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Posts posted by angelamh66

  1. Aneesa looked fantastic. Tori looked like she had been dipped in spray tan. And I still don't know why I need to care about Nurys and David. He was on the show for a minute. I don't yet care about them and may never. 

    Jordan... never apologize to Fessy for anything. Ever. 

    Michelle is overwrought and I can see why she annoys people but I cannot help but root for her to actually do what she says she needs to - which is make decisions and own it. Stop worrying about everyone's feelings because none of them are worried about hers. I still think she can be a powerhouse in the Challenge if she comes back and gets emotionally stronger. 

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  2. I think Zach was an asshole to Greer, and I don’t even like her. I continue to wonder what happened in the FS with Rachel last season and when I see his barely contained condescension toward Greer tonight I wonder… did he pull some shit like that with Rachel? I’ve mostly liked him but I’m starting to see some rigidity and condescension that makes me pause. 

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  3. I am no fan of the bedridden mean girls club, but Lindsay is, and has always been absolutely awful. Going all the way back to Season 1 and how she treated Christina(?). She never sees anyone else's side of anything. If you don't agree with her and back her on every ridiculous fight she picks then she loses her mind.

    Of course my opinion could be tainted by the fact that Lindsay and Carl behave in a way that bugs the crap out of me in real life. I hate when people get sober and then act self-righteous and judgy about others' drinking habits. And I hate when people get in relationships and suddenly decide they are the most mature people in the room because of it and never lose the opportunity to say so. 

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  4. 16 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    It's so ridiculous to blame the Schwartz and Sandy's venture for the divorce. Katie and Schwartz's relationship always sucked and they constantly fought long before any talk of the Tom's joint business deal. Hell, it sucked before the marriage! It may have been the icing on Katies cake but it was definitely not the reason for the divorce. It was the last straw for Katie and she wasn't willing to take second place with Tom any longer but it was not the reason and I wish they would stop saying that it was. 

    So on WWHL she and Lala said they are fucking younger guys and it's great. Ok. Have at it, ladies. 

    Is there something about Peter I'm missing? All the girls turn up their nose at him for some reason. I thought he was super sweet listening and then comforting Raquel at lunch while she's crying over what a mess her life is. The guy is good looking and actually has a good job so what's the issue with him? 

    Lala gets so upset every time someone tells the truth about how she got together with Randall and bring up how she could not see what scum he was. Truth hurts, huh Lala? Good for Lisa for having that talk with her and asking her what the heck she was thinking. She has no answers so starts to cry for sympathy instead of explaining why she is such a whore. 

    Regarding Peter... yes he comforted her and was nice but that was a means to and end for him... getting into her pants. To me he comes off creepy. I think he only seems like a decent human in comparison to the toxic waste dump of humans this cast mostly is. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

    Aneesa could have won this final. Being slower didn’t matter because the running wasn’t at the end. If Jordan doesn’t drop the ball, literally, they are in the final 2. And I think they would have been better at the puzzle than Banany. 

    I didn’t mind the final giant walls of puzzles, but I do think there should have been something more endurance related at the end. I don’t think it changes the outcome, but had Jordan and Aneesa been in the final 2, it would have felt unfair for them to win. I have to imagine Devin and Tori were hours ahead of them if you combined the times. 

    As someone else mentioned, I find it endlessly hilarious that Devin is a Challenge champion and Fessy isn’t. There is even a clip of them arguing at one of the reunions where Fessy says Devin will never win. 

    I was just going to post that about Aneesa... this was a final she actually could have won. I think her and Jordan would have been pretty good in all of those rooms. I really don't like it though when early leads are completely erased and everyone starts from the same place. 

    I rarely listen to Bananas' podcast but he had Bill Simmons on this week and they had that same discussion about Fessy and Devin. Simmons had some really funny stuff to say about Fessy. It was actually a pretty good podcast. 

