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Posts posted by Tunia

  1. 9 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Capricorn -- Dragon.

    I wonder if the year being the same as your sign means bad things for everyone? I remember starting 2012 thinking it must be a big year for me because it was the Year of Dragon (tongue in cheek), and then it turned out to be one of the worst years of my life... I mean, I don't put too much stock in these things since you are the choices you make not the date you were born, but I usually find they're true in their descriptions 70% of the time. Out of curiosity, I sometimes look up a celebrity's sign and think--well, that explains a lot.

    GreenKnight, that's exactly the situation.  And since the Chinese Zodiac has 12 characters, this trauma will return every 12 years.  According to Chinese astrology, the year of one's birth sign is the most unlucky year in the 12-year cycle. For example, my Monkey years are 1956, 1968...2016, 2028.  For you, as a Dragon, your future "bad" years are 2024, 2036, 2048 etc. Keep in mind, the Chinese calendar runs according to the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian, so if born in January/early February, you could be a different sign.  Thus, someone born in early January, 2012 would be a Rabbit since the Dragon year began on January 23 of that year.

    The Roosters better watch their backs until February 15!


    (Click on your animal for extended info.)

    • Love 1
  2. Libra -- Monkey

    If I weren't a total believer before, I became one last year during The Year of the Monkey from 2/8/16 - 1/27/17.  My sweet little Vietnamese manicurist, an expert in the Chinese Zodiac, said "Ohhhhhhhh, you a Monkey?  Ohhhhhhh, very, very bad to be Monkey in Year of Monkey.  Go home, pull covers over head, don't answer phone or door, don't visit with people, don't walk, drive or travel, don't spend money, and just don't gamble (literally or figuratively)!"  She was right - it was a hella' year!  I finally exhaled on January 28.   :-)

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

    Any Catholics out there? You aren't 13 at confirmation are you ?  Joy looked 10. 

    My Confirmation was at the age of 12 or 13.  The town where I currently live is confirming 15- and 16-year-olds this November, which is the oldest I've ever seen.

    • Love 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, attica said:

    I adore the mocking, condescending, snark  <snip>

    it serves the function of not normalizing the behavior

    which is of MAJOR importance!  We as a nation can't afford to lower the bar to the extent that trump's corruption is acceptable, and then proceed to sink even lower in the future. 

    A thousand "likes" to you, attica.

    • Love 11
  5. Kristin Chenoweth's appearance was nothing more than a commercial for that rosacea cream Rhofade, followed by that creepy testimonial from the robotic dermatologist, followed by an actual ad during the break.  Think she's on Allergan's payroll?  Ironically, the "possible side effects" (skin reactions, dermatitis, worsening of rosacea pimples, itching, redness, and pain) are the very reason you'd be using the stuff to begin with.

    • Love 4
  6. 2 hours ago, friendperidot said:

    I'm lusting after several pieces of Red Copper and the butter sprayer thing. I liked the look of a vegetable chopper device until I read reviews of it, apparently it's very hard to actually push down on and cut the vegetables and there's a lot of finger cutting involved.

    I bought the deep square Red Copper piece with the fryer basket and steamer for my son who loves to cook.  He's crazy about it and uses it all the time.  Highly recommended.

    On the other hand, I have the vegetable chopper (the one with all the accessories) and find it's more a bother than hand chopping.  Veggies with tough skins like peppers don't cut all the way through and just mush.  Others have to be sliced thin enough (onions, etc.) to fit in it.  The mandolin is treacherous.  The only part of it that I like is the veggie peeler - although it's really cheap plastic, it works terrifically.  Not worth the price just for a peeler though.

    • Love 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Bastet said:


    Getting back to the commercial where the parents dress the poor dog up like a lion so their stupid kid isn't scared of him, I obviously - by use of "poor dog" and "stupid kid" - do not respond to it the way the advertising team intended.

    Just wait 'til "stupid kid" encounters a real lion in a bad mood and gets the poop scared out of her because it's not like the sweet cuddly "lion" she has at home.  She'll be traumatized at every zoo visit!

    • Love 8
  8. 17 hours ago, meowmommy said:

    My only complaint about Michael's visits to TRMS is that they're not long enough!   I think when you're providing an historical context, you need time to set it up properly and then expound upon it, and I always feel like Michael is just getting warmed up and then it's time to go to commercial.

    Not to mention that other reason for more Michael...he's my TV boyfriend!

