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Everything posted by KarmaG

  1. I see the pic you're talking about. The mirror one. Gross!! And he's supposedly married. I don't get it but still gross!!
  2. Jersey Rob and Ro - Their first segment was good. He was sweet and admitted to being a douche during the argument. I am confused by Ro's new job. She writes a fashion blog and previously claimed to want to be in the fashion industry but the new job isn't in fashion. It's "strategy and operations" in a technology startup. Doesn't sound very fashion based to me. Add that to the fact that she wants to move away from the fashion mecca that is NY and go to Florida. So what is it that she really wants for a career? We know Rob wants music but no clue what Ro wants. The fact that they are possibly house hunting is mind boggling to me. I can't imagine what the buyout is for the lease on the new apartment and then add to that the whole cost of getting into a new place and moving etc without jobs in place. Well, she said she can work at her current job from there but Rob will have no job in place. I am enjoying the conversation Rob is having with his dad. I'm happy for them that they've come to this decision. Brandon and Craig - such a boring (but awesome) couple that the only time we see them really is during trips, which is when a lot of couples face extra tension. I have to say though, Craig's childishness is flat out annoying. Craig fishing was hilarious to me. I haven't fished in almost 30 years but he reacted the way some boys did when I was a kid and I had to bait their hooks. I *LOVE* Craig's dad. "Well that's your problem, not mine. You waited this long to say something? That's stupid!!" and another larger LOL at Craig's mom. "I really never thought he could find someone who could live with him." Oooh tears!! Craig's words for Brandon really got me. They are such a great couple. And I love even more his mom asking when she can plan the shower. What a fabulous family. Realtor Rob and Tara - Just stop already. I am sick of people using 9/11 as an excuse. If you truly were that scared to fly you'd drive to SF. I have friends who've done the drive (round trip) and it took little over 6hrs each way. And knowing you have issues with flying, why would you wait until you're on the plane to take anything for the anxiety? Even the fastest acting (non IV) meds take a good 15-20 minutes to get in your system. There was no way she was that loopy after 1 sip of alcohol, even with taking some anxiety meds. So, either she had multiple glasses back to back or we are suppose to not see the glass in her hand throughout the plane scenes where she's dancing and stuff. The level of alcohol isn't changing. The scene at the shore with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background was almost scary. She's still tipsy, they're sharing a sweet moment and then at the mention of her family a switch is flipped in his head and we see the real him peek out and she asks him to go back to loving her. Adonis and Erica - I skipped every bit of their segments. After ninjago's comment above I thought I might be able to sit through them but I just can't. Oh while fast forwarding I did catch a glimpse of the horrible formica that is their counter tops. Adonis was emptying the dishwasher I think and I saw some marbly looking formica. Yuck. (I don't have a problem with formica in general, ftr) I guess their house isn't as nice as we all thought. I notice when sneaking a look at the info for next week's episode that this couple isn't included. Since I didn't watch their segments this week I am going to go out on a limb and guess that production is saving their last episode info as a cliffhanger. The other couples are planning their anniversary celebrations next week and these two aren't included? Yeah cliffhanger that most of us don't even care about.
  3. After reading what the two of you've written I can't wait to get to the episode myself. :P
  4. It truly wouldn't surprise me. He was her second attempt, I am sure she thinks third will be the one.
  5. Nope, never mentioned. I only knew he had kids from reading it here in another thread.
  6. Craig confronts his anxiety over showing affection to Brandon in front of his father; Rob and Ro head to Florida to weight the pros and cons of leaving New York; Rob and Tara's ongoing problems threaten to ruin their romantic trip to San Francisco.
