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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. To me, Patricia's look like old lady pillows. The kind of pillows you would see in your grandma's house on her 30 year old sofa. Same with her ugly old lady caftans. Craigs pillows are modern with fun, light, happy colors. People that decorate their homes in beach themes, especially people with vacation homes on the islands around Charleston and any beach area's around the country eat that theme up. It doesn't hurt to have a great looking, down to earth guy on the frontlines selling those pillows! I used to like Patricia, too. Her snark was sophisticated and funny. This season she's coming off as a nasty, cruel bitch. Maybe she doesn't want to be on the show and is only doing as a favor to Whitney.
  2. I'm prone to believe that the way Shep told his girlfriend to stay away was probably very off putting because Shep is a douche with not an ounce of class even though he is trust fund worthy. He most likely said something like "Ewwwww stay away from me, don't make me sick with your Covid cooties. Don't come around me until you show me your negative tests, how did you get it anyway, what scumbags have you been hanging with that gave it to you? I'm not so sure that she actually wanted to come over to his house while he was sick. Did she say that? I thought she just said she was turned off by his reaction. Maybe I missed it.
  3. Omg that is so funny! The article also states "Vince was a senior airman in the 37th Helicopter Squadron of the United States Air Force." I don't understand this! They guy comes off as so slow, maybe he was injured on the job? There's something missing in his story.
  4. Yeah but Vince is not the stepparent. I don't get it, either. Unless the whole idea is some made up phony BS just to have a story line. Anyway, Team Vince for hanging up on their asses! Puppy and Amber's mom are the worst. They don't know how to live a normal life in the real lawful world. Back to their scamming ways the minute they are released from prison. Poor Amber trying to stay a productive member of society with these two in her life! Are we supposed to care about Shavel's dating life? She reminds me of mushmouth Michaels ex, Megan. Same thing with Sara. Who cares? I'm so sick of watching her yell at Michael when all she has to do is not answer his calls. What's he gonna do, sue her for custody? With a prison record, no job and owing back child support?
  5. Not only that, she's just plain mean and fake, fake, fake. Her comments about Craigs pillows. The way she turned on Kathryn. Her dislike for Austen because he's not to the manor born. Yes, she put up with Kathryn because she's a Calhoun until Kathryn's rascist side came out to play and Patricia couldn't dare be associated with that. She put up with Thomas because he's a Ravenal until she realized her friendship with him would ruin her society ties and there was no hope in redeeming his character. She won't dare go in on that loser Shep because he has family heritage ( and lots of money) and standing in Charleston. Now she's all gung ho on Pringle because of his family name, no bother that he lives in some shithole looking trailer in the "not so prestigious" part of town. So what exactly did Craig and Austen do to her? Oh, right, they are common folk. They don't have the family name or money even though it looks as if their parents are upper middle class, it's not good enough for Patricia. They're not rolling in "old money". She's only buddies with Madison because Whitney told her that's where the storyline is going because really why would she lower herself to be friends with a simpleton hairdresser? As for Michael and his Creme Fraiche is a "step above sour cream" comment- Keep your mouth shut and just keep picking up the dog shit in the kitchen. I will say Madison's expression when Michael explained what Creme Fraiche was had me laughing. Priceless! Patricia, you have a lot of teaching to do with Madison!
  6. Then again, he could be renting just like the all the rest of them living in Newport including his lovely girlfriend.
  7. She posted something in her IG that she was on the show because Whitney wants her to be on the show. For some reason, he thinks she's needed on this sinking ship so I guess that means he's still involved in the production of the show.
  8. Nope, he doesn't. Sheppie decided he was tired of the bad boy frat boy asshole image and thought he should go down the "I've settled down now and have a girlfriend" image this season.
  9. So now we know Patricia's true feelings about Kathryn. Must have killed her to play fake nice and take Kathryn under her wing for a couple of seasons. Austen calling Patricia an old lady in his TH, lol. He does not like her. At all. And she doesn't like him. I'm here for it. I find it hilarious that an old bag hosts these parties only for these charmers to attend and they are expected to act like they really want to go. They probably can't wait to get the hell away from her. Same with her little cocktails and caviar moment with Madison and Leva. B-O-R-I-N-G. Speaking of Leva, time to get off your soapbox, hon. Talk about a downer. Patricia is right about one thing, the boys all coddle Kathryn. It's gross.
  10. Haha I feel the same way about my SIL, too! Pringle quit cryin' about being separated from the kids. It's YOU who chose to move 3,000 miles away from them to do this pathetic show. His kids looked like they could give a crap about seeing their mom. It's nice that he has them for months during the summer, spoils them rotten, gives no discipline, lets them run wild then mom gets them back and has to undo all that bad behavior before school starts. Grow up, Pringle! I can't stand that guy.