    • Love 3
  9. LOL - It occurred to me today that the co-host turnover rate has been so high that we don't even bother to open up a new thread as new host is added:  No Sarah, No Sunny, No Jed, No Paula!  The last to be added to this forum was CCB.  Do we bother with a thread for Meghan?

    • Love 1
  10. scarletine ~

    Just came here to post the same GE ad.  It's pretty cool, and fun to watch the inventiveness!

    janie jones ~

    The gizmo on the fishbowl was Molly's method to clean it.  It's hard to see, but there's a cleaning pad attached to the inside arm.


    YAY Girl Power!

    • Love 5
  11. 6 hours ago, seasons said:

    Volume is really low but this is too snarkworthy to miss...

    Stick with it until the end.

    Sorry though that you can't get those two minutes back... lol.


    Does My Pillow arrive with your own personal cross on a chain? <snark>  Sleepy Dude Customer isn't wearing one at the beginning, but he's got one dangling out his shirt at the end, just like Mikey. 


    Mikey seems like such a milquetoast kinda' guy that I was floored to read of his background:


    • Love 1
  12. Quote

    Due to an oversight in the law, which Trump is taking full advantage of?  Stay all over this one, Rach!

    While I'd hate to think or say that trump has good lawyers, he does have sleazy lawyers who somehow are competent enough to sniff out every loophole for trump to squeeze through.  The same was true in his business and tax dealings, using any remote clause to screw his partners, competitors, creditors and probably most of others with whom he interacts.  No wonder this man doesn't sleep.

    • Love 3
  13. To those commenting above regarding Barbara's health, I'm carrying over this post I made on September 8 in the "View in the Media" forum, answering Perez Hilton's remarks that were picked up by TMZ:



    Perez Hilton's report of Barbara's frailty is being disputed by her representative, but who knows?  He said...she said.



    Guess it remains to be seen...

    • Love 1
  14. 17 hours ago, Jaded said:

    I'm watching the new Daily Mail TV show since nothing else is on. It's the first episode and I wanted to see what it was going to be like. They just teased an "exclusive" interview they are showing tomorrow with Chelsea O'Donnell. Apparently she was asked about her ex-step Mom and is going to reveal some "bombshell". This show is making me feel dirty though with Nancy Grace as a contributor with Dr. Phub (Dr. Phil) and his son Jay as executive producers.

    Here's the link to see if it's on in your area.


    Her "bombshell" has already been printed in People...another whack for Rosie to withstand.  There's some serious dislike going on there.


  15. I want to do serious harm to whoever coined the term "nothingburger" to indicate something of minor importance.  It's bad enough that the word itself is annoying as hell, but I'm hearing it used more and more by seemingly concise, educated and prominent commentators on otherwise serious programming, such as The Rachel Maddow Show, Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, Meet The Press, Anderson Cooper 360,  and the like.  GAHHHHHH!   Thank you...I needed to get that out.

    • Love 4
  16. Re CCB, Hello Lady said:


    She's making good money with those movies, and its a nice atmosphere.

    Maybe not so much, as CCB's hubby is not at all happy with her kissing any of her co-stars.  He sounds a bit insecure, IMO, since it IS part of her J.O.B., but she, apparently, isn't enjoying it either.


    A quote from that article:


    “I’ll be honest, I’m, like, I’m kind of over it in the sense that I don’t like that I keep kissing two different men! I’d like to stick with one guy,” the Dancing With the Stars season 18 alum told Us about her love triangle with Scott Weinger (Steve) and John Brotherton (Matt) in the Netflix series. “Sometimes I’m doing my Hallmark movies and we’ve got a new guy in each movie. I’m getting more uncomfortable with it the older I’m getting. I’m like, ‘I don’t want to keep doing this!’”

    (bolding mine)

    • Love 2
  17. 17 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

    I wonder if Meghan became available and they decided Jedidiah was expendable.

    Most likely.  Meghan just announced her Fox departure on Friday, and she's already "in final talks" for The View.  That means they were already working on it over the weekend, thus Jed's announcement first thing on a Monday.   No one ever leaves voluntarily on a Monday in the middle of the month.  A Friday? Yes.  End of month? Yes.  Monday, September 18 with no plans in the chute?  Uh-un.


    ETA:  I, too, would love to see Ana Navarro in that seat, but I think she's modified her conservative stance too much recently to be considered.  She's also been getting a lot of TV time on CNN as a Contributor, and might not want to give that up.  Her Trump commentaries are hilarious!

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