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Posts posted by angelamh66

  1. I really do not like James, but good lord shut up Kristen. Shut up Katie. Shut up Brittany. Shut up Jax.  Speaking of Jax, that was pretty interesting that he was not at all sympathetic to Ariana when she lost her dad. I’m glad she called his sanctimonious ass out on it. 

    Katie’s gripe about her head injury etc... seemed to me to be a complaint about the minimal air time her telling that story got as compared to James’s family drama. She seemed to be bitching at Lisa that James was edited for some sympathy and she was not. 

    I really don’t like Billie Lee. She acknowledged the girls night thing was an oversight but still wanted to beat the transphobic drum.  I’m sure she is more sensitive to being left out of girls things because of her experiences, but that is not everyone else’s responsibility to remedy.

    I really want to like Lala, but I’m off that train. She is the last person who should be schooling people on life. Good for her for getting sober but she doesn’t seem to have learned a damn thing in recovery. 

    • Love 14
  2. I’m clearly heartless. Paulie losing spectacularly and then crying in his talking head made this entire season for me. I just wish Davonne had made the final and Ninja would have somehow lost this one. I have a sneaky feeling Wes might win this thing. And I’m good with that. I like Georgia and Mattie too. Just not rooting at all for Cara or Ninja. 

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  3. In the beginning I had all the sympathy in the world for Gypsy.  What an awful way to grow up and I could understand how she would feel like murdering her mother was the only way out.  However, after the last couple of episodes and seeing her interviewed in real life, it is clear to me that she is a huge manipulator as well.  It is probably all she knows, but people like that tend to not change.  It is sad really.  Her mother ruined her, but she is who she is now.

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  4. In almost any other season I would be happy to see Cara secure a spot in a final. But since she got with Paulie the rage hole I just cannot with her. 

    And speaking of people I've lost all respect for, Ninja, peddle that "miscommunication" story elsewhere.  You were an asshole,  plain and simple.  No miscommunication. 

    I hate losing Kyle. And I hope we don't lose Davonne. Whoever said last week that having a sense of humor about yourself goes a long way toward likeability in this game was absolutely right. Paulie, Cara, Hunter, and Ninja are just so humorless.

    • Love 16
  5. I just loved Davonne’s talking heads about Ninja. I wanted to root for her, but she really did show her entire ass. I know it won’t happen but I’d love to see arrogant Paulie volunteer himself and for Kyle to just destroy him... shades of the first time Jordan went after Bananas. 

    • Love 9
  6. Oh Wes why did you have to make a deal with Cara and Paulie. Ugh. I actually loved Nany’s take on how Cara has changed. Cara is the living worst now and I just cannot root for her anymore. 

    • Love 6
  7. 49 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

    It is stunning to me that Cara can be so fixated on Kyle, giving him so much real estate in both her head and her confessionals, and then act affronted that people think she’s not over him. Cara, this is not what “over someone” looks like. You are so far past the line, you can’t see the line. The line is a dot to you. 

    I would feel bad for Georgia if she hadn’t brought this all on herself by refusing to listen to people about Bear’s unfaithful way despite the fact that he apparently has a history if being unfaithful. 

    Going after Wes seems like a true rookie mistake. He’s smarter than almost all of the guys, and has the physical goods to back it up in an elimination as well. I would pick him over anyone but Turbo, I think, though he and Theo might be a close match also. 

    My favorite part of the episode was Davonne, partner: Jesus. 

    Excellent Friends reference!

    • Love 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Pop Tart said:

    The way Lala was needing to be squeezed during her panic attack? All I could think was ‘someone get that girl a Thundershirt.’

    Billie whining that Lala had been super nasty to her while at Sur and how Lisa didn’t do anything about it? Difference is, Lala was shouting at her co-workers, not Lisa. Lisa will take a whole lot of fights between the staff at her restaurant because it not only creates drama for the show, it’s also dramatic performances for the customers at Sur (many of whom are eating there in hopes of seeing someone shouting at someone else). But no one gets to yell at Lisa at Sur. 

    I was surprised that Brittany wasn’t upset that Scheana ran right to Billie to tell her she wasn’t invited to the engagement party, like right to her.


    I thought the same thing about a Thundershirt for Lala. Or girl needs to be wrapped in a weighted blanket. 

    Raquel is so obviously trying to get on the show more often. She’s shooting for cast status. Too bad there is literally nothing interesting about her. Dumber than a box of hammers.

    • Love 12
  9. Cara needs to let it go with Kyle. Making game decisions based on personal b.s. is something the old Cara would have called out other girls for. Where is Laurel when you need her to whip Cara into shape. 

    I like Davonne quite a lot but she is bogged down by two unforgivable things... her crap partner and her allegiance to freaking Paulie. Ugh!

    I liked the actual challenge. I continue to love Turbo. Georgia is a total disappointment. Wes’s commentary on Hunter was probably my favorite thing of the episode. 

    • Love 4
  10. I hate to see CT go, but anything that bugs Paulie is ok in my book. I think Kyle is kinda garbage himself, but Paulie bugs me way more. Maybe it’s the lack of accent. I really like Georgia and Zahida so far. Good additions to the female cast. Competitive, funny, and not yapping chihuahuas like Amanda. 

    • Love 4
  11. Cassie’s family is just impossibly good looking.  

    I really cannot take any more of this permission nonsense. So what... if you don’t get daddy’s permission do you not get the two cows you were promised as dowery. Is there really still a segment of the population that finds this charming?

    • Love 13
  12. Cara warning whatsername about Kyle being a bad guy.... almost comically ironic given the garbage human she apparently still chooses to spend her time with. 

    I am not sure I totally buy Bananas deciding Zach was a traitor. I feel like he was being his own producer and setting up a new potential rivalry for future challenges. But who knows... unless he had another money making opportunity lined up and needed an early exit, I can’t see why he wouldn’t have chosen someone easier to beat. 

    • Love 8
  13. Dorit continues to commit fashion crimes regularly. She is such a try-hard and the hair... my God... the hair.  I’m no LVP fan but if her primary beef is with Dorit this season, count me in for teamLVP. 

    Speaking of LVP, there is something off in the timeline here. On Vanderpump Rules, which is taped over the summer but now airing, she had just returned from the funeral in London and TomTom is not yet open. On RHBH, it is clear it’s fall, and tonight she discussed how well TomTom is doing, so it’s been open. And yet she still speaks of her grief in terms of a couple of weeks when her brother’s death would have been more remote in time.  I’m not saying she wouldn’t still be grieving, but just be honest and say how long it’s been. There’s no shame in that. 

    • Love 7
  14. Ahh, there’s the Zach I know and hate. The gaslighting is real. And Jenna looks way too thin. Like problematically thin. Makes me think she is trying to control her weight and food intake because she has no control in her relationship. Granted that’s based on watching her on tv for a few years, so what do I know...

    Bye bye Chase and Ashley. I am overjoyed that Ashley is the first to go. And Chase, your poor judgment continues. From dating freaking Tomi Lahren, to picking Smashley as a partner, to going on Ex on the Beach at all. 

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  15. James’s mom really seems like she is trying to make herself “happen”. God forbid she end up on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills when Lisa needs to add a sycophant to make up for the fact that the rest of the cast is done with her. 

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  16. Ugh. Robbie effing Hayes. Dude is a gross famewhore. But then I guess so is Sheana and her manufactured love triangle story. Loved Stassi calling him a cheesy dbag. I think his presence on this show combined with Big Brother people showing up on The Challenge is proof that reality tv is eating itself. 

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