  7. We open the show with Realtor Rob and Tara setting up living space in their Project Manager's basement. Alrighty then. Yeah no way in hell this wasn't preplanned. Who the hell moves into their PM's basement instead of a hotel, other than Rob?! And as someone else said in the other thread, what happened to Tara's panic attacks? She's the one comforting Rob this episode because his anxiety over being displaced. Ok after seeing the couple cam with Rob naked, I a) need to puke and b) hope the PM has good insurance because that basement needs torched. Wow, now we get a shot at OCD Tara and her 100 bottles of supplements. Give me a break. Production having Rob name drop was just lame. I get he's had some big clients with big money but don't believe (nor really care) if they were celebs. I don't believe the renovation had a realistic time frame either. They had a less than 3 weeks time frame for what amounts to a 80% redo of a decent (we haven't seen the entire thing so don't know the sq ft) size house?! I agree with Tara's friend, O M G, $100k worth of furniture? And being stored in those pod containers? Again, crazy and shows the renovation is a huge one. Ok so the convo near the end of the episode starts with him saying the renov is already at 200k more than budgeted?! Again, nothing is realistic about their time frame/budget and I feel this part is all for tv. Dear Rob, you were lied to by Tara not her family. Be mad at your sex toy, not her parents. And for as much as you say you hate Persian culture or what little you know of it, you sure loved to call her your Persian Princess in the intro of this season/show. You bitch and complain about all the money she spent on her family, all the money being spent on the reno and yet we see in the preview for next week that you go to San Fran. WTF?! Loved the cute scene with Brandon and Craig. Didn't need to see the undies though!! :P Craig performing for Brandon was so sweet. I love this couple!! Also didn't mean to watch anything Adonis and Erica but did and have to say, when I call my husband and leave a message I don't say, "Hey (husband's name) this is Karma." It's more like "hey babe, just trying to get a hold of you" or something similar. I just find their interactions to be odd. Plus, they have smart phones, that show caller ID even on the voicemail so I'm really not understanding them. And although he probably is out cheating, my first thought was maybe he was in a business meeting and couldn't answer. I was amazed at Ro's mom's reaction to seeing the pics. She said, "Oh no" and "Oh that's sad" so Ro's dad must look almost like a completely different person or the "demons" have really done their damage to him physically, which I can understand. I see that when I look at my mother in law. The next spot of theirs showed Ro admitting that now that she has interviews for new jobs lined up there is more reason to stay. We all knew that in the other thread. Rob was wrong when he said she should have asked but completely right when he said she should have consulted him. Or at the very least WANTED to consult him. I've been married 19yrs (as of March) and there's not a big life thing that my husband or I would consider without talking to the other one. Of course, Ro was hurt that he wasn't excited and she did things wrong in the ensuing argument. Of course at the end they came back together and talked it out like calm semi-rational people. And next week for them looks interesting as well.
  8. Ro makes a major life decision without consulting Rob; Brandon surprises Craig with a romantic trip to New York; Erica confides in a cousin as her trust in Adonis fades; Rob and Tara's home renovation culminates in their biggest fight yet.
  9. I actually think they've been pretty clear about it, we just don't know if Ro's parents were married. They've mentioned her dad having "demons" which is usually code for addiction and that he left her life and was in and out of it for years and that they finally hadn't spoken in about a decade (since asking for the money for college) and prior to that had minimal contact through the years.
  10. Craig is the dirty-can't clean up after himself, Teddy Ruxpin looking one. Brandon is the one who had surgery and is the good looking one. The "I have a family now" remark was made when she was in college, long after he left her as a young child.
  11. There is and that was the "back" bathroom they showed. The one they planned to use while staying in the spare/guest room. It's all sketchy to me though.
  12. Doing my nails while watching so will be stuck watching Adonis and Erica rather than fast forwarding. Ro and Rob - Love how supportive Rob was with Ro. "Of course I'll go with you!" is exactly what I would expect to hear if I was her and that's what he said. Good job. The camera keeps showing her ring in various scenes and I have to say I love that ring! Ro and her dad are so similar, in the way they talk and the mannerisms. I'm glad the meeting at the tea shop with her dad went well. Craig and Brandon - I too thought he just had developed pecs. I am happy he's getting the issue taken care of . Also to answer what did he have done to his face, he had some filler injected in his cheeks. Sidetone: I keep forgetting to mention that I think Brandon's mom looks like actress Cristine Rose (she was Angela Petrelli on Heroes and Ted's mom on HIMYM). Adonis and Erica - Adonis is a douche. That's all I can say. Oh and seeing the gap between his gums and veneers made me wonder just how does he keep his mouth clean? Does he floss the gap?! I think the nephew going to Erica and Adonis was 100% for the show. Realtor Rob and Tara - I can totally understand wanting either a new house or a complete remodel if I am now living in the house the other ex wives and sex partners lived in. If this is that house though I am then struck with the thought of, did the exes leave HIM because usually the man leaves and the woman has the house. But apparently this house is Rob's prized possession. If the plan was to stay in the one bedroom (where the bed was) why was that flooring ripped up too, with a completely made up bed on it? It doesn't seem right to me. I think, again, this was all something for the show. Production thought they needed drama that wasn't related to the family I guess (good thinking but this missed the mark).
  13. Rob and Ro go to London to reconnect with her estranged father; Tara and Rob begin renovating their home; Craig nurses a convalescent Brandon; Adonis worries that the strain of taking care of Erica's nephew will hurt their fragile relationship.
