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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Interesting to read the "Does she or will she have PPD?" comments. In the end, I think there's only one thing we'll ever know for sure about that. That we'll never know for certain - either way. TLC will never show any indication, or anything done to help her if she was misfortunate enough to get it. Boob will never "give permission."
  2. Jill is clearly Alpha Female. She's spoken over her sibs for years. I once saw an interview on YouTube, regarding their "relationship" book I think, where Jill spoke the entire time, except for one or two very brief comments from one of the other girls. Jill answered every question, even those directed to another sister. And she's often been shown directing projects and events, telling who what to do and when. So far Derick has shown himself to be a remarkably passive male, IMO - and for a firstborn that's fairly unusual. But maybe he really does like it that way. Approaching the father first is, in this day and age, an extremely-passive way to find a wife, so maybe that's just who he is. I just can't imagine most guys tolerating that kind of behavior from a wife indefinitely.
  3. Have to agree, and especially about Derick. I can see now that the optimism and hope many of us had for him was seriously misplaced. And for exactly what Dejana said - he went to Boob for a wife. I hope that move was a last resort for him, that he tried first through friends, through church, maybe even through Christian Mingle. But I'm not too hopeful about that either. Looked promising in Nepal, but DD has been one disappointment after another since he returned.
  4. Yeah, somehow I don't see her "scheduling" time for current events of any kind either - TV, newspaper, Internet. Doubt she ever heard the German woman's story.
  5. I was thinking of "The Midwife's Tale" - and I'm sure you're right. I very much doubt they'd read it, because I think they read very little if any fiction. But the heathen in me would still like to send it. :>)
  6. Wanderwoman - so glad to get good news on continued progress for "our" Lil Miss. Praying that any hearing loss Maisie has will be minor - even, dare I hope, temporary? And that before you know it, you'll be home with your Lil Pudder. Hang in there, honey girl... :>)
  7. Looking forward to reading your book as well. Oh, and 'Snotty Wellfleet' would like to send a few copies to the Duggars too... :>)
  8. Brilliant idea - brilliant! Put Boob in charge - for just one week - and hit him with everything the President gets thrown at him in an average week. Everything. By day Four, I think Boob would be on his way home at the crack of dawn, crying "Momma, the other kids are being mean to me..." And by Momma, he would mean Me-chelle.
  9. The Jesuits have been famous for centuries among Catholics - and many other faiths - as superb educators.
  10. Agree 100% - I'm a product of Catholic schools, first grade through bachelor's degree.
  11. I was being somewhat facetious with my "pray on it" comment, though I also have to be honest and admit I would indeed be nervous if I got a plane to find out the pilot trained at Alert. It goes without saying there are 1000s of well-trained, competent professional Christian pilots out there. And I agree completely, Alert is a clearly a Gothard prop, plain and simple. Fake - and safe - Army fun for men both young and old. And one more way to control the offspring.
  12. Everyone who's posted about the lack of Duggar domestic skills - both cooking and cleaning - has been right. It takes more $$ and it takes more material to feed 21 people but it doesn't necessarily have to take more time or effort. It does take more effort to clean a 7000 sq ft house, but then there's that old saying - many hands make light work. And they certainly have many hands, albeit that Josie Grossie's are sticky and dirty. Bottom line for the appalling way this house is managed is Me-chelle, a lazy, disinterested mother who is not going to put forth Effort One into anything she doesn't want to do. I wonder how she'd be managing now if she had given birth to six boys in a row right off the bat? She claims to be the family organizer and scheduler, but apparently she only knows how to schedule things that bring in $$ or fame.
  13. You sound just fine to this teacher... :>) Thankfully, most parents take the education of their children - whether they homeschool or not - very seriously.
  14. I still don't understand why the Duggars would care about being seen at the wedding of their daughter-in-law's sister? And even more, why TLC was OK with paying for the "privilege" of filming it? There must have been something in it for Boob, but I can't begin to imagine why TLC cared.
  15. I embroidered a huge man's white cotton tee with "From Here to Maternity" using pink, blue, green and purple floss for my pregnant size 2 SIL when she was expecting her first baby, who turned out to be my now 22-year old niece [and godchild] and my SIL put the tee away for when my niece is preggo. But we all want her to wait quite a while - LOL! :>)
  16. Agree. Her "orders" to the doctor could also have been a last desperate effort on her part to have some type of control over what she was sure she'd be orchestrating from start to finish. And of which she "totally" lost control. Good grief, she is definitely Boob's daughter.
  17. One would think so, but these days I think that's making a big assumption. One would also think the Secret Service is following all the rules and guidelines that have been been in place for decades regarding Presidential/White House security etc as well. And now of course, we know better, don't we? I'll think I'll send my kid to a recognized, established, accredited and secular school to learn to fly a plane. I don't want anyone popping in a "Pray on it..." when it comes to handling an engine that cuts out in mid-air.
  18. Totally agree with every point here. Despite the everlasting "special and precious" blather, the Duggars do very little that says "close and caring family." Any fun activities these kids have been able to enjoy in the last 10 years are likely to have been a direct result of TLC's need for footage. There would have been no overseas travel, no field trips, no visits to amusement parks, Dollywood etc otherwise. In fact, I think if several recent episodes of 19K&C were shown to a roomful of people who'd never heard of the Duggars - and the sound was muted - a fair number of them would guess that it was a show about a group home or orphanage. Or possibly, some kind of really boring camp for kids.
  19. Well, contractor at least. He better not be including the word "licensed" unless it's true, which I doubt is the case, at this point.
  20. Agree totally. I think both Boob & Me-chelle consider every child or grandchild they get as just another point in their own Getting-to-Heaven reward book. They have a baby, or one of their kids does, and they get another punch on their card. While Boob has shown some interest in knowing his kids on a personal level, Me-chelle has never done anything but completely fake that, for the cameras only. And neither one of them seems very interested in any of the grandchildren, despite the lukewarm lip service paid when Josh announced he was taking the FRC job.
  21. True. And if that's the case, then according to what the Duggars claim they believe, that would be God's will, wouldn't it? But we all know Jill would never accept that. And that's only one of the many things that's baffling about this bunch.
  22. Yeah, I don't think Me-chelle will be Laundry Lady either. I just hope for it - big time. Hey, you never know. :>)
  23. How is it that Boob had to insinuate himself between Jill and Derick in Nepal, lest righteous desires be stirred up - yet it's OK for Jessa to stand all cozied up directly next to this perfect male stranger for a photo op? Once again, evidence of how illogical their rules are - or just how much BS they spout. Take your pick, I guess...
  24. The clip you mention here is actual footage from the Derick-and-Jill "we're pregnant" announcement. You can practically see Boob rubbing his hands together.
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