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Everything posted by beartrash

  1. Plot point nitpick. Noah's laptop was a Google Pixelbook, which is a cloud based Chromebook, there's no way it'd be "the only" copy of his latest romance novel.
  2. So all that so Valentina could be saved from elimination and Latrice could be brought back?
  3. 80% Painful, especially the Ross Matthews interstitials. 100% Infomercial. I did enjoy the 80s outfits and getting to see Shawn Morales, though
  4. I was confused by Stan combining both presents in one box for his wife instead of saving the necklace for Angel. Did he change his mind after leaving the jewelry store?
  5. The dancing audition looked like a lip sync - I wouldn't think you would mouth the words to the song being played during an audition and dance like you're at home by yourself some random afternoon while looking in a mirror.
  6. I think Monet's lip sync was better than Kameron's. Monet embodied the song, Kameron didn't seem connected to the song and did a generic performance, but Monet's been on the bottom three times, so it was her time. Miz Cracker was right, Miz Cookie helped her go over the top. Miz Cookie was the handsomest male and the prettiest female, hate her & him. Finally, I had to mute whenever Frankie Grande spoke. He couldn't stop being "ON!"
  7. A LSFYL without tearing off wigs or air guitar, Hallelu! Although I was surprised Eureka wasn't dinged for turning her back on the judges panel for what seemed like a bit too long. As Fiero425 said, the stage production maxi challenge was meh, at best.
  8. Well I guess that is over. Alex really was a self centered man that repeatedly put his own needs and desires above everyone else, whether it meant stealing money from his family's retirement plan, embarrassing his kids or constantly complaining about how busy he was. Then, he finally gets some recognition, but decides he isn't ready to expand his business after being offered a once in a lifetime opportunity, until he decides he does want to expand the business; Both decisions were made without consulting his business partners. Mostly, the show seemed so unrealistic with regards to podcasting. I listen to podcasts and it's not a lucrative career that supports a family. It's most often a side gig done in the podcaster's spare time.
  9. It was Monique's time to go. Someone clocked her on her outfits being something she grabs from the fabric wall 30 minutes before the competition and not knowing the words to the lip sync songs is inexcusable. Nothing is stopping you from listening to the songs while staying up late to create outfits.
  10. One minor nitpick. If you're going to set a story around Boston, pronounce the city names correctly. Quincy is pronounced Quin-zee. June also mispronounced that city she was from, Brookline, MA, as Brooklyn. I even checked the closed captioning, they transcribed it as Brooklyn, it's pronounced Brook-LINE; It rhymes with strychnine.
  11. Just watched this episode... Wow. What a petulant man baby! Did he suffer from a traumatic event in adolescence and stop maturing? All the "Ow, my leg" whining and cries sounded like a baby. That totally had to trigger a mothering response from Lisa. I think I actually saw adult diapers under him at a couple of points. I know that my mother has indicated that the easiest way to make me stop crying when I was a baby was to feed me, which is why I've been overweight mostly all of my adult life. Lisa had to have had the same response and then lie to Dr. Now when Jake kept gaining weight on 800 or 1200 calorie a day diets while out of the hospital; Whenever he was on a restricted diet while in the hospital, he actually lost weight.
  12. The Vixen is my least favorite because of her default shit stirring mode, but she had the best look tonight, I think she should have won if she'd only done a little better during the maxi challenge. Were Eureka's nipples blurred out during her big sexy baby scene? Mayhem was robbed, Monet's lipsync was a brutal striptease, she had the worst runway outfit this season and air guitar should always be an immediate disqualification. This isn't RuPaul's "teenager listening to Van Halen in their bedroom" Race.
  13. Thanks @HoboClayton, I didn't realize that Bev's "coming out" happened during the year that never was.
  14. I haven't watched the original run since it originally aired, but didn't Bev come out as a late in life lesbian in the original series?
  15. What as the thing under the chariot, a homing egg? It was okay overall, despite Maureen being the worst mom ever, too many last minute miracles saving people's butts due to mediocre writing and the whole season spent setting up the actual premise of the show.
  16. After tonight's episode, I have to start watching the runway portion of the show with the sound turned off, my eyes rolled so hard. Those were some painfully unfunny comments.
  17. Amen! I binged this last season and this season this weekend and that was the major takeaway. Every member of this family is incredibly self-centered with no redeeming qualities It seemed the only time they ever talked about someone other than themselves was to gossip and any time they said they'd keep a secret they gave it away, often in the very next scene.
  18. Mason brought it up when Freddie told him that Ash was going to be his best man. "But I'm your brother." - I don't think it was ever mentioned before. I think it was supposed to be a slight shock given the way everyone treats Mason.
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