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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. 20 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


    I also luved Rach's kinda mysterious implication of Preet Bharara "buying himself an extra 24 hours" by forcing them to fire him, instead of willingly resigning.  I bet nobody else in media came up with this.  Yay, Rach!  I so hope you scared the shit outta Trump & his horribles, thinking about what Preet had time to gather up in that 24 hours till he had to clear out of his office.

    When Rachel queried "What do you think Preet Bharara was doing during those extra 24 1/2 hours?" all I could think of was "making copies...lots and lots of copies".

    • Love 12
  2. There was a show today?  I tuned in a little late only to find a local TV court show in place of The View and just figured none of the hosts made it in to the studio because of the storm.  Hmmm..........maybe just a transmission problem?

    I ended up watching the rear end of a giraffe for a little while, which was actually more entertaining than The View would have been!

    • Love 3
  3. 12 hours ago, spiderpig said:

    Did anybody see Lawrence's last word about deportation on Last Word tonight (Monday)?

    I wish I could have captured it to post, not only here, but to my friends.

    spiderpig ~ Are you referring to the Frederick Trump letter that LOD read?  If so, here's a reprint of it from Harper's Magazine:   http://harpers.org/archive/2017/03/the-emigrants/ 

    And, here's a lengthy, but interesting, report of the backstory of Frederick Trump's family from the Snopes confirmation:  http://www.snopes.com/trumps-grandfather-bavaria-deport/

    Irony, eh?

    • Love 2
  4. Hear, hear, Maxine Waters!  This wonderful woman pulls no punches in her assessment of tyrannical trump, and I couldn't love her more for it.   What a bundle of energy!  I don't live in her district, but she still represents me well. 

    Joy is such a delight...A.M., P.M., whenever.

    • Love 4
  5. 3 hours ago, Former Nun said:

    Sometimes our greatest actors/actresses are not the most appealing people in life, in interviews, etc.  I'll continue to admire Viola Davis's work.   I guess I feel the same about Whoopi Goldberg.  I've enjoyed all her performances in movies and on TV until...UNTIL she got her job on "The View."  Now that I've seen (mostly) the real person, don't like it much.

    We in Rhode Island see the real, non-film personality of Viola Davis, and she's more of a star in that regard.  She never misses an opportunity to return to her roots to mentor and celebrate the achievements of her hometown, and she is beloved here for that reason.  Her contributions to the area are many, both professionally and financially.  There's always much pride and excitement here to see her abilities recognized and it's heartwarming when others across the country, such as Former Nun, admire her as we do.  On Oscar night, local Providence/Central Falls screening parties were sold out because everyone wanted to be on hand to see her win her Oscar.   Once again she didn't disappoint!

    We're so lucky also to be able to claim Meredith Vieira as one of our own.  Rhode Island may be small, but we sure can turn out the talent!

    • Love 20
  6. 3 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    Trump's terrifying press conference is now over. Cannot believe how Wolf Blitzer is trying to put a good face on that performance. Thank God Jake Tapper is telling like it is. ("This is a president who is unhinged," is the rough quote I'm taking away from his remarks, which were delivered with an entirely appropriate sense of alarm.)

    Thanks for your update, Millburn Stone.  I had to leave right after the conference and didn't get the chance to hear any of CNN's reviews.  However, I had Limbaugh on while in the car (...always good to keep my blood percolating!) and was quite literally "laughing out loud" at his interpretation.  You would have thought Trump had just delivered The Sermon on the Mount.  It's good to know that Jake Tapper can restore my sanity.

    I'll be looking forward to Anderson tonight so that I can guffaw at that insufferable Jeffrey Lord.

    • Love 4
  7. After the big Ta-Da of Whoopi's invitation to Tiffany Trump yesterday about joining her for the Fashion Week shows, it was surprising that Whoopi wasn't crowing today about Tiffany accepting her invitation.  Thought for sure it would be one of the first things she brought up.


  8. 9 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

    Hmmm - I still think there's hope and that they're just downplaying it for now for greater surprise on a future episode.  After all, the referenced article says:


    It appears one of the Internet’s dearest recent dreams has already been dashed: Rosie O’Donnell will not play _Steve Bannon on this week’s episode of Saturday Night Live.

    Assuming trump (lower case intentional) makes it to a full 4-year term, there's still 204 Saturday nights ahead...

    • Love 8
  9. 48 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

    "Our girl", Nicolle, is hosting Brian Williams' show tonight & doing a faaaabulous job!!!  You go girl!!!

    While I generally agree with this, Medicine Crow, because I'm sure that's not an easy gig to just step into and do well, I actually came here to post concern that "our girl Nicolle" sometimes gives the impression that she's enjoying the juice of the grape before presenting herself on TV.  There have been many times lately when she's been slurring her words, having forgetful moments, and simply getting lost as her thoughts have rambled on, and tonight was one such example even to the extent of forgetting her "first TV husband's" - Eugene Robinson's - name.

    The fact that there are also many times when Nicolle is bright, animated, informed and contributory just highlights her "off" nights all the more.  She really runs hot or cold in her presentations, and she's used the "late hour" excuse too many times not to be noticed.

    JMO, of course, and I hope I'm wrong, but I'm also a little concerned for her.