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  6. He was definitely not into Anastasia in the first place, but that whole thing made no sense. Her job is marketing content. It sounds like other girls were asking her questions about how it all works and she was answering them… so is she just not supposed to show her expertise in this area?? I would have been like hey asshole, I was talking about the ins and outs of my JOB!!

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  7. 22 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    One thing this made me think of and chuckle at was a moment when Jenn and Paula were arguing, and Jenn says to Paula something like "you're on your 6th season. Win one!" That was funny coming from Jenn because Jenn was on her 5th season, and also had not won.

    I think that was on Cutthroat.

    Oh Jenn… she was the queen of riding coattails to get far in the game. She sucked though. 

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  8. I feel compelled to share that while that might have been the first time TJ saw anyone puke in someone's pocket, it is not the first time that has happened. I was a child and the flower girl in a family wedding. I was sick that day but powered through for the most part. Once it was ok for us to leave the reception, my dad picked me up to carry me out of the reception. We stopped at the bride's table to say goodbye. Cue me puking everywhere.. including in the pocket of my dad's suit jacket. Good times. 

    Back to the show... I do wonder how Horacio and Olivia would be doing at this stage. I still think they were built for this kind of thing and would be hanging in near the lead with a definite shot at a win. Oh what could have been... 


    • LOL 5
  9. 12 hours ago, shantown said:

    This whole "surprise, you survived because your Ride or Die was still in the game" would have been a lot more impactful if more entire teams had been eliminated. This just seemed like a subtle dig at Nelson/Nurys for being the only team that was actually eliminated after that whole "oooooh we separated the pairs how wild!" twist.

    Maybe they felt bad that one team just kept losing? Really kind of ruined the point of splitting pairs when after all that, only two teams (Nelson/Nurys and then either Kaycee/Kenny or Jordan/Aneesa) will actually be eliminated because of it. 

    I didn't mind the episode otherwise though, if only for the quick clip of Gauntlet Winner Sarah Greyson!

    I would have actually loved to see these three folks eliminated because they failed to protect their ride or die. That would have been kinda epic. 

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  10. Fessy continues to suck. He is so incredibly self-centered. It’s “I brought her here” about Moriah and “I handpicked this team” about his teammates. I really hope his shabby treatment of Moriah somehow comes back to haunt him costing him a win. 

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  11. As much as I hate watching the gross food stuff it can be the great equalizer for someone like Fessy. So I am really hoping this isn't the show getting the eating thing out of the way and not including it in the final so that Fessy actually has a shot. I would rather have Bananas win for the umpteenth time that unduly smug Fessy. At this point I am so sick of all these a-holes I want Olivia and Horacio to win the whole thing. 

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  12. I actually like Jay and Michelle. They just didn't use their power wisely and it was frustrating. When they had the power Bananas and Nany should have been the direct vote. That goes for anyone who gets power. I do not know why people shy away from that move. Those other moves are not "big" moves by comparison. They just pissed off more people than they needed to. Very dumb and short-sighted. 

    I just want someone new to win and that does not mean Nany. She seems like a nice person but she always ties herself to someone's coattails in the game and expects to coast to a final. It is irritating. Right now I am rooting for Olivia and Horacio or Amber and Chauncy. 

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  13. Jay knows from past experience that none of the vets will ever have his back and as he is partnered with Michelle it is the same for her. So when the vets get all butt hurt about being put in, that would be my very simple response... I am not anyone you will ever protect so why should I ever protect you?? It is infuriating to watch the vets get indignant about being sent in. 

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  14. I confess I wasn’t paying super close attention but didn’t Fessy say they didn’t want to put in strong teams because they win dailies and will likely have power in the future… then proceeds to put in the two strongest rookie teams… hell maybe two of the strongest teams overall. He continues to shock me with his lack of logic. Now a team who is always near the top is coming back and when they win a daily ol Fessy is probably heading straight to elimination. 

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  15. The producers really have given up on this season. Such a filler heavy MTA. Gabby and Rachel deserved so much better this whole season. 

