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  1. There was no tension at all, because there has been no attempt to hide the fact that Bishme was TCO. Not that it bothered me. I think he's a deserving winner. I thought all 3 collections were very good, surprisingly so given that they only had 8 days. Laurence offered nothing surprising, but everything she's good at. Bishme did Bishme, and we knew it would be great. I thought his draped looks were derivative of...Rami, actually, but that's OK too. There are only so many ways fabric can be put on a body. The biggest surprise for me was Brittany's collection. I've surprised myself by liking Brittany all season. I don't remember thinking about her one way or the other on her original season. It was fun watching her discover what she is good at, what her signature style is, and how to turn that style into an original collection, a collection that had all the traits the judges have banged on about for years: cohesion, a point of view, and an ability to "see the "girl" who would wear that collection. I loved that Zac Posen pointed out that a signature style is a GOOD thing, and that repetition of that style is what makes a designer known. I was happy for all the designers, and even though I knew the win was in for Bishme (not a fix - a deserved win), I would have been happy with any of them winning.
  2. Thanks for posting this. It was fun to watch. It is crazy how different Al Weaver looks as Leonard than he does as himself!
  3. Good point. I need to let go of wanting it to make sense!
  4. My thoughts exactly! Noreen tells Bill he needs to be better to all of his kids, then walks away after telling him he can never see his kid. Wha? Then Isaac's acting like Bill willingly walked away from him when he was a child? It makes no sense, and I can only attribute it to bad writing.
  5. Buh Bye, Ryan. And because Maddie and Dana Sue can't say it: Told you so! Advice for Erik: Run! (though we know he won't and after much angst and back and forth, he and Helen will get back together).
  6. I'm a little bothered about the reason Miss Frances left the money to Dana Sue: Dana Sue is the daughter she never had because her love for Dana Sue's father was enduring but unrequited? Am I understanding this correctly? That seems more like unhealthy obsession than heart-warming love.
  7. Helen is an idiot. That is all.
  8. Yes, I have been thinking the same regarding the dialogue. EVERYONE speaks in quotes and cliches. Teenagers talk like they're in their 30s and they don't act like teenagers. Why am I bingeing this show, anyway?
  9. I agree. It doesn't seem to be that kind of show. It seems more dramatic than tragic.
  10. I agree with this entire post. The way the show has been written with Cara not wanting to say ILY to Miles while he was comfortable declaring his love for her, it seems that the writers wanted us to believe that Miles loved Cara more than she loved him. Now that they've broken up, we're supposed to believe that the break up is so hard for Cara, but I'm not buying it. I agree that the writers seems to be retconning the reason for the break up. For that reason, I'm not invested in the angst of their broken relationship. Cara takes Miles for granted, and she's dead boring as well. Miles can do better and deserves better.
  11. Well, Stephen Merchant was funny.
  12. Well, that was depressing. I loathe the direction this show has gone in with the emphasis on the over-the-top evil of Red Rock, the Red Rock rep (can't be bothered to learn his name) and Dr. Cain. I don't know if I want to keep watching it, even though I like the regular cast.
  13. Yes! To this whole post. I wanted Jessie to win. I thought she had the most artistic execution in the shed and in the finale. But I think the show's emphasis on "Even people at home could do this!!!! did her in. They weren't looking for art, they were looking for craft and that's OK. I'm glad Lily didn't win. Her party looked like it vomited Pepto Bismal.
  14. You are most certainly a fantastic knitter. Those mittens are gorgeous! I needed to finally dig in and do some kitchener stitch so I could continue knitting a sweater that I'm working on, so I decided to binge Season 2 of Making It while doing it. I kitchenered (is that a word?) 28 stitches and knit 2/3 of a sleeve over the whole of season two. My knitting speed is average. Unless you're Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, knitting is s-l-o-w.
  15. No, you're not the only one. His sanctimony doesn't really bother me, but my husband and I joke about his raspy whisper voice and his creepy close talking.
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