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Everything posted by ava111

  1. I knew he was definitely lying as soon as they showed the doctor Z saying about his tumor being about 14 centimeters and Brooks explaining that it was about golf ball size. I would love to know what kind of golf balls does he uses as 14 centimeters is about 5 and half inches...
  2. Sorry but I thought it was clear from my post that I wast talking about PR Threads show that was taped in FIDM.
  3. I think most of them were previously on PR Threads, I definitely recognized few boys and even few girls looked very familiar. I remember noticing back then that most of the Threads contestants were from California, I guess because it was convenient to find kids thru FIDM as that's where the show was taped. So glad this is not repeat of that show, hated the parents involvement and stupid mini challenge.
  4. I actually think they knew about Tim's angry outburst so they created narrative in weeks leading up to it. So it would look like Tim's outburst was justified. Maybe they had the same amount of "wasting time" footage from all designers but they didn't show it as it wouldn't fit the story.
  5. And laundry is one of the easiest thing to do here in America. Try doing laundry in washing machine that doesn't squeeze the water out, you have to manually take all water soaked laundry out, squeeze and put it in new clean water and rinse and repeat few times, squeeze again and then hang it on line and wait for it to dry. After it dries you spend 3-5 hours ironing it and putting away. Only then you are allowed to complain. Something that takes here 15 minutes top of manual handling of laundry takes 8-12 hours (I don't count drying time). As a kid since I was 10 I had to help ironing, at first only sheets and towels but later as teen everything to help my mom. We later got automatic washing machine but you still had to iron as dryers were not even sold in Czechoslovakia back then (this was in 80s-90s). How I hated it LOL When I came to USA in 1998 and found out how easy it is to do laundry I was in awe! I can't imagine what Leah house would look like without help of modern technology.
  6. I was secretly hoping the whole episode that all those doggies belong to the people at street festival and gauchos. I gave extra hard pets to our doggie, he was on streets before he spent year in shelter where we found him and adopted him. He is the cudliest ever. Hope all of the dogs we saw have someone who loves them.
  7. Leah and Adam should get together for their "me time" that way they could share a babysitter to take care of their kids while they are busy taking care of themselves. Jesus all that therapy language from Lea, looked like she couldn't articulate some stuff. Loved how Sad Panda slipped and called her therapy recovery instead, loved Leah's reaction to it. She almost yelled "monkey". And what about how her anxiety and depression affects her "love" instead of life. Those were few amusing things that entertained me during this bullshit. And the huge cross Adam prominently displayed on his chest, he is trying to show how he changed to all of us who don't understand how great and involved parent he is. Go back to your gym. Maybe he should open new gym chain with Nathan called "metime". They should be careful working out too much or they might stretch their tatoos...
  8. I think Kate screwed up by mentioning she worked on 17 different yachts. I doubt she would be 31 unless she started in high school LOLOTT: do you post on TSTO forum? I noticed you by the same avatar ;) Just go pirate Kang in my primary, hundred away in secondary town.
  9. Thanks for clarification, I thought it was weird to get married while on 3rd kid LOL
  10. Julie is 41 (according to article in Daily mail from March 2015) and came to U.K. for first time when she was 22 and came back when 24 to work in start-up before she became TV producer. She met her husband through friends. The article doesn't mention when they met but if she had her daughter at 25 in 1999 he is possibly the father because of the timeline. If they married in 2004 her daughter would be 5 by then and since her first son is 14 now he would be already born as well. Second son is 10 now so they would already have 2 kids with 3rd on the way when they married.
  11. There is company Eat well embrace life that makes various non hummus and sell it under Hummus name. I tried and buy repeatedly edamame hummus, black beans hummus and my favourite carrot hummus, although they also have white beans hummus. They are carried by Giant and Harris Teeter. They have been out for at least a year, thats when I started to buy it. Non of them has chickpea as ingredient. They are really good!
  12. Janelle might end up dead as well by a way of domestic violence. Some people should never be together. And they are trying to work things out again???? It blows my mind. Janelle's and gym rat pictures should be next to dysfunctional in the dictionary.
  13. Oops I just posted pretty much the same thing before I even got to read your post. I guess I should always read everything first, which I normally do but I was so pissed from watching this BS that I skipped on that tonight.
  14. If they walk of the stage then they shouldn't get their money for the season. It should be their obligation to tape these reunions as a part of their contract. Or no cash. Try to walk off stage and act like diva now. I had to pick up my eyes from back of my head after the show was over, I was rolling my eyes so hard. FFS you can as well skip this crap if you don't want hold them responsible for anything... Janelle's behavior was hideous. Very "mature". Can't believe how much she "grew and changed".
  15. Talking about Kaiser being chubby and chill baby - I think he gets food as replacement for love from Janelle. Every time he wants to play and interact with her or gets fussy she just gives him bottle (and now solid food) to not be bothered by him and shut him up. Food will always be his comfort.
