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Everything posted by KarmaG

  1. According to a good friend who's Mormon, a typical "Mormon" dinner is the same as everyone else just no caffeine or alcohol. And perhaps they didn't ask because they were trying to do something nice on their own. I feel for them, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
  2. Thanks for digging up the interview. Glad she's planning on taking care of herself before doing anything else.
  3. I'd suggest reading the Kate and Andy thread. I believe it was mentioned in there last season that Andy kept a few dogs, Kate took a couple and Andy gave the rest away. It was also mentioned kind of on the show.
  4. It's understandable that the roommate didn't want to be filmed. And that Loren would have to find a new place for Alexei to move in. I always forget that rental agencies like to do crazy things when it comes to letting others move in/stay. At our last place my then 21yr old son would have had to be a) put on the lease and b) pay a full deposit equal to what we'd already paid when we signed the lease and c) qualify to rent the place all on his own, to be put on the lease. Just to even stay for longer than 30 days. Crazy since he's my kid!
  5. I totally understand. I work retail, overnight, and the clock is my friend/enemy/boss. I have dreamed of living small, if not off the grid. Did off the grid not by choice as a kid and don't think I'd like to repeat that. I loved that Tony mentioned that when he bought the land 9 yrs ago (before getting with Amelia) that he didn't see or know that it'd turn into what it is today.
  6. I agree that she just left for filming. The roommate situation is possible but I totally see her/them moving back to that place once the show is done filming. That's her real home.
  7. I think it's great Thorn has a girl. Minus how bad he has to smell, I think if I was younger I'd find him attractive. He fits my "type" i.e. build and personality.
  8. Watching the finale now and have to say for a supposed expert and regular muler, Derik sure has issues. He comes across as an amateur. He couldn't bring them back from his friend's stable, he couldn't ride into town to get water, he couldn't get one to pull a log without freaking.
  9. My oldest son is almost spitting image of his dad though other people can tell he's mine too. My youngest looked like my mom at birth but now (she's 20) looks very much like a cross between her dad and I. My middle looks like neither of us but more like me, the joke was always that he was the milkman's kid :P (even though milkmen were long before my time). He just so happens to look like most of the men on my father's side of the family. Genetics are a funny thing. My mom has 2 bio brothers and 2 half brothers. One of her bio brothers is almost a spitting image of their dad, and also his daughter very much looks like her paternal Grandfather's side of the family, while my mom looked like a cross between her parents and I look a lot like my maternal Grandmother and my bio dad. My cousin and I look nothing alike though another cousin's (one of my mom's half brother's daughter) looks just like me as a kid. Again, genetics are a funny thing. People from the same lineage can look nothing alike. ETA: My mom's half brothers looked almost nothing alike as adults but did as young boys. As they aged, one looked like his father (my mom's stepdad) and the other very much looked like his mom (my mom's mom). Again, genetics are funny.
  10. Still getting caught up, am an episode and a half behind, but you made a very good point. This way there's no obvious break in continuity.
  11. Exactly. What I watch, what I comment on doesn't need to have my real name attached. I'm not being a troll or malicious, I just want my privacy. I had/used the account with the name Karma Grant for a few years and suddenly they demanded real proof that that was in fact my name. It was crazy. They said I could provide a CC #, a copy of a legit ID, even a Costco/Sam's membership that had the name Karma Grant on it. Sorry but FB isn't getting any kind of documentation from me, ever. Just to be on a social media platform? Nope.
  12. Thanks for the info. FB already killed my alternate account after over 3yrs of use, demanding I prove my real name is the name on the account. Although I couldn't provide the info (credit card with that name on it or state/Fed ID or even Sam's/Costco membership) I wouldn't even for my real account. No way am I giving fb that info.
  13. I never truly believe when a show says someone lives in a certain city anymore. Last season on Newlyweds: The First Year (on Bravo) they said a couple lived in one large city and locals watching realized they lived elsewhere. *shrugs* I think they just go with the more "known" names.
  14. Unfortunately the link only brings up an error message saying it's either expired or only visible to an audience I am not in.
  15. But here's the problem, even he admits to telling her there was a chance, even at 2%, and this gave her hope.
  16. Oh and another way to tell the 6am scriptures was a staged event was there was a camera person in Aleks' bedroom. The cameras weren't steady, that's how you know it isn't just a wall mounted one filming.
  17. Still watching and just got to the part of Kyle in the bar. In his TH he has ALOT of hair, and in the scene he has a nice fresh hair cut. Sorry, I am a detail-noticing person :)
  18. I'm watching now and have to agree. Not sure if anyone noticed but Josh's mom smiled, chuckled even, when saying good morning to Aleksandra. This family isn't what has been portrayed. But that really shouldn't come as a surprise. ETA: Josh's dad was really trying to be reassuring when he told her that it was fine, it's ok in reply to her saying nobody would understand her reading.
  19. It's just you. I was waiting for her nips to pop out of the top, especially when she was stretching her body so much.
  20. They haven't gotten married yet and nobody really knows WHY Loren wanted it this way, not even her parents. She said she couldn't afford the lifestyle in NY for two people and Alexei can't work until he gets his work permit, after getting married. This I have to disagree with. Going by her dad's accent I would bet she was raised in the NYC/Jersey area.
  21. Definitely not. One of my husband's closest friends is Mormon (and a school teacher), let me tell you, if she can sleep in she will. No 6am scriptures for her!
  22. Haven't watched yet but I'll take a guess anyway...because it's all staged bs. The one thing that TLC excels at on this (and other) show.
  23. A wife who understands she didn't marry someone from the American culture and respects the culture her husband is from.
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