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Posts posted by angelamh66

  1. 13 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

    In the earlier seasons, I distinctively remember that right before the rose ceremony, Chris used to tell the ladies they were free to refuse the Bachelor's rose. Heck, they were free to leave at anytime.  I had no idea that now they make them sign a contract.  I wonder what brought that about. 

    They can leave whenever they want.  The contract deals with confidentiality mostly and a bunch of release language about the show being able to portray you any way they see fit. The contract was out there on the internet at some point. 

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  2. I’m usually team Sandoval, but not this time. It pains me to take Stassi’s side. 

    Sheana is so pathetic. She was over the moon to have a new audience for her gotdamned Apple Watch story. Too bad the viewing audience has heard it 5 times in 3 episodes. Oy!

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  3. Victoria F’s insecure act seemed... practiced. Like I don’t think it was her first time using that schtick to endear herself to a man. 

    Kelsey is batshit but she correctly discerned the difference between telling someone the negative things you think about them and bullying. Bullying is such an overused word that it has truly lost all meaning. 

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  4. The most interesting thing to come out of this reunion to me was that in the past the producers/editors have not aired some crazy LeAnne behavior.  Think about that... think about the stuff they have aired which has been bad enough (trying to punch the bus, her knife hands, trying to kill Marie) and ask yourself what they didn't air. The woman is unhinged.  And in a way that is harmful to people around her (NPD or something similar). Personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat because the people that have them will always justify their behavior so they don't think they really need to do anything differently.  

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  5. Alright y'all, I feel the need to stick up for the flask. That it totally something my friends and I would joke about doing,  and do if the situation would allow for it. Those reunions are dog fights and I can see why having a belt out of a flask might feel necessary.  Hell, some of them take anti-anxiety meds to get through.  

    I just don't think it is fair to label someone a drunk based on a small sampling of their life. People have vastly different relationships with alcohol. Some of my friends don't drink at all, some drink socially,  and some are what I call weekend warriors (those who like to drink quite a bit on weekends). All of these people have well-paying professional jobs that they are successful at. Just because you see Brandi or DeAndra drunk on camera doesn't mean they are drunks. They appear to be managing life quite well and just like to blow off steam from time to time. 

    • Love 15
  6. To be clear, an individual can’t sue a medical provider for a HIPAA violation. The OCR enforces the law, and the fines can be pretty bad, but it’s not a money maker for the patient. There might be state laws in California that an individual can sue under, but I don’t practice in California so I don’t know. 


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  7. My Paulie hate was further strengthened by this reunion.  So much so that I actually enjoyed Bananas' running anti-Paulie commentary and usually I would just want him to shut it. 

    That unseen footage between Rogan and Paulie talking about Dee was so godawful.  And it pains me to watch her try to be cool girl about it and say her and Rogan are friends.  Friends don't talk that way about you. These women just seem to accept this and Cara actually defended Paulie. I think only Laurel looked appropriately appalled.  

    The co-host didn't say much, but his facial expressions were gold. He looked like he was just over these fools. 

    Also,  Jordan is right that American Ninja isn't a sport.  It is, however,  an athletic activity that is pretty impressive.  Just like The Challenge.  Not a sport... an athletic activity.  

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  8. I was a little disappointed in the other women for hem hawing in their talking heads when asked if LeAnne is a racist. I wonder if when some of them see the footage for the first time (that were not real time witnesses to the comments) they will feel differently. The words she said were bad enough... but her delivery leaves no room for doubt regarding her intentions. 

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  9. The editing had me worried for a bit because it was making Paulie look like the comeback kid or something. Glad that didn’t turn out to be true. Felt bad for Leroy but the only way him winning would have been tolerable for me is if the US final four did not include Cara and Paulie. 

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  10. Aww... so cute that Braunwyn thinks her fun party self is just misunderstood outside of Miami. No girl, I think everyone understands what a total try-hard you are. 

    Kelly can be such an asshole but the line about Gina having to hold on to her extensions was everything. Gina’s “hair” is so godawful. 

    The forced fun of that club... just no. 

    • Love 21
  11. Somewhere Georgia is laughing her ass off. Serves both Kayleigh and Joss right. Odd byproduct is that there is only one UK person left on the UK. 

    Paulie is a trash bag of a human but I do understand his frustration with Cara and her dramatics.  He's still terrible though. I lol'd at Zach calling him the Keebler Elf. 

    Ninja needs to take several seats with her little moral lesson to Jordan.  She's aligned with some awful people so she hardly owns the high ground.  I didn't think I'd ever to be able to root for a Tori/Jordan win, but I'm on board now. And I feel like they might be getting an underdog/winner's edit.

    Dee... bless her heart... but she is going to feel like a total idiot when she watches this back. 

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  12. I agree with everyone who is sating Ally should not have been saved a third time. My personal opinion of her aside (I don’t particularly care for her personality or her dancing) the judges just should recognize when someone isn’t clicking with the voters. 

    I generally like Hannah, but her package tonight... ugh... I just can’t muster up that much sympathy for her on the Bachelorette front. You can’t go on a show like that and be shocked that the contestants aren’t all sincere.  There were a million red flags with the dude she picked. 

    I will miss watching James dance. He was my hands down favorite.

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  13. 6 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    I wonder if Stephanie was throwing shade at many of her fellow Bravo stars when she mentioned the tackiness of people who wear head-to-toe designer logos.  If so, I am loving it.

    Damn though, you gotta be pretty effing rich to blow 5K on a Gucci outfit meant to be worn ironically.

    I think Dorit has that exact outfit. Haha.

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