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Posts posted by angelamh66

  1. I cannot stand Josh. I maintain my long held opinion that he behaves like he thinks a popular Challenge person behaves... using certain jargon, trying to joke with “Teej”, being in the midst of drama. There is just nothing organic about him. It’s all so performative. 

    • Love 15
  2. Regarding LoLo, yes she is an incredible athlete but her personality is so odious that I think any of the guys would steer clear of partnering with her fo fear that they would be targeted once she starts pissing people off. Which I firmly believe is an inevitability. 

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  3. My brief Craig renaissance is over now that he has been revealed as a Covid denier. I just can’t with that shit. 

    As for Kathryn’s lack of family money, I guess it’s difficult to maintain that family wealth once you have to start paying people to work for you as opposed to owning them. 

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  4. I would have rather had Johnny than Nelly in the final, but I like Nelly well enough so it’s all good. I’m just glad they didn’t pick Skai over Justina. Skai seems like a sweet girl, but I just didn’t enjoy her dances. 

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  5. I was glad Bill went after Trump’s lawyer like he did. He was more engaged and ready for her than he usually is when he has a right winger guest. BUT I hated New Rules. There were a few decent points in there but overall it was his crabby old man bit for the umpteenth time this season. I agree that Twitter isn’t the world and some of this super woke stuff is completely stupid and off putting. However, saying that the likes of Woody Allen and Louis CK shouldn’t be held to account for their actions....nah... not going there with you Bill. 

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  6. Franken did come off strangely but I think it’s because he and Bill were not connecting. I understood the Franken attempts at jokes to be the following... 

    The microwave thing was definitely in reference to freeing up parents to phone bank for Biden. 

    The shoplifting thing was a veiled reference to the rumors that Lindsey Graham is gay and South Carolinian republicans don’t like that. Franken just thought he was being clever saying shoplifting instead of homosexuality and Bill was not picking up on it so it really fell flat. 

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  7. Regarding Tyra, I mostly fast forward her but the times I have caught her interviewing the contestants it’s been awful. It seems that she asks them a question that was literally answered in the preceding clip package. Ugh. I miss Tom. 

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  8. Nelly is really growing on me. Would not have predicted that in the beginning of the season. I’m surprised none of the judges mentioned it was Monica’s second time in the bottom two. I recall comments being made in the past about not saving a couple twice. 

    • Love 6
  9. Thanks to whoever brought this show up in the thread for The Vow. I already vastly prefer it because it’s more linear and direct. How did people not run for the hills when Keith is talking about raping babies and child molestation. Yikes. 

    Also Catherine’s mother was dead on... rubbish is exactly right. I hate the “men think and women feel” horseshit.  It’s so pervasive in our society and also objectively false. Ugh. 

    • Love 11
  10. I too felt like this series finally got on with it this episode. My jaw was hanging open for most of it.  That was some next level misogyny. And throw in some gaslighting to boot. Wow. I don’t know how any of those women stuck around for one single minute after that mess. Men always yield???? Whaaaat??? Absolutely categorically insane. 

    He also hit on what I think to be one of the biggest fallacies we are sold from the time we are young... women are emotional and men are logical. This is the biggest load of crap there is. Yes, women express emotions often more easily than men. But, in my experience women don’t act on those emotions.  Decisions are made after careful thought. I’ve seen more men react and make decisions solely based on ego. Not logic. No, not all men. But many in my professional life. 

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  11. Derek is the only judge I care to listen to because he gives practical criticism in an easy to understand way.  That's probably why he was so successful as a pro on this show... he was able to give his partner instruction that they could understand and implement.  

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  12. I still don’t understand the Andi hate. I think her losing it on him was more of a buildup of him just not giving anything to the process and her being frustrated. She is probably my favorite Bachelorette, although her taste in men wasn’t great (Josh suuuucked). 

    Loved seeing Sharleen. She just handles herself well. 

    I forgot how much of a jerk Harrison was trying to force a declaration of love out of Juan Pablo on AFTR. Sorry Chris you just didn’t get to close out the show with your usual trite b.s. about a love story. 

    • Love 3
  13. I don't mind Nick but his season wasn't exciting.  Corrine was a garden variety attention whore...  I fast forwarded through the whole recap of her shenanigans.  Taylor only looked good by comparison.  The best thing about Nick's season is it brought us Rachel. But that segment with Tayshia and Natasha was painful.  This franchise just fails miserably in making their efforts regarding diversity seem even remotely sincere. 

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  14. I am fully team Denise but the idea that she needs to worry about custody issues is just not true. There is no custody battle. The only litigation between her and Charlie is over child support. And the behavior of the parties is totally irrelevant to the issue of support. That said, I still think it was gross of Kyle & Co to try so hard to take Denise down with their logic-free crusade this season. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    FWIW, I appreciated Mauricio standing firm on Kim's totally inappropriate request. Like, not even doing a wink and a nudge. Good for him on that.

    Me too, but I don’t think it was too difficult for him to resist. The look on his face was priceless. I need screenshots for meme purposes. 


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  16. 40 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    I think Bill has earned the right to raise that alarm, after his much scoffed-at predictions in 2016.

    I agree. Also he was raising this long ago and given the current rhetoric coming out of the White House there is real reason to be concerned. Also, nobody has been able to give a satisfactory response. We need to win in a landslide is not a satisfactory response. I think Bill is spot on with this one and trying to force people to think about it isn’t a bad thing. 

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