    Side note…. Rachel really sucks at being specific about why she likes someone. 

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  16. I am a frequent watcher of all kinds of terrible reality television, and I think I can say with authority that Lisa Rinna is the absolute worst! And this is a world that includes the likes of Kathryn Dennis, Vicki Gunvalson and Thomas Ravenel. 

    Coming from a place of love??? What the actual f*ck? How Garcelle doesn't completely lose her sh&t on this woman is beyond me. 

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  17. I have the suspicion that Kailah's fiance told her he'd consider her a loser if she lost to the "old broads" or something to that effect. Which is precisely why I want her to lose to these "old broads." I agree with those who think Kailah should not be on this show.  Same for Jordan. I like that everyone is scared of him but that is because he belongs on the original recipe show where he remains a competitive force. 

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  18. I like Sutton for the most part (mostly because she won't let up on Erika) but like one poster said above - if you are a good person you probably don't actually need to keep telling people that. I used to work for an utter psychopath and he would always say "I'm a nice guy." Bro, if you were nice you wouldn't have to keep telling people that. 

    Diana called Erika a straight shooter or something like that. Welp... that just proves Diana is a terrible judge of character. 

    Also, I just cannot with the bird stuff. I don't begrudge anyone their mourning process. Do whatever helps. Believe whatever gets your through. But ghost Lois did not put a ceramic bird in Rinna's makeup case. I do not understand feeding into that sort of delusion. I guess it is harmless in the end, but it bugs me. 

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  19. Also Nehemiah saying that MJ was all about self -preservation was up there with people talking about “scared” games. Everyone is a self preservationist in this game. You’d be an idiot not to be. 

    Sylvia can be moderately likable at times, but she reminded me in this episode why I generally don’t like her much. She’s been targeting Kellyanne all season and then has the nerve to be righteously indignant when she has to pay the price. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, ladle said:

    I’m so confused by this!!! I just find it so hard to believe that Rinna made up the story about the table being canceled, out of whole cloth. Not because she’s a decent and honest person (obv) but because she never struck me as someone stupid enough to flat-out lie about something that could be easily fact checked. 

    Meh... I am sure she figures if she gets busted in a lie she can claim confusion or miscommunication.  The lie gives her camera time and that is all she cares about. 

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  21. 5 hours ago, snarts said:

    As someone who's watched from the beginning and remembers how Lindsey treated Cristina, I love that she was finally called out for her completely faux "girl's girl" antics. Lindsey cares about no one but herself.  She'd run over Danielle in a hot second if needed, don't think we didn't see the smirk with Andy brought up Danielle's uncomfortableness with the Carl/Lindsey relationship.

    I adore Mya and hope she's back next season. Luke needs to show up on time and do something next Summer otherwise he's likely to lose his spot. At least if reunion seating is any indication. 

    I thought I was the only one who remembered poor Cristina. Lindsay was so incredibly awful to her. 

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  22. I am always amused when there are "sides" to be taken in these shows. Team Lindsay versus Team Ciara etc... I mean I think they are all very wrong and very right in their own way.  I think Ciara really did think it was ok with Austen on Winter House because Lindsay was doing her "I don't give a f*ck" thing.  But then Ciara acted like such an immature idiot about Austen and Lindsay on Summer House that she loses some of that good will.  And Lindsay should just admit she was staking out her territory with Austen and trying to get under Ciara's skin when he came to visit.  She literally never takes accountability for anything. And everyone should admit that Austen isn't even Honda Civic levels of attractive (more like a Ford Pinto from the 70s) and he wasn't worth all the kerfluffle.  Someone on one of these boards called him a bag of milk and I think it is incredibly accurate. 

    Oh Paige... what a terrible reunion performance thus far.  Throwing a tantrum over couch placement is not a good look. Especially when you were deemed important enough to be seated at the right hand of the father (Andy). And I do not understand what is happening with her mouth. 



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