  14. NJ Rob and Ro: Loved their first segment. It's easy to forget they've been a couple for 7 yrs when they fight the way they do (on screen). Cute kitchen scene in second segment. Comparing the dog to the turkey to estimate the turkey size, instead of googling. Sounds like something my husband would do. Going by the clock in their stove, that turkey only cooked for little over an hour (and she said on 375*). No way it was done all the way through. I believe it was that brown, being right under the broiler but no way there weren't undercooked turkey bits. The meat on their plate looked pretty pink to me. I don't need the couple cam after sex chat scenes, thanks. Poor Ro, I hate waiting for phone calls (hate talking on the phone to begin with) but I especially hate waiting for those kind of calls. I also notice, when Ro listens to the voicemail that production blurred out the clocks on the stove and microwave so we wouldn't know just how late that call was. However they weren't quite good enough. I had to rewind to check something else and noticed right before she said she got a voicemail the time isn't blurred on the stove. It says 11:37. The conversation with her dad was kind of sad. I really hope he can get his stuff together and be in her life. I do like that he made sure to mention how much he appreciates Ro's mom and the job she did parenting Ro. Craig and Brandon: Funny that Craig, the fitness expert/guru. is getting love handles and his husband doesn't care. Brandon just wishes Craig would make the damn bed!! That made me laugh. Side note: I watched a clip of theirs on Bravo.com and they talk about Cristal and reveal that she is their assistant in one of their businesses, Fit and Phab. She's not just Craig's bestie. I did not like in the second segment where Craig shuts Brandon down. He's revealing his feelings to you. I bet in two episodes from now we'll hear Craig complain about Brandon NOT sharing his feelings. Had to laugh again when Brandon compared the living situation while Cristal was in town to a bad 80s sitcom. I wanted to smack Craig, though, when he says, as he sits in between them, "You should take the opportunity to hang out and get to know each other". Love the bonding Brandon and Cristal did at the nail salon. Adonis and Erica: I'm tired of the "I hate his dad. His dad is the reason he's such a douchebag. If his dad wasn't in the picture he wouldn't cheat on me" storyline. His dad wasn't holding his dick when he was putting it into those other chics. Not when he was screwing prostitutes, not when he was screwing random chics off the street. Stop blaming his dad. His dad can be with multiple women if he chooses, it truly has nothing to do with how his son behaves. Since that was their intro segment tonight, I fast forwarded. I'm done with them. Realtor Rob and Tara: Who makes shakes while still wearing their suit jacket? Don't most take them off when they walk in the door? And if you already went to one Thanksgiving dinner at their house why are you speculating as to what Tara's mom would serve? You've already seen it!! Tara, grow a set and tell your new husband that if YOU want to attend dinner with your family (even if it's not Thanksgiving) that you will. Stop playing middle guy who holds no blame. You blame Rob when talking to your parents, you blame Persian culture when talking to Rob. It's you. You, not acting like a damn adult with her own decision making abilities. If they don't move away from this storyline this show will only have two couples that I watch. ETA: Thanks to the site not liking me this morning, this submitted before I was ready so have to edit a couple of things.
  15. Rachel Zoe. She had a show that went for quite a few seasons and was head stylist for a few brands, one was the shoe site the Old Navy/Gap brand had. Now she's head stylist (aka name attached) for ShoeDazzle. And many will know her former assistant, Brad Goreski who is currently on Fashion Police.
  16. At Thanksgiving time, Ro calls her estranged father; Brandon feels like a third wheel when Craig's friend, Crystal, pays a visit; Adonis convinces Erica to invite his father back into their lives; Rob refuses to spend Thanksgiving with Tara's family.
  17. Uncle? I thought Adonis kept saying that Paul was his grandfather. I'll have to pay more attention next time he mentions him. I know it wont be a long wait during the next episode :P
  18. Actually yes, they mentioned his prison stay in their first part of the first episode. Not sure what part of that doesn't fit for you to say "not exactly". And in following episodes he did say he was selling software illegally. Yes they are realtors but don't live on the beach. We saw them walking on the beach but it wasn't in front of their house. They live in the hills above the beach. In the episode where they attempt to drive to the airport we see them come out of their driveway which is right next to a few others and go through a few windy bits.