  16. Alana has perfectly appropriate last name Barfield which you can turn into IDLE BARF which is perfectly appropriate nick name for her!
  17. Alana has perfectly appropriate last name Barfield which you can turn into IDLE BARF which is perfectly appropriate nick name for her!
  18. I wish Corey would say to Leah: "Would you let me take care of the kids if I was in the state you are right now? Would you let me drive them around while high on meds? You should let me take care of them while you go get better precisely because you love them. You should go get well and come back to be the mother they deserve to have."
  19. Especially since Kail is not exatly poor, she makes enough money from MTV and other stuff to pay for "friends family" vacation herself. (I personally think its weird to call mom and daughter trip "family vacation" if there is no other family there) She is oh so upset about her ruined relationship with Sterling family but doesn't give a fuck about ruined relationship with her husband.
  20. THIS You totally took words out of my mouth, I was just gonna write this after I finished reading all posts. Her weekends are free and during week she has mornings off while they are at school. Unless she has problems to hear alarm. But then I bet she calls her family for help because she is too stressed out with them not making it to school... Sad thing about her enabling family and friends is that they will say whatever she needs them to say about her being such a great mom because they actually don't want her to loose custody. They will rather cover for her then allow Corey to "win". Inadvertently the only ones that loose here are the children.
  21. If I remember correctly they broke up for a while because Vee wanted to start family? Also I think Jo actually waiting for a while to have another child is unusual as I believe in Hispanic culture people tend to marry and have kids much younger. It's not unusual in many cultures, heck I'm from former Czechoslovakia and when I got married at 22 I was one of the last girls from my class, all the other girls had already couple kids under the belt. My younger sister was a teen mom as my nephew was born just few weeks after her 18th birthday, I on the other hand decided when I was only 16 that I never wanted to have children and I never regretted my decision. Back then it was considered wery odd decision because pretty much only women who weren't married or couldn't have children were childless. Although that was 22 years ago and it's changing there as well. People now have opportunities to see the world and try to better themself unlike before Velvet revolution when getting married right after high school was a norm. I divorced 3 years later and to this day I thank my ex for cheating on me as after that I started to learn English and decided that I needed to change the scenery for a while. I went to an agency and tried to come to America as an au-pair under student cultural exchange program. And here I met my current boyfriend. We have been together almost 18 years and he is the best thing that ever happened to me (besides winning green card in lottery while being here for my year as an au-pair).
  22. Oh Kail, being done with her marriage already, doesn't even try to save it. I understand that sometimes its better to get divorced then fight but its only been a year since Lincoln was born and their problems started and she is already throwing in the towel. It seems like she doesn't want to be the one to pull the plug as not to be labeled home wrecker but is baiting Javi throwing words divorce and separation around him hoping he will be the one to file. She has no interest in making things work. She found a weak man that she could knock around and manipulate into going into military to get the benefits, probably hoping he would be deployed most of the time while she could play the military wife and going out with friends on weekends. Unfortunately Javi is home and it infringes on her social life and is getting controlling and jealous because he wants to spend time with his wife. So she conveniently rewrites history and is now saying they should have waited to get married. As I remember it was her pushing the marriage and military. I bet that when they get divorced eventually she will move far away cutting Joe and Javi from their kids (Javi can't really move whenever and wherever he wants and for Joe with Vee having new baby would be difficult to chase her around) so she can have them all for herself and to play poor single mom doing everything herself card. Or she finds another weak sucker to play house with. She might be considered good mom regarding that her kids are provided for and taken care of but trying to cut fathers who actually care for their children and want to be close to them is the worst, she has been actively trying to prevent Joe from spending more time with Isac for years. You would think that the way she grew up would teach her something but obviously it's the opposite. She is just horribly selfish. She will never be happy because she doesn't want to be, she prefers to be miserable and angry even though she has more than millions of people (and not only her age) - man who actually seems to be with her despite her terrible personality, healthy children, nice house, nice car, fame... she came from horrible situation on top but can't and won't enjoy her life. P.s.: it killed me seeing her driving that car in bad weather holding phone and removing her other hand from the steering wheel while not even looking at the road but towards the camera. I'm pretty sure with that such an expensive car she doesn't need to hold that phone
  23. Yeah they don't work so he doesn't have to go to daycare, but on the other hand that might be the only time when he gets some quiet time without people screaming and fighting around him and even some normal human interaction and attention.
  24. Since she is taking prescription opiates for "headaches" why it said negative on her test? Even if her test was not as specific as yours she should still test positive at least on that one. There were some numbers on that paper but I don't have HDtv so it was difficult to read. But she definitely tested negative on all. It just seems very odd. Could we possibly see some other earlier testing? On the other hand she was definitely relieved that she tested negative. Is MTV not showing the real test results? Could she be in trouble and her recent rehab be ordered by court otherwise she would loose custody? Just the fact that she tested negative while they keep explaining to us and pointing towards her legally prescribed opiates is really bugging me.
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