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Posts posted by angelamh66

  1. I hate Paulie with the fire of a thousand suns, but damn that was satisfying. I do think it was weird that TJ told Johnny he messed up. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to let him get to the end, then tell him. I mean it’s not like anyone told Ninja or Laurel when they missed a peg last week. Just more special treatment for their star. Dontcha know he IS the Challenge. Just ask him, he’ll tell you. 

    • Love 17
  2. There is not one wholly likeable person on this show. They all have their a-hole moments.  Heck, I don't even always root against Bananas (although mostly I do). I guess my Bananas hate is powerful enough for me to root for an alliance that involves Jordan and Paulie.  Barf. Although if he and Laurel hadn't thrown the challenge I might have been on their side. 

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  3. Am I a bad American if I’m rooting for the Brits? They might also be awful people but I just don’t know that yet. As opposed to years of watching the US team and not a truly likable one in the bunch now that Wes is gone. Maybe Nany but she’s the weakest female for sure so she won’t last long. 

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  4. What is up with Tori and Jordan’s way of speaking. Like they’re from the streets or something. Such try hards. 

    I really wish that catapult thingy would have launched Jordan all the way off this show. Ugh. 

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  5. 11 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

    Or, play it at the end to get a better deal in the divorce. Very manipulative.

    Shane looked like he had been out partying and showed up starving! He looked all sweaty and in major a’hole-mode! 

    If my husband left to some hotel to *study* and did not want me to stop by during a meal to chat......I would change the locks.  

    But, this marital drama is her storyline! 

    I am not sticking up for Shane.  I just do not like how Emily is giving this ‘end of marriage’  storyline life. 

    It would not make one bit of difference in the divorce if she got his cruelty on camera.  It's a no fault divorce state and spouses aren't penalized financially for bad behavior (unless its financial misconduct). 

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  6. JPJ is one of those people who just should have stayed home. His image benefited from mystery.  Now its obvious he is a red flag-a-palooza. Say what you want about Derek, but at least he said it was Tayshia's decision to make. 

    • Love 17
  7. The Demi storyline is supremely annoying. How is what she proclaims to be doing any different than what Hannah did in trying to decide between Dylan and Blake? I really hope Derek was in on this the whole time and knew exactly his role in the storyline. 

    • Love 15
  8. The editing is making my head spin.  Things shown as though they happened on the same day but clearly people are in different bathing suits. Terrible continuity. 

    Also what’s with these women passively sitting there while two dudes argue about who she’s going to talk to/spend time with. Last night it was Hannah staring blankly into the sea playing with her hair. Tonight it was Nicole. Ugh. 

    • Love 11
  9. My observations from night 1....

    Jane... liking hot sauce is not a personality 

    Bibiana... what did she do to her face?

    Caelynn... if the first time you were with Blake was also the last, you were not dating. FaceTime does not equal dating. That said, Blake does appear to be a f*ckboi of epic proportions. 

    • Love 22
  10. Not to nitpick,  but the person at the court that Renata met with is not a judge. It was the bankruptcy trustee. The trustee's job is to step in and take control over the bankruptcy estate (i.e. all of their assets) and preserve the assets for the benefit of the creditors. The trustee will make all decisions about settlements etc... for the duration of the bankruptcy.  The distinction might not have been meaningful in last night's episode,  but it could be going forward so I thought it was worth pointing out.  

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  11. I think LeRoy caught feelings in the same way most guys in those types of relationships do — meaning that his ego got bruised when she was with someone else so he claimed to feel “disrespected.” But I guarantee if he had been the one hanging out with someone else he would have invoked the friends with benefits arrangement if Cam got upset.  These relationships are all fine and dandy for guys so long as the woman doesn’t actually take advantage of the no strings situation. 

    I find Cara and Paulie so damn insufferable as a couple that I actually wish they had spent more time on Paulie’s two-timing.  Bananas accused him of dating Cara to make a name on the show, which is absolutely true, but I wish when Paulie had said that was only Bananas opinion that Bananas would have mentioned that Paulie himself said that to his other girlfriend.  

