the stairs.  Highly recommend!


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