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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Another finale post-mortem with Peter Lenkov, from Deadline
  2. From TV Line—The Hawaii Five-0 Series Finale: What Cliffhangers for Season 11 Got Cut?
  3. From Entertainment Weekly (EW): Their Post-Finale Interview with Peter Lenkov It’s got some different questions & comments in it from the TV Line interviews linked in the Ep thread. Worth reading, in my opinion.
  4. The girl in the plane was, at 1 time, the longtime lover of the guy she was sitting next to (main guy in the cast, or at least 1 of 2 main guys). They were in the Navy together. He was a SEAL & in Naval Intelligence (at different times during his tour of duty). She also was in Naval Intelligence, but it was never specified if that’s where they were supposed to have met, or if they were in different parts of the Navy when they met. Anyway... He left the Navy/transferred to the Reserves before she did, so he could go run Five-0 & hopefully solve what was behind his father’s murder. When she finally resigned her commission, she had trouble finding a new place for herself in the world. She ended up working with him at Five-0 for awhile; then she moved on to a job as a PI working with another old love who’d served with her in the Navy. He ended up being shot to death on a case & she felt responsible for some reason, which really messed with her head awhile. Eventually, she ended up as a CIA operative, which she apparently found satisfying, but she hid that fact from him, along with some other things. Then she left him to go on a mission right when, as she didn’t know, he was going to propose to her. That pulled them farther apart than her joining the CIA & not telling him did. They’re still friends, but nothing else, apparently. What you saw last night appears to have been them working on going back to being more than friends.
  5. Y’all are welcome. It’s not like I was board mod or anything. All I did was post the episode synopses—the Hawaiian titles were easy since iPhone (& presumably iPad) has a Hawaiian language keyboard; the synopses were pretty easy to figure out what was extraneous & retype the other stuff, but they were even easier when I figured out how to get the synopses to copy & paste & then I could get the extraneous stuff removed. And of course I also posted & answered when I had stuff to say. Hopefully this fall season will give us another show we can get as invested in as we did this 1.
  6. Michelle’s last name is Borth, with an O, not Barth. I think you can also look at that last scene as they just happened to end up, & end up sitting together, on that flight (OK, & maybe the rest of the itinerary they shared after that flight since they knew each other & traveling is always better with someone you know). I don’t see it necessarily being Steve’s gonna immediately forget all the crap Cath pulled on him recently & they’ll immediately go back to being boyfriend/girlfriend just ‘cause she happens to be sitting next to him. I think they have too much crap they should/need to work out between them before Steve should trust her like that again. So, is Danny moving into Steve’s, or are he & Junior sharing it, if he’s not moving in with Tani? Oh yeah... Almost forgot... What’s left of the NCISLA half of the “Touch of Death” crossover is on the ION channel right now.
  7. Here‘s the obit for 3-time Grammy winner Bill Withers. He retired from the music industry in the 1980’s; his last hit was “Just the Two of Us”, which he recorded with saxophonist Grover Washington, Jr. I believe the artist credit read “Grover Washington, Jr Featuring Bill Withers“—it was 1 of those songs where an instrumentalist & vocalist collaborate on a song that usually is (at least initially) recorded for the instrumentalist’s CD (another example would be “Valentine” by pianist Jim Brickman featuring Martina McBride on vocals); in this case, it was released on Withers’ label. It was also 1 of those songs you pretty much couldn’t get away from hearing on the radio during my last year in high school (early 1980’s).
  8. I’m getting notifications on my iPhone saying singer Bill Withers (“Ain’t No Sunshine”, “Lean on Me”) has died. Apparently it was cardiac-related. I think the notifications gave his age as 81. I’ll post an obit as soon as I can find it, if nobody beats me to it.
  9. I think you can get All-Access either with ads or ad-free (or maybe it’s with minimal ads or ad-free). I subscribed through my iTunes & I’m pretty sure I get no ads that way. You can also download the CBS app & subscribe through that, but I don’t think you can omit the commercials that way.
