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  1. I don't blame CT for being mad, and I don't think he was that bad. He could have said and acted a lot worse.
  2. So that whole talking a vote for the final winner isn't gonna happen?
  3. Well, he also brought up Faith so maybe it was his way of connecting all 3 of his children to the moment. Faith had hair like Bre. And so maybe he wanted Claire to know about his other child, which is consistent with his character because he seems to love all his children very much. I didn't mind bringing up Willy at all. But I do think he could have fallen to pieces over Bre a bit more.
  4. I was said in the first episode the shooter was a "really bad shot, they missed every major organ." Meaning, the person didn't want to kill him. But then there really wouldn't be a motive for my guess above, but my other idea is Ray. I think Ray loves Gamby and wanted to have a reason to be closer to him, seeing as he moved in with them.
  5. I haven't seen any one point this out, but the cafeteria workers "lucky" shoes from saving Neal were clearly spattered with blood. That wasn't from finding someone already shot, he was standing near when it happened. He is clearly the shooter. And he has plenty of motive with all of Neal's blatant racism, even if he's too stupid to realize what he's saying. Kwim? Like, he actually seems to care about the guy, but he also says and does some pretty racist things. Perhaps he was tired of it?
  6. Thank God Frank is dead. I mean, I cried when he died. I kept seeing her feet sliding into to get married to him and I felt sad because I understood what she meant. She did love him, very much. Just not in a tangible way a wife should. More of a partnership. I didn't enjoy their story. I never understood him talking her back in the first place after going missing and coming back married. Lmao. Im afraid we will see more Frank though. Somehow. Lol Loved the episode. I think they did an excellent job condensing it all down. I have loved every moment of Jamie's story this season.
  7. I get that all women are different but usually you show later with your first. If she got pregnant on her wedding night, at soonest, shed be about 15 weeks here. The baby is the size of a fist, and the uterus is still below the belly button. You do not, no matter how much you eat, get a ROUND baby bump like that, that early. Not that big. Her wedding seemed different than everyone else's. They had less people, the decorations were literally bales of hay. It is in no way comparable to these other gorgeous weddings. It was thrown together. I am probably wrong, but I think she's at least a month or two farther along than what she's telling. They apparently were unsupervised at times or she wouldn't have said she thought they were alone at the engagement.
  8. These people are so emotional. Lawd.
  9. Is it not a fire hazard to have that many people and that few bedrooms? God forbid a large fire break out, it seems pretty dangerous. That's my first thought. I need to see a bit more but I get an ick vibe from some of the men. I mean, Kody Brown was annoying but he didn't make me concerned about being a pervert.
  10. She says she didn't, and also made sure to tell that she doesn't have a single stretch mark from the pregnancy. I was like, ok lady, I'll believe you are naturally skinny and fit but no stretch marks from 5 kids? I had 3, 1 at a time, and I look like a tiger! And I only gained 8 lbs with one of them! I know everyone is different, but that's like hitting the lottery twice.
  11. Evil Pacey! I'm dying.
  12. I don't understand Tyrion at the end. Is he jealous? Unhappy? Do we call Jon Aegon now? Why are we still watching Theon? What happened to the spoilers I read about Cersei at the end? (If you've read them, ykwim. That and spoilers were 100 percent spot on except that.)
  13. My theory is it's a metaphor for Jon, Dang, and their child.
  14. No. No it isn't. Please tell me this is wrong. Lmao Finch? Sounds like a nerdy best friend in a high school movie. (No offense, little Finchy. It's just the first thing I thought of.) I guess I can't judge. I have a kid with a middle name of Bear.
  15. Omg, Dale when he woke up and said flatly "I just woke up and I'm told we are going to the aquarium and I don't know how I feel about that." Or something to that effect. Lmao i died. He's too funny.
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