  19. Typing as I view again... Young Rob and Ro: You can't tell me she didn't know he was a procrastinator before they got married. She knew he wouldn't pack the night before. But thanks, Bravo, for showing us how normal this couple is. It's sweet that Ro threw him the surprise party. It's also inspiring that Rob's parents have been together 30yrs. My husband's paternal grandparents were married 75yrs, Grandma passed away on their 75th wedding anniversary just this past year. I understand Ro wanting to go home. I have a city I consider home too. My family isn't there, I didn't grow up there but it's where most of my adult memories were made. it's where I birthed two children, got divorced, remarried etc. However, my husband is glad to be away from it and vows to never return. I know I will never go "home" so I get Ro's sadness about it. Though I think she has a chance later down the road once Rob has matured even more and they start to make babies. About the kitchen scene: She starts out by giving him attitude about sitting on the counter while he uses the indoor grill and then tells HIM she senses an attitude from him. And I feel for him. I am like Ro in that once I have an idea in my head it's super planted there and I want to act on it RIGHT NOW!! And I harp (or I use to until I learned to somewhat control it) on it until my husband just wants to scream. Rob is right, there is no compromise if he wants to stay in NJ and she wants to move back to Florida. And he's right that if she was happy in her job or was doing what she really wanted to do she wouldn't want to move. He was wrong telling her she could go to the courthouse. That's a rule my husband and I had to make in our relationship, no mention of courthouses and divorce. It just wasn't an option in an argument, ever. Adonis and Erica: He's getting the cars back that the government seized as part of the judgement against him?! How does this happen? Why weren't they auctioned off? And how recently did he get out of jail?! The cars couldn't have been sitting there all that long besides the 13months he was in jail, could they? And the video vixen in Erica came out again, just the way she said "We're getting 2 Lamborghinis" just struck me the wrong way. Practicing his comedy routine in the car. Dude, you're not happily married because you didn't want to get married and you "confessed" to cheating on the girl so that she'd back out but she didn't. That's if we believe any of that storyline to be true, which I don't. Wait, trashing your marriage is "respecting boundaries for my wife"?! O M G I want to choke this man. HAHAHAHA His car broke down in the middle of the traffic lanes at the light. You know it was production that pushed him to the shoulder. Instant karma is awesome!! Wait, now in her talking head Erica doesn't like the cars. You know, the ones she was so happy about a few minutes ago in tv time? Dear Bravo, I truly don't care who Adonis' grandfather is. You can stop telling/reminding us now. Adonis, crowds respond just fine to a clean routine. Look at Bill Cosby (pre-sex assault allegations). Yeah so he's not funny at all. I don't think having a "dirty" act would help him any. His delivery is off. The jokes aren't funny. Realtor Rob and Tara: So they've confirmed what we already knew, they like sex with each other. I mean, they did find themselves in bed together that first night of the conference for a reason, right? And admitting you like to argue because you know you're going to have sex later? ICK. And Tasty Tara? Gross! I will admit to laughing at Rob when Tara said what she was going to order for him and he said, "That's the dark stuff, right?" I laughed because it reminds me of me when we would go to a Korean place and my husband would suggest stuff or my mother in law would ask if I liked something. And then back to the nasty. I don't need to know that about her and Grey Goose. Did I really just hear Tai ask if sitting in a hot tub burned calories?! And Tara, the viewing audience is smart enough to know what you meant by family bed. We didn't need you to explain it. Yuck. Brandon and Craig: Thank you, Bravo, for not showing us the multiple sperm donation attempts. Though I missed how long it's been since they showed us the first one and the convo we are seeing on this episode. Oh! I love that genetically their kids and Bree's kid could be siblings if his sperm isn't broken. Though I am going to bet right now that he ends up with body builder syndrome aka poor/low sperm count. LOL at "I feel like I'm in bartending school" when he was putting the sperm in the cup. I understand both Brandon and Craig's points of view about Crystal being the egg donor if Bree can't.
  20. Ok, even if not married, I would still guess he was in a relationship with someone else when he and Tara hooked up. Married or not, if he was in a relationship with someone else is just as bad. The post divorce thing I get, btdt, but I just don't think that was the case here. Was this posted by you and therefor info you gathered or someone else's info? I'm curious because it's posted as though it's fact and unless it's something you know then it's just as much guessing as we've been doing.
  21. If the youngest is anywhere near that age then yes he was married when they hooked up. I hope it works out for them though he needs serious therapy.
  22. I have started a thread for the upcoming week's episode.
  23. Rob and Ro escape from the stress in their lives and go to Florida to celebrate Rob's birthday; Craig is dismayed by his fertility issues: Adonis' father reenters the picture; Rob and Tara spend a wild night out with Tara's best friend, Tai.
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