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Posts posted by angelamh66

  1. Jay knows from past experience that none of the vets will ever have his back and as he is partnered with Michelle it is the same for her. So when the vets get all butt hurt about being put in, that would be my very simple response... I am not anyone you will ever protect so why should I ever protect you?? It is infuriating to watch the vets get indignant about being sent in. 

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  2. I confess I wasn’t paying super close attention but didn’t Fessy say they didn’t want to put in strong teams because they win dailies and will likely have power in the future… then proceeds to put in the two strongest rookie teams… hell maybe two of the strongest teams overall. He continues to shock me with his lack of logic. Now a team who is always near the top is coming back and when they win a daily ol Fessy is probably heading straight to elimination. 

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  3. The producers really have given up on this season. Such a filler heavy MTA. Gabby and Rachel deserved so much better this whole season. 

    Side note…. Rachel really sucks at being specific about why she likes someone. 

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  4. I am a frequent watcher of all kinds of terrible reality television, and I think I can say with authority that Lisa Rinna is the absolute worst! And this is a world that includes the likes of Kathryn Dennis, Vicki Gunvalson and Thomas Ravenel. 

    Coming from a place of love??? What the actual f*ck? How Garcelle doesn't completely lose her sh&t on this woman is beyond me. 

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  5. I have the suspicion that Kailah's fiance told her he'd consider her a loser if she lost to the "old broads" or something to that effect. Which is precisely why I want her to lose to these "old broads." I agree with those who think Kailah should not be on this show.  Same for Jordan. I like that everyone is scared of him but that is because he belongs on the original recipe show where he remains a competitive force. 

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  6. I like Sutton for the most part (mostly because she won't let up on Erika) but like one poster said above - if you are a good person you probably don't actually need to keep telling people that. I used to work for an utter psychopath and he would always say "I'm a nice guy." Bro, if you were nice you wouldn't have to keep telling people that. 

    Diana called Erika a straight shooter or something like that. Welp... that just proves Diana is a terrible judge of character. 

    Also, I just cannot with the bird stuff. I don't begrudge anyone their mourning process. Do whatever helps. Believe whatever gets your through. But ghost Lois did not put a ceramic bird in Rinna's makeup case. I do not understand feeding into that sort of delusion. I guess it is harmless in the end, but it bugs me. 

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  7. Also Nehemiah saying that MJ was all about self -preservation was up there with people talking about “scared” games. Everyone is a self preservationist in this game. You’d be an idiot not to be. 

    Sylvia can be moderately likable at times, but she reminded me in this episode why I generally don’t like her much. She’s been targeting Kellyanne all season and then has the nerve to be righteously indignant when she has to pay the price. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, ladle said:

    I’m so confused by this!!! I just find it so hard to believe that Rinna made up the story about the table being canceled, out of whole cloth. Not because she’s a decent and honest person (obv) but because she never struck me as someone stupid enough to flat-out lie about something that could be easily fact checked. 

    Meh... I am sure she figures if she gets busted in a lie she can claim confusion or miscommunication.  The lie gives her camera time and that is all she cares about. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, snarts said:

    As someone who's watched from the beginning and remembers how Lindsey treated Cristina, I love that she was finally called out for her completely faux "girl's girl" antics. Lindsey cares about no one but herself.  She'd run over Danielle in a hot second if needed, don't think we didn't see the smirk with Andy brought up Danielle's uncomfortableness with the Carl/Lindsey relationship.

    I adore Mya and hope she's back next season. Luke needs to show up on time and do something next Summer otherwise he's likely to lose his spot. At least if reunion seating is any indication. 

    I thought I was the only one who remembered poor Cristina. Lindsay was so incredibly awful to her. 

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  10. I am always amused when there are "sides" to be taken in these shows. Team Lindsay versus Team Ciara etc... I mean I think they are all very wrong and very right in their own way.  I think Ciara really did think it was ok with Austen on Winter House because Lindsay was doing her "I don't give a f*ck" thing.  But then Ciara acted like such an immature idiot about Austen and Lindsay on Summer House that she loses some of that good will.  And Lindsay should just admit she was staking out her territory with Austen and trying to get under Ciara's skin when he came to visit.  She literally never takes accountability for anything. And everyone should admit that Austen isn't even Honda Civic levels of attractive (more like a Ford Pinto from the 70s) and he wasn't worth all the kerfluffle.  Someone on one of these boards called him a bag of milk and I think it is incredibly accurate. 

    Oh Paige... what a terrible reunion performance thus far.  Throwing a tantrum over couch placement is not a good look. Especially when you were deemed important enough to be seated at the right hand of the father (Andy). And I do not understand what is happening with her mouth. 



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  11. I agree that the producers will think Serene is too similar to Michelle to case as Bachelorette.  But if she goes to Paradise I would like to make the case for her being able to bring her brother along.  Hey, if Ashley I could bring her sister and Demi was allowed to have her girlfriend from home come on the show, then there are certainly no rules preventing it.  Although I suspect he is too good for this world. 

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  12. At least they spared us the fake conversation about the secret to a good marriage with the foreign old couple trope on Serene’s date. I started to immediately dread it when they had the older couples dancing about in the street. I’d bet money they still did it but it ended up on the editing room floor... thankfully!

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  13. I am no Beth fan but Jon’s reason for not doing her wedding was self-righteous and annoying. He didn’t know if her union was ordained by God??? I would be insulted too. 

    Also David’s Karen “joke” is old and tired. He seemed overly pleased with himself over that and the joke was so uncreative and pedestrian. 

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  14. 14 hours ago, Tigregirl said:

    Most of her comments made no sense.  It was like she was trying to share all these profound words of wisdom but none of them related to the dancing.

    None of her words actually related to a coherent thought either.  

    The judges in general need to stop climbing on the table.  Give a standing ovation, that's fine. I don't even mind Bruno gyrating about, but good god please quit jumping on the table.  Tom Cruise couch jumping flashbacks. 

    And here's one more STFU Tyra for the road.  Lord she is terrible at this job. 


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  15. On 10/21/2021 at 3:40 PM, lu1535 said:

    In the late 90s, a coworker recommended the Weigh Down diet book. I bought it used and I was able to loose 10 pounds. I glossed over the religious teachings but her principles and lessons of portion control and only eating when hungry have stuck with me all these years later and have helped me maintain. I was horrified to see that from writing that helpful book she went on to start a cult! I'm so glad I didn't go down that rabbit hole. In all advice, take what you need and leave the rest.

    Intuitive eating has been around for a while.  I do think it is a sound way to lose weight.  So she took a generally accepted concept and threw God into it and poof - cult. Completely insane.  

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  16. Amanda drives me bonkers but I’m so glad she infiltrated. Someone had to. I usually enjoy Devin, but his attitude at the deliberation was approaching Bananas-level entitlement. Amanda was spot on when she asked him if she was just supposed to hand Emerald a million dollars. 

    Agree with whoever said Nany is getting carried again. I liked Kasey at first but she has the extreme character flaw of being friends with the odious Fessy. His hubris seems to have rubbed off on her. 

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  17. Because it cannot be said enough... shut up Josh. 

    Someone please explain the potential downside for infiltrating Emerald? I like Logan but I wanted Corey to win so he could f&ck some sh$t up with Emerald. I don’t understand why nobody is doing it. 

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