  10. The way this looks to me is, you can get it through CBS All Access, OR buy the season, or buy the individual ep. Or am I misreading it? https://smile.amazon.com/Pilot/dp/B005M5PER2/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=hawaii+five-0&qid=1585775874&sr=8-3
  11. It IS on Amazon Prime Video—all 10 seasons. It says so if you look the show up on the Amazon site.
  12. Regarding the bolded: The thing about Alex is, he isn’t just another actor who thought he could do his own stunts & now his body’s paying the price. He’s (or he was) an actual trained & licensed stuntman in Australia. Perhaps some of those stunts he did on H50 were still out of his league (shrugs)? Regarding the second bolded: Scott may or may not have wanted to risk his body as much as Alex, over the seasons, but he did his fair share of his own stunts too. I remember reading he had to go to the ER once from getting stuff like wood splinters, or something, in an eye probably during an explosion related stunt. OK that’s only 1 injury, but I’m still sure he did a lot of his own stunts too. And yeah, most of his stunt doubles didn’t look that much like him, compared to Alex.
  13. Regarding the bolded: You didn’t realize it, but if you had used Junior’s last name instead of his first in your sentence, it would’ve said “If Reigns given his military background had taken the reins...” & you’d have made a funny. It’s hard telling, honestly, when the rest of the cast knew this was it. Alex was probably thinking about it most/all of the time; I feel like probably until the absolute last minute that he had to give notice to Peter Lenkov, the rest of the Producers (of which he was also 1 this season; probably with actual power behind the title, as opposed to other, mostly TV, actors who get titles like that after a certain time on their shows), & CBS so they could either start locking S11 into place or give notice to the rest of the actors they needed new jobs & so CBS could start looking for something else to put into the timeslot. I feel like it was planned all season; probably ever since S9 started, actually (if not earlier), like with the “let’s retire & start a restaurant together” subplot (that was last season, right?), or with the suddenly dropped “Steve has radiation poisoning from carrying around that dirty bomb without a lotta protection, & that was soon after Danny donated half his liver to Steve, too (which was in S6, I believe). I think they even were dropping subtle hints early in this season. They just didn’t know which of those plotlines would actually be Alex’s swan song until he told them. I also don’t believe they did any reshoots to reflect characters discussing Steve having burnout, etc. No. They’ve been building up to this at least since Steve had to undergo a liver transplant with half of Danny’s liver, if not earlier. Sometimes it was put across more subtly than others; sometimes they kinda hit you between the eyes with the foreshadowing. I ran across a couple of articles from TV Line (& pretty much the same content was printed in other publications/on other websites) again recently, in light of the ending of the show. The first article was done around the time of the 150th episode filming. In it, towards the bottom, Alex says something about his injuries & having problems just getting through S7; he’s pretty sure if there’s an S8, he won’t be there. Then, a year & a half later, in another TV Line article—this time promoting his directorial debut on the show— he says he would be amenable to coming back to the show for a potential S9. Which he did. As well as an S10. I think he put the fans who loved the show so much, & all the locals who’d lose jobs if the show ended, ahead of his own health for as long as he possibly could & S10 was his limit.
  14. Regarding the bolded: By “the bride”, do you mean Jessica Seewald? If so, she’s already a member of a conservative family; but yeah, if she had her future mother-in-law with her (I forget), she apparently is marrying into another conservative family. Her brother Ben married Jessa Duggar. I wonder if they’ve ever gotten confused between Jessica & Jessa? She seems somewhat less conservative than her relatives & the others she brought with her. Maybe she’s the “black sheep Seewald”. I sort of can’t believe the family would make a big fuss about those 2 sheer bands around her middle, in a “safe” area, alternating with cloth bands. I wish, when the dress was finally agreed upon, she’d have said she called her mom & her mom was fine with it, which should’ve squelched any further discussion on it—although that might’ve made it sound like she needed permission to get that dress... which she didn’t, if she’s old enough to get married in Arkansas or wherever. It’s funny... I’ve been waiting for a Duggar to show up at Kleinfeld. I don’t know why I didn’t consider they’d go to Lori’s shop since it’s probably closer to them. Does anybody know where that SYTTD Northern Edition that was on over the weekend comes from? I searched, but really couldn’t find much info.