    With regard to another former View host, Celia - have you seen this compilation?


    stevie o'donnell.jpg

    • Love 4
  10. I'm surprised Rachel hasn't gotten into the paid ads promoting, at first, DeVos, and now the remainder of Trump's cabinet nominees.  Truly, I don't remember ever seeing anything like it in the past, and it just shouts desperation on the part of the Trump administration.  The first one for DeVos was bad enough, but last night another appeared begging for citizenry to contact their senators to vote for approval of the remaining nominees.  WTF?

    Here's the link explaining the funding behind the ads:  https://www.publicintegrity.org/2017/02/06/20674/secret-money-fueling-pro-betsy-devos-ad-campaigns

    and here's a link to the ads themselves: http://www.wfmynews2.com/news/local/2-wants-to-know/2wtk-whats-with-the-political-ads-for-cabinet-nominees/402603634

    Seems like it would be a topic right up her alley.

    • Love 2
  11. Ugh...saddle shoes.  How that dredges up horrific memories from my youth.  Attending parochial school, they were required footwear for K-8 grades.  Not only was I ever-so-bored with them after all those years, my mother made me polish them twice a week and it was a pain to keep the white polish off the leather portion and the brown sole.  Never wore them again after graduation, but they might give me nightmares tonight. Thanks a bunch, Jeopardy!

    • Love 5
  12. Atta' Girl, Rachel, for commenting tonight on something that I just read about in a NY Times article that had me deeply disturbed.  Much like the Mattis situation where he felt uninformed about material contained in an executive order he was witnessing as it was being signed, apparently our new commander is feeling the same effects being brought upon him by his chief strategist/manipulator.  In the Times article entitled "Trump and Staff Rethink Tactics After Stumbles", this passage leapt off the page as I was reading: 


    Mr. Priebus bristles at the perception that he occupies a diminished perch in the West Wing pecking order compared with previous chiefs. But for the moment, Mr. Bannon remains the president’s dominant adviser, despite Mr. Trump’s anger that he was not fully briefed on details of the executive order he signed giving his chief strategist a seat on the National Security Council, a greater source of frustration to the president than the fallout from the travel ban.


    Our great commander has made it clear that he prefers to receive his information in bullet points and small doses, and it's apparent that Bannon is the culprit who is writing all these executive orders that Trump signs with such a grandiose flourish.  It confirms the fear I feel in the pit of my stomach as I watch him quickly review the portfolios, that he doesn't have a shred of understanding about that which he is about to sign.  His level of trust in Bannon is frightening, to say the least. 

    It is quite comical, however, to watch as he signs these orders.  The impression he emits is that this is all that he thought the presidency is about...sign your name while looking "presidential".  I truly think he approached his new job with the thought that it was really just all that easy - nothing to it, everyone else is there to do the actual work, what's the big deal?   God help us all when he finds out there much more resting in his pawing little hands.

    How fitting it is that a man who depends so much on the adulation of screaming crowds now finds himself isolated in his Pennsylvania Avenue palace.  The freedom of being the Trump Tower Tycoon who can roam and wander about the City at will is now shackled by the Secret Service and hibernates in his new locale without even the benefit of his window-dressing wife.  It's lonely at the top, eh Donald?

    • Love 11
  13. 2 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I refuse to watch the dog and pony show tonight.  Why oh why couldn't the networks have said "no thanks" when Trump requested an hour of prime time?

    It was worth it just to see the Orange One's new dye job because he's been looking rather straw-colored for the last couple weeks.  Looks like he's using Clairol Nice n' Easy #104, which is my shade.  ;-)  I'd pay big bucks to watch him going through the coloring process...can you picture it?  Sent Joy a tweet about it just to give her a chuckle.  LOL

    • Love 13
  14. On another note, Jed might want to rethink her public proclamations that she's "FOUND THE ONE!!"   I don't see any sparkle on her left hand as yet, and nothing jinxes a romance faster than holding "the one's" feet to the fire.  Superficially, from what I saw of him when they panned to him in the audience recently, I wouldn't have matched them up anyway...not my type, for sure!

    • Love 1
  15. 29 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    Maybe you need to write a book, Tunia!  That's wonderful!

    It would probably be a very boring book, Haleth.  Isn't it controversy that "sells"?  LOL

    It is kind of funny, however, when we're in a large new gathering that includes our sons and daughters-in-law.  Often one of the gals will say  "Yeah, and can you believe they're divorced?"  There's always a response of "You are???"

    • Love 3
  16. On ‎1‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 7:14 PM, Medicine Crow said:


    On a fashion note, did anyone else think that Melania should have worn kid gloves, rather than suede, with the blue dress??

    She probably has to "handle [DJT] with kid gloves" and is saving them for those occasions.

    • Love 5
  17. 2 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

    I thought Trayvon's parents were divorced!!??  I guess people can "get over anything" if there's money (a book) involved.  Just sayin'.

    "Divorced" doesn't have to mean "enemies", tho, Medicine Crow.  I'm divorced, but my "former" and I are still close friends, who successfully co-parented our boys as they were growing up.  In fact, we still dine or travel together on occasion, and we still each "has the other's back".  It made life so much easier this way, and our sons didn't have to choose which parent to invite/not invite to events.  (LOL - no book or money involved either.  Didn't even take a settlement!)

    So, good for the Martins!

    • Love 21
  18. Quote

    Unhappiest, most bitter "winners" ever.

    Good Lord - Can you imagine if they had lost???

    I chuckled when Joy mentioned that Sean Spicer had been "spruced up a bit" after the first press conference because TPTB didn't like the way he appeared.  That's really rich criticism coming from an administration where their leader needs a big boy haircut, a tie clip, and a suit that buttons.

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