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Everything posted by GreenScreenFX

  1. I'm guessing Boulder is a lot bigger... But I dont know.....has anyone pinpointed Stars Hallows equivalent? I am sure they have.
  2. I kind of agree with your points to a degree...but it is a tv show... So I can allow for artistic license.... Small towns: I used to live in Boulder Co and it was busy like that even during a blizzard on Christmas break , so that seems realistic. I guess even in a small town people have to eat. Luke was a bitter curmudgeon but he clearly cared about everyone, especially Lorelei and Rory. So I think (characters) gave him a pass. And is the Paris question rhetorical?
  3. Apparently there was a malfunction, Lauren and Ray Ramono both frequently mentioned something happened off camera.
  4. It didn't appear to be a rat infested shack with no heat or running water.... It looked like a nice little room. I'm sure Mia wouldn't have let them live there otherwise.
  5. What seemed like a leap? A college student who recently turned 21 goes to a bar?
  6. I never noticed Lorelei drinking too excessively.... Remind me
  7. Jess was.... and will always be .....a total douche bag. To this day I can not see how anyone liked that little shit. Yes I know he eventually grew up and behaved as a human, but the guy was a Grade A dickwad from start to finish. He is awful!
  8. I for 1 had no idea Dax was an actor before this.... I thought he was just a low rent MTV trailer trash reality celebutard. He is kinda awesome.
  9. I think I just have a problem with Lorelei doing Raymond. No. Just no.
  10. I actually liked the finale. It was a nice wrap up. But I will forever feel that Sarah settled. Hank is not a "catch" and not 1 single person on earth can convince me that she is in love with him. She's tired.
  11