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Everything posted by jay741982

  1. I hope if Felicity does reject him they show immediately afterward when she's alone that she ain't happy with what she did You're Right BKWurm1 that it would invoke a little eyerolling but still noble cause they could just show that she still loves him so much
  2. God Oliver and Laurel are so Not a good couple them being endgame would be disgusting especially with the hints they have dropped about Felicity being the light in his darkness. His HUMANITY is tied to her. Oliver cheated on Laurel with her sister and she should never want to be Romatically tied to him. I missed that you had the same theory BKWurm1 you are right great minds do think alike lol
  3. I've never seen or heard of a show so determined to shove a hated character down the fans throats it's mind boggling we hate her for a reason IIC
  4. While all 4 of them deserve better I don't want Felicity killed off that would make ragey then ill cry like a baby
  5. BkWurm1 you like my theory about what Felicity does when Oliver gets Back! I'm worried that if they do that though Felicity will lose favor with some fans which would be stupid
  6. To me Catrox14 the shock value would be killlig off Laurel cause she's so very unpopular yet she gets everything handed to her.
  7. Which is dumb cause the Hero always gets the Girl. Oliver does have Felicity but she has her abandonment issues understandably and God knows he has his issues but this crap is unnecessary
  8. Except for Felicity being killed off I don't think they would do that but then again who knows
  9. Catrox14 that would be the stupidest fucking thing they could do. I'm saying it right now if they kill her off I will scream cuss Cry and never watch this show again
  10. Yep and we will blast them with calls of OOC
  11. I feel really bad as a Felicity fan saying this but I don't her happy with Ray I just can't it's Barf inducing. I want her happy but Ray is not the answer. I'd rather it be Barry then Ray and that's not gonna happen. Watching Felicity make out with Ray would be as gross as Sarah smooching Daniel Shaw on Chuck, which coincidentally was in season 3 like this show.
  12. Is it possible that Felicity pulls an Oliver and rejects him so he can stay focused on saving the City cause she starts believing she's his biggest weakness(Which along with Thea she is) and a Distraction to him.saving the city? I could see them ending episode 12 with her breaking his heart so to speak and then when alone she bursts Into tears cause like him she's pushing away the one she truly loves to keep him focused on the city?
  13. Fuck MG is all I got to say Olicity is not the end all be all but geesus Oliver and Felicitys reunion can't even be a happy one and she chooses Boring Ray over Oliver? It depresses how much he does not seem to care what I'm assuming a majority of fans want! Why would you not put Olicity together and be done with it its not that hard. Sounds to me he's mad cause he wants to tell things his illogical way and not please fans.
  14. Carrie Ann I don't know how to Quote you but I agree with you
  15. EBR and SA's Chemistry is nothing short of Electric and Felicity is VERY Popular with good reason. These writers are true assholes and dumbasses if they tried Laurilver 2.0. They are Toxic together and have Anti-Chemistry. I seriously think a lot of people would stop watching if Felicity left or was killed off so a Toxic relationship that makes no sense could be born again
  16. Maybe I don't get it but Berlanti did not say he's surprised Felicity and Caitlin are popular he said he should've brought them in hindsight
  17. If they are aiming for a more male audience shouldn't they put more females on the panel besides KC who compared to Candice Willa Danielle and the Faboulus Emily isn't all that? As a male I like beautiful women who are tough smart and likeable on my Superhero shows!
  18. MG pisses me off does that idiot realize Felicity fans will be not happy hearing that Ray still mainly only interacts with Felicity! That SHE should be the focus of her storyline and not being used to Prop a Newbie who comes off as creepy crazy eyed wanna be Vigilante and isn't that well liked?? Nope it's about that unlikable witch who hasn't done a Goddamn thing to earn being BC!! He doesn't realize or doesn't care that it looks like he's mad Felicity is way more popular that Laurel
  19. If he does he's an ass. I love Felicity and want her to have a lot of screen time cause she's awesome lol unlike the unlikable Laurel. I also want a lot of screen time for Oliver Diggle and less of Ray and Laurel. He can't generalize the Felicity fans at all. I want to like Laurel but I see nothing likeable and Felicity and Diggle shouldn't be pushed aside for Laurel to be fastfowared to BC when the Title character isnt Green Arrow yet
  20. I hope its not TV Echo but MG probably thinks Felicity's fans will be happy we get to see her and that's it. BLECH I'd rather watch Felicity sitting in the Arrowcave looking at a pic of Oliver and Crying for 10 minutes than watch Laurel get a title she don't deserve
  21. Diggle and Lyla are a happy stable couple it shouldn't be hard to put Olicity together and be relatively stable. I understand Olicity is the SUPER Couple basically but it shouldn't be hard there are people on this board who could do it I bet LOL
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