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Posts posted by angelamh66

  1. Laurel was on Reality Steve's podcast not too long ago and she did say there is a provision in their contract about throwing challenges. But she also seemed to say if you don't admit that's what you are doing you can get away with it. Which is why I was surprised it was so blatant in this episode.  

    Also,  I'm just increasingly disappointed in Cara. Her inability to be happy for Tori, who seems to be an objectively nice person, was astounding. I don't think Cara can separate the game from real life. Probably because this game IS her entire life. 

    • Love 7
  2. I really enjoyed Judd Apatow. He was very good at getting Bill to laugh, which was nice.  Judge Judy was disappointing. The interview just felt stilted and weird. I actually do agree with Bill on something... I think Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar are dark horses that could really come on near the end. I adore Elizabeth Warren, but Medicare for all is a loser. Obama was absolutely correct that if we were starting from a blank slate it would be different. 

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  3. I enjoyed Theo's farewell speech about how awful everyone left is. I cosign. Such an unlikable bunch. I want to root for LeRoy a little bit, but he's aligned with Paulie. And I just cannot abide that. Jordan and Tori kinda suck as humans but I guess I'll take them over Cara/Paulie. 

    Ashley is kinda quiet this season.  Downright subdued really.  I think I'd actually be amused if she quietly went about winning herself another million.  

    • Love 3
  4. Geez Bill, an anti vaxer and a human embodiment of Republican talking points all on one show? Watching that gave me anxiety. The human talking point was the absolute worst. He would throw out some ridiculous unsupported theory or accusation, get booed, and then say the booing proved his point. No jackass , the audience just wasn’t buying the nonsense. And really... the left’s lying by saying the country is racist? The hell? This is a country in which people have been known the chant “build a wall” and “send her back”.  Yeah... not racist at all. 

    • Love 14
  5. Those UK people are incredibly dumb to put in Georgia. They are doing Cara and Paulie’s bidding and weakening their own team as a result. Real dumb. 

    Cara is so smug. I need to see Jenny or Tori just knock her block off in a challenge or an elimination. 

    • Love 5
  6. I forgot to mention the truly barf worthy moment when Cara said Tori and Jordan wanted to be her and Paulie.  Honey, nobody is jealous of that relationship.  He cheated getting into that relationship,  and he will cheat on his way out of it if he finds a companion that will net him more Instagram followers.  Tori and Jordan are insufferable,  but I'd rather hang out with them than Paulie.  

    • Love 1
  7. I thought it was so petty and juvenile for Jordan to mock Turbo's walk. I think that is why Turbo was upset - he was being mocked. But Ashley is such a trash bag for getting Turbo riled up. He seems to really take things to heart, and she used that at his expense to further her game. 

    • Love 12
  8. Gee, Spicer and his followers are really sticking it to Hollyweird by getting... Sailor eliminated??? Ugh. I don’t think she could have won but she should have lasted longer than stompy spicey.

    We are at the point in the season where I just have to decide the few couples I actually would be disappointed to lose... it is James/Emma and Kate/Pasha. Otherwise I’ll just be too annoyed at Spicer outlasting people who should be staying over him.

    I wish the lights hadn’t been so nuts in James’s dance. To me it actually detracted from how good it was. 

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  9. I kind of loved Georgia’s rant at the end. She’s absolutely correct. The U.K. team needs to worry about winning challenges first and foremost.  They made the right moves for that to maybe happen. So Cara and her little posse can suck it. I think I find it easier to root for the U.K. because I have less experience with them and thus do not yet fully understand the potential depths of their awfulness. Whereas I’ve spent years watching the idiots on the US squad show their ass. 

    • Love 7
  10. 4 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

    I thought the same thing and I wondered if that's why Jordan wanted him to stop kicking it (besides it being stupid and childish). I think Jordan also said something that sounded like the camera guys were still shooting shots of the relic on the podium and that was messing up the shot.

    Seeing how easily Turbo looses his shit and goes overboard in his reactions in situations that don't really call for it is why I haven't been team Turbo since last season. Also fuck off with all that "be a man not a pussy" bs. He's just as toxic as the rest of them.

    I have liked Turbo but I am very aware that it is likely because he doesn’t say much due to the language barrier. I do sense that if he could make himself more clear, he would probably be Paulie/Bananas level arrogant. With a dash of misogyny on top. 

    • Love 5
  11. Dear Bravo, 

    I do NOT need to see any more of these HoWives having vaginal procedures ever ever again. The bizarre fascination with this is perplexing. I mean, do what you need to do, but maybe without the film crew. Just saying. 

    Also no way is Emily 191 lbs. I would have guessed 150 tops. It makes no sense unless she is much taller than I think she is. 

    Also, also STFU Gina. She is just looking for reasons to be mad at Emily. I’m surprised that cross necklace Tamra was wearing didn’t burn right into her skin. Evil. 

    • LOL 3
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  12. Spicer is just going to Bristol Palin his way to the semifinals. Puke. I don’t even watch him. I refuse. 

    If I was a contestant or one of the pros I would be annoyed that Len gets booed and cut off when he very likely has something useful to say. I was glad Bruno said what he said. 

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  13. 6 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    I want Jenny gone for those lips alone.  Who does that to themselves?  It's so distracting.

    I could not agree more. Absolutely horrible. I admire her athleticism, but damn she is hard to look at. 

    • Love 6
  14. I don’t think Brandy is gunning for Leanne or takes pleasure is separating her from the group. I think she just plain and simply does not like the woman and would prefer not to deal with her. And frankly, who could blame her. Leanne would be utterly exhausting to deal with. 

    I wish Deandra would have responded to Leanne’s face the way she did in the talking head interview. 

    Leanne: “Do I want to be pitied?”

    Deandra (in person): “No.”

    Deandra (in talking head): “Yes.”

    • Love 19
  15. Josh may be the most annoying human in this competition, but Paulie reminded us all that he’s just an angry short dude. With Bananas out of the way, I can fully root for Leroy. I just never could when he was aligned with Bananas. I want to like Ninja, but she works my nerves. When Dee was crying at the bar, Ninja was sooooo dramatic about asking the guys to step away for a minute. Take a breath Ninja. 

    • Love 9
  16. Anyone else catch Len telling Ally not to touch him after she high-fived him. I found it hilarious and awkward as hell. I can’t say I blame him. I hate when Carrie hugs the contestants. But maybe that’s just me... I’m like people Teflon. 

    • LOL 3
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  17. 1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

    This, to me, is Bill's attitude all over, that he rails at the Dems for being cowards and then yet again suggests they should reconsider trying to prosecute actual serious crimes to protect yet another screw-up politician's son so they can stick with Joe Biden, the lesser of two evils (without the evil) and appeal to that same swing voter in the diner. Seems like that's exactly the sort of thing that drives Dem voters crazy. Bill would probably love to spend an election defending Biden against the "Twitter mob."

    He brushed off Linette's suggestion that they do this because it's the right thing to do, but it seems bizarre to me to think moral clarity is worthless, even when it's effective. He'd always rather be asking the Republican why the Dems suck. The second Dems are on anything like the offensive he takes the other side, which is useful, but only up to a point. Trump, unlike Clinton, manufactures all his own scandals and it seems odd to assume that nobody can see that even outside Trump's base.

    Also, not surprised he used Greta Thunberg to complain about American kids not caring enough to be climate activists and so dismissing the American kids who are climate activists.

    The shot at American kids was comedically effective, but the premise was faulty. He just conveniently forgets the Parkland students who really took the gun control debate by the horns.

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