  15. From Instagram: Daniel Dae Kim Gives Final Update on His Experience with Coronavirus (VIDEO)
  16. I wish we could continue the show, but it just wouldn’t be the same without at least Scott there if Alex doesn’t think he’s up to coming back. I’m sad about facing the final episode Friday night too. Heck, I was sad yesterday when I deleted the Hawaiian language keyboard from my iPhone (I figured there’s no time like the present; might as well not procrastinate), since I don’t need it anymore because there won’t be anymore Hawaiian language titled episode synopses to post. On another note, according to Peter Lenkov, that slower version of “All for One” (the song Five for Fighting’s John Ondrasik wrote for use in Episode 100) that’s been on at least 1 recent promo, now with the word “Ohana” added to the title, is apparently supposed to be on iTunes (& probably Amazon mp3) any day now, if anyone wants to add it to your collection of H50-related stuff. It wasn’t available over the weekend; I’m thinking they’ll release it sometime this week, before/the day of the finale airing. Another song to add might be “All Good Things” by Jackson Browne, the song that was played in the ep where Masi Oka’s Max Bergman left Hawaii to work with Doctors Without Borders in Madagascar; it was played around where Max said his individual goodbyes to the team & the others.
  17. It was Chuck, all right. His son, Eric, was the stunt coordinator on the show from 2017-the series finale. Which is probably how they eventually got him to do the (basically a) cameo appearance (& probably how they got Scott’s dad to do an ep in S2, though Scott’s dad had a much bigger part than Chuck did; Chuck’s part was more the size of Jimmy Buffett’s recent appearances in the show). I was reading overnight about how Peter Lenkov said he’d wanted Chuck on the show for a long time (I don’t know if this was before or only since the last 3 seasons when Chuck’s son was actually working on the show), & he finally got him.
  18. Don’t forget... What was originally to be the first hour of the series finale airs TONIGHT, March 27th, at the show’s usual time (9PM Eastern/8PM Central), thanks to the NCAA canceling the March Madness Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament! The original second hour of the series finale will air, as originally scheduled, NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT, April 3rd, but in the show’s usual timeslot (9PM Eastern/8PM Central)—NOT in Blue Bloods’ 10PM Eastern/9PM Central timeslot as originally scheduled, when the finale was supposed to run 2 hours on the same night.
  19. DDK Gets Scammed Trying to Buy Antibacterial & Disinfectant Wipes Through eBay He was trying to protect his family after he got the virus and he got scammed.
  20. I’m assuming Peter L. thought about a possible spinoff over the last 10 seasons. But it appears it was decided that wasn’t going to be as successful as the original & not followed through on. And the show wasn’t canceled (I really wish people would stop saying that—a show going off the air doesn’t always mean it got canceled). If it were canceled, CBS wouldn’t have said all the glowing things it did about the show in the statement about the show ending; also, it still had ratings good enough to remain on the schedule for next season. The show actually apparently ended because Alex & Scott’s contracts were up at the end of the current season, & neither chose to renew them. Alex because of lingering injuries, including bad discs in his neck & back among them, & he still wanted to have some mobility left to be able to do physical things with his sons, stepson, & eventual grandkids (Alex has an adult age son, & his stepson & other son are both minors). Scott, presumably, didn’t renew because he was tired of doing the same thing for 10 years. I should also add Alex was a credited Producer on this season of the show & he may have had some say on when to end the show because of that. Anyway, getting back to “Canceled vs. Ended” regarding TV series. A good way to look at this is, if your show gets canceled that’s basically like saying you got fired from your job. If your show merely ends, that’s basically the same thing as if you quit your job.
  21. Congratulations to Bindi & Chandler! They got married today! Yes, they said they were getting married next year (2021) after getting engaged on Bindi’s 21st birthday last July. But they apparently decided to do it now, because Australia was about to enact a new Coronavirus-related restriction on the number of people you can have at weddings (5) & funerals (10) at midnight (local time) that night, & who knows how long that might last (no, I don’t think she’s actually pregnant & that caused the earlier than announced wedding). As originally planned, Terri helped Bindi get ready; Robert walked her down the aisle; Bindi & Chandler married; the family lit a memory candle for Steve.
  22. The original WKRP (they did a short-lived syndicated reboot soon after the original was cancelled) may be on a channel called MeTV. We have the channel in our town, as a digital sub channel of 1 of our major networks feeds, but it’s not yet on our cable. They’re doing promos right now incorporating the themes from their shows; I’d swear I heard an instrumental part of WKRP‘s in that ad.
  23. Burns and Allen is on AntennaTV: 8-9AM Eastern (2-ep block) Monday-Friday, & 1-2AM Eastern (2-ep block) Sunday night going into Monday morning (as in, you think it’s Sunday night but you have to program the DVR timer for Monday 1-2AM to get the program recording correct).
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