    Just no to LoLo as a host. Is MTV trying to make her happen? I want to like her because of how accomplished she is as an athlete, but her personality is so odious that I can’t. 

    • Love 7
  12. Happy to see Cam gone, but the way things were edited makes it look like Mike wasn’t entirely truthful with Hannah. I otherwise like Mike so I noticed this... Cam never said he was telling her the story so he could stick around (at least not that we were shown). He was saying his goodbyes because he said his health issues had been dealbreakers with other women in the past (frankly I think his personality was the dealbreaker but whatevs). So unless there is footage on the cutting room floor, Mike really did sabotage Cam. 

    I loved that Hannah used the word irritating to describe Luke’s entitled behavior. That dude is simmering with barely concealed rage though. Good thing that cross necklace is always prominently displayed. Otherwise how would we know what a great guy he is. Ugh. 

    Peter is the only palatable one to me. 

    • Love 17
  13. Anyone who finished this final should be proud.  I liked Ninja at first but not after she showed her entire ass going off on Turbo. But still, she finished that brutal final and didn’t complain much, so hats off to her. I also think it’s impressive that Wes, at his age, finished in the money. CT would have passed out on the first lap and I say that as someone who loves CT. It says something about this final that the top 2 consisted of an Olympic level athlete and a cyborg. 

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  14. I don’t mind Beau. I do however hate the narrative that Stassi is just sooooo lucky to have him and all their fights are her fault. He isn’t perfect. No way. Stassi is a handful but she is bringing something to the table too. 

    • Love 15
  15. Hannah’s picker is about as good as anyone her age. Just thinking back to some of the wastes of space I chose to spend my time and energy on in my early/mid twenties makes me cringe. Luke P strikes me as one of those guys that hides behind his big gold cross... like “I cannot possibly be an insincere d-bag because... God and stuff.” I’d wager at some point this season someone calls him on some crap behavior and he pulls the ‘ole “only my God can judge me” line. Ugh. 

    • Love 11
  16. I’m so bummed about Georgia and Mattie. I so wanted at least one of the women to have a good showing and now the two left are the two I just can’t root for. Ugh. 

    Jesus Cara, get the fluids. I don’t understand her saying she has a fear of needles when she has tattoos. 

    That final is truly brutal. I wonder if they test the course with athletes to determine whether or not it could actually kill someone. I’m glad it is challenging though. The last few have been pretty weak. 

    • Love 6
  17. 3 hours ago, Sterling said:

    Yep, first official gaslight of the season.  She points out that he has a girlfriend, and he deflects back to her that she "did the same thing" with Colton, forcing her to go into defensive mode, removing the attention from his lying a**.

    I was proud of her for not only standing up for herself, but for what she said, and how articulately she said it.  Not just to him, but to the rest of the guys too.  Proving that she's not just some "sweet pageant girl", but a girl who demands honesty and respect.  

    Girls like her, who lived life in a pageant/dance/recital bubble, can often be taken advantage of later in life, with their pasted-on smiles on Vaseline-soaked teeth.  So far, Hannah is showing that yes, that was a huge part of her life, but this is now.

    I like that she owns up to the fact that she's not perfect.  I know it's a silly thing, but I can't stand all my Facebook friends who went on to do pageants and are now in their 40's, 50's, and yes, even beyond, still posing, Botoxing beyond recognition, still plugging their "perfect" life.  Hannah is showing years of maturity in recognizing that she put on "pageant perfection" for years, but that, as a person, she has flaws, and she expects her guys to have flaws, so let's have fun and get to know each other, as real people.

    She really impressed me last night.  And I've really detested several Bachelorettes:  Andi, DeAnna, Emily (too fake-looking and stiff).  

    Is it bad that I had schadenfreude when Andi showed up at the Bachelorette reunion as the only single girl?

    I see nothing wrong with you getting a chuckle if you don’t like Andi and are amused that her life isn’t going well. But I don’t thing singlehood or couplehood is a measure of success or happiness. 

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