  11. Especially Mary and Jen. Whoa, calm down ladies. Stop trying so hard to pull out every trick in the book to make yourselves look cool and interesting. Cause you're not. Lmao when Brooks pokes his head in the makeup room asking if he has time for hair and makeup and the makeup lady saying no, you're fine. WTF kid? Please SLC, enough with the kids on this franchise. We don't care.
  12. Re: John's house It did look like a tiny house sandwiched between two monstrous houses. It was on some kind of sliver of water, perhaps a marina? Even his unimpressive home is probably worth close to a million because it's in the OC and if it's in Newport on any kind of water even more. How crazy is that?
  13. That birthday party was a joke. There were hardly any men there at all! Where are all the husbands on this show? It's like they hardly want to be seen at all. Unlike most of the other famewhore husbands on the other franchises. I really don't see what's so wild and crazy about Whitney. Is she the same age as the Vanderpump visitors, early 30's? She's really pretty and I appreciate the fact that she's not smothered in those long fake extensions or wigs. Mary and Jen are just straight up batshit crazy. Heather was funny talking about being single and dating. (paraphrasing here) "Men don't like me". "They meet me and say I'm just too much". Her honesty is refreshing. I like her.
  14. Oh, Chase, STFU. Quit your crying. What you did was terrible. You cheated on your fiancee, and got the woman you were cheating with pregnant. While you were engaged to someone else. If the relationship with Whit was all fake and you played along for $$$ then shame on you even more. Buck up and man up, soon enough people will forget you ever existed and you can go on to live your life happily ever after. As for Whitney, she was an awful girlfriend. She belittled his career choices, gave him no support and wouldn't consider for a hot minute that maybe she could move to Wilmington. It was not the other side of the world. A couple of hours away from her beloved Greensboro, big deal. She talked to Chase and treated him like crap. She visited him (before Covid) very little, made no effort to actually spend quality time with him at all. You get engaged but have never seen where your boyfriend lives until you drag your mother along and then act all bitchy the entire time you are there? Babs was right. Whit doesn't compromise. She knows her daughter very well.
  15. Moriah is so strange. I kept yelling at the TV "Speak Uppppppp"! She needs to show more emotion. What the hell have those parents done to her? I thought she was such a free spirit but she seems locked in her own small world in Cairo, afraid of everything. Olivia traveling all over the country with her photography career. I want to know more about that. It doesn't seem like an easy field to get in to because aren't wedding photographers a dime a dozen? Who would want to hire her to travel across the country to photo/video their wedding when they could find someone local? Is she super successful, does she make a great living? Where did she get her training? I still don't like her or her stank attitude and I think her job is fake. How does one ever, ever get over running over and killing their own 17 month old baby in their own driveway? I can't even imagine. Talk about hell on earth.
  16. And just happens to know her address. Surprise! What exactly was BooBear doing to that pizza to make it healthy? . Yep. Here we go again. BooBear gets a girlfriend and Whitney gets jealous. I'm not sure she really wants him but she sure doesn't want anybody else to have him, either. What she wants is to have him to herself and have him give her all his attention so when she tells him to jump he will always be there to say "how high"? (and how much am I getting paid for this segment)? I loved Ryan's comment about Buddy staying at Twit's for the free rent. And his "So you're calling him Daddy now? I can't get enough of Ryan's snark. He will be missed.
  17. Marlo on Atlanta just said the exact same thing to the new girl about Kenya last night. It's vile but I don't know about dangerous.
  18. Nope, not happening. She's a mean, malicious, mouthy, twitter ranting brat. Just my opinion, though. 🥰
  19. I have no idea and don't really care. My comments were directed at Candyass being "just fine" if she was no longer on the show. Hey, I don't care for either one of these women but let's not pretend Candyass has been making it on her own. Her mother has been footing her bills for a long time. As she relentlessly reminded Candyass of every chance she could.
  20. Wondering how much money all of these "careers" make? As for Candyass mother helping her with the house, didn't her mother make a big deal about always paying for everything and Candyass making a big deal about breaking free of that? Seems like it was a very big issue during an entire season of them fighting and crying about it. Who hit who with their purse?
  21. I haven't heard her mention it at all other than the first season she was on.
  22. How would Candyass be fine without the show? She has no other job, she's pretty much a spoiled brat and she and Chris just bought a big home. Chris' income what little there is of it will not pay for that house. Will she be calling on Mommy again?
  23. Wow Monique really went in on Gizelle and it got dark real quick. I have never seen Gizzy so quiet. She looked like she was in shock. As for the receipt book, eh, I'm not mad at that. In other HW past reunions it's become common practice for the women to pull out their cell phones, recite personal private text messages and social media gossip. I've seen it done on Orange County, Beverly Hills and New York reunions. Monique was just more organized with it. Looks like she has a tab on every one of them, too! They are all probably shaking in their booties just a lil' bit.
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