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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. 29 minutes ago, wings707 said:

    The woman Sunny visited brought me to tears.  What is she going to do?  Really, what?  Who or what can help individuals tear down, re build and furnish a new house. 

    Your mention of this specific woman has me very torn, Wings707.  My heart goes out to the people of Puerto Rico and the USVI but Sunny's video sadly and unwittingly brings up a point which I'm sure she didn't intend - that of personal responsibility.

    First let me say that I totally believe that our citizens deserve all the donations and assistance that the U.S. can render.  There's certainly no argument with that fact.  But here's where I start ducking tomatoes:  After two months I would think that it's time for people to start addressing and attempting to care for their personal space in which they must currently reside from day to day.  Ceiling boards still on the bedroom floor?  Rotting food still in the refrigerator?  It's difficult to understand why they haven't addressed at least the very basics of their own living space.  Is it that their depression has led them to a state of total inertia?  It's terribly sad, but I would think that exercising the little control they DO have could at least lift their spirits and, to some point, improve their immediate surroundings.

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but FEMA isn't going to clean out a refrigerator.  FEMA's purpose to be there is thousands of times larger.  But how many times do you trip over boards on the floor before you move them out of the way?  How long do you smell rotting food before you remove it from the premises?

    • Love 7
  2. 5 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

    Dr. Toothbrush bought a new 1997 Chevy Impala when he turned 30. Twenty years later, he still loves it, and no matter where he goes, people of all ages strike up conversations about it, offer to buy it, etc.

    Is it possible it's a '96?  If so, prices are pretty good on them - he may be on to something!  I googled to see what the '97 looks like and found nothing. Wikipedia shows no Impala production from '96 through 2000.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet_Impala

    "The Chevrolet Impala /ʃɛvrəˈleɪ ɪmˈpælə, -ˈpɑːlə/) is a full-size car built by Chevrolet for model years 1958-85, 1994-96, and since 2000 onwards."

    I have a personal soft spot for the older Impalas.  My first car was a 1960 aqua blue Impala convertible with white top...wish I still had it to this day!



    • Love 3
  3. 4 hours ago, General Days said:

    This show really needs a hard-hitting journalist on the panel for episodes like these. I know Sara (and Paula, but she wasn't here today) has/have that background, but they need someone who is already well acquainted with the facts (as opposed to their opinions on the sound-bites they half-assed listened to and can recall), asks a well structured question, and has the ability to push back when those questions aren't answered. Brazile ran roughshod over the co-hosts, today.

    I agree also, General Days.  The problem, though, is anyone with those credentials can get a better gig elsewhere and doesn't need to subject herself to the abuse of The View.  Nicolle was informed and interesting (as long as it wasn't about pop culture), but she was released for - and found - greater opportunity elsewhere.  Good for her.  Ana Navarro is a spunky conservative, but she's crossed over to "never trump" territory so wouldn't be stringent enough to fill the show's "profile" for the spot.  Tomi Lahren would be worse than MM.  Jedi again?  No thanks.  I got nothin'.

    • Love 8
  4. 40 minutes ago, NeverLate said:

    I thought Sunny said she would be back Wednesday( in the clip),

    Just checked the tape and she says "That special report is coming to you on Wednesday from Puerto Rico."

    • Love 3
  5. Carter Page screwed himself very early on in this entire investigation. He was so damned excited in the beginning to be called for TV interviews that he tried to play Mr. Slick and imply that he knew so much more than he was letting on.  All those evasive answers: "might have", "could have", "can't talk about that now", etc. - It was important for him to feel and imply that he was important.

    Then lo and behold, as the house of cards starts to tumble down, he realizes it might not be very good to be so in the know, so now he has to backtrack on all those teasers he threw out at the start.  He got caught up in his own bravado, and now is being called upon to answer to it.  Self-important fool...

    • Love 1
  6. On ‎10‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 3:43 AM, DrScottie said:

    Poker Olympics?! Seriously? 

    Wasn't it actually the World Series of Poker?

    Clue:  "Got $10,000? You can compete in the main event of this card competition in Las Vegas"

    • Love 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, backformore said:

    Meghan talked about topics being "red meat" twice.  Is that a thing?  I've never heard of that term used that way before. 

    Before MM's usage, I've heard it said only by commentators in relation to trump - that when he fulfills a campaign promise to his base, he's "throwing red meat to his base"...in other words, keeping his base happy.

  8. 1 hour ago, QuinnInND said:

    And screw all the idiots who just blunder out in front of cars. You deserve to get hit.  "Pedestrian detection".. Yes. It's called your eyes and paying attention!

    I guess I'm just old enough to remember when one crossed at the crosswalks, staying on the sidewalk until the light changed or the road was clear, and you taught your children to do the same.  Remember when those big, bulky, heavy and solid things called "cars" had the right of way and you hung back until it was safe to cross?  Now it seems everyone just steps off the curb wherever they desire and it's up to the drivers to stand up on their brakes - or in these new wonder days, to hope their automatic braking kicks in on time - nearly putting themselves through the windshield or strangling themselves with their seatbelts.  Hmmm...150 lb. fragile, breakable, bleedable human being vs. 3,500 lb. ship of steel with no heart.  Who's going to hurt more?

    • Love 16
  9. 10 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

    Yes!!!  She was Megsplaning to us non politically connected, financially disadvantaged and uneducated working class folk.  She talked as if we should be grateful to her for taking the time to educate us poor folk.    

    Yeah..Stop it, Meghan!  That's Baba Wawa's job!

    • Love 10
  10. 28 minutes ago, Meatball said:

    Sure. A huge news story broke this morning but we should really be discussing what's going on with Obama and Clinton because that's the only thing Republicans like MM have when their ship is sinking.

    MM is spouting the WH script, b/c that's exactly what Sarah Huckabee Sanders is dishing out in today's press conference.

    • Love 16
  11. 4 hours ago, Calvada said:

    Only on TV do law enforcement officers and  those who work for national security agencies discuss the details of their investigation or the top secret op they are working on in a public area - at the coffee shop, at the hot dog stand, as they walk along the street.  In today's world, all those details would be on Twitter in a matter of minutes.  

    ...and lawyers for a high-profile client discussing judicial probes at the same coffee shop where NY Times reporters are sitting a couple of tables away.  :-)

    • Love 17
  12. 32 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    You probably clicked on the strikeout icon, which is right next to the I for italics on the toolbar next to your avatar. Just highlight the text you want to undo, then click on the T again, and it will undo it.

    Thanks for the info, GH, but that wasn't it.  It won't reverse and won't let me add the second "s" to that area.  Everyplace else works OK!

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