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Everything posted by snflower66

  1. His name was josh and I bet he thanks god everyday she didn't stick around
  2. For me, the whole thing about Jenelle boils down to two things: 1) She's extremely mentally ill (which is not being treated effectively through meds and therapy) and has an incurable personality disorder (such as borderline or sociopathy), and 2) She has zero maternal instinct. No pure love for her child. No core desire to protect that child at all costs. The instinct, and any will to develop one, is simply not there. I think you have Jenelle down to a T I just wish she could realize these things about herself before she brings more kids into her mess of a life. Some women aren't meant to be moms no biggie it's not a requirement in life and I admire the women that knowing they wouldn't be good moms say motherhood isn't for me. She has I believe so many deep mental issues that she will most likely never get serious help for so stop bringing innocent defenseless children into your mess of a life
  3. It really drives my crazy that Leah is a representative of girls from WV I have two daughters one 26 one 24 they both graduated with a bachelors in science degrees in 4 years one is working in an speech program in an elementary school while working on her masters in speech pathology and the other is a 4th grade teacher allof their friends are the same. So obviously there are some "well" schools here and also girls that actually care about themselves and their future By the way neither has had a baby. I just hate that people think all girls from WV are like Leah
  4. Thanks so much for the compliment! By "lowly" respiratory therapist I meant how a lot of dr's treat us. Dr Jenn was always awesome though
  5. I know! Jenelle and Kieffer have no business being together again but that was some great TV! "Being a felon ain't illegal" "high high ya both high!" Lol good times
  6. Sorry for the double post and the late reply. I worked with Dr Jenn when she briefly did a pediatric residency in Pittsburgh. In the time that I knew her she was very professional, very considerate of others feelings, and even asked for an opinion from a "lowly respiratory therapist" like myself about a patient. Most importantly the children at the hospital loved her. I found her a delight to work with and wish I had hundreds of more dr's just like her to work with
  7. I think Jace is at the age he's already going to need some counseling. Kaiser is too little yet but will soon understand he was born to trap a guy just like Jace was. That's the saddest thing about Jenelle if those boys don't serve her purpose she can't be bothered
  8. Jenelle went to Nathan's last night after midnight and assaulted him hesaid he smelled alcohol on her. There is now a warrant out for her arrest. 15th mugshot coming up
  9. Gary also tweeted he was doing skin to skin contact with the baby...that poor tiny little girl I can't even imagine laying next to his bare chest
  10. Tyler posted a photo on Instagram today where he very obviously photoshopped Nova's eyes she's a pretty baby there was no reason to try and make her look better he's just a fame whore all the way around
  11. The only thing I have is a screenshot from Twitter hopefully it will be shoes somewhere soon it's craptastic!
  12. Trying to add a pic of Nathan's new back tattoo it's an awful tribal thing from the 90s that covers his whole back
  13. I wish you could favorite posts on here because I would favorite this one
  14. The girlfriend of Nathan's brother admitted on Twitter that she was the one that went to the police about Jenelle's harrassment
  15. Jenelle at her finest wishing a veteran would've died in combat http://youtu.be/EhmnZI1zdjI
  16. They didn't but the house Jenelle tweeted on her birthday that her landlord (who is a woman) gave her a ring. Beyond weird to me but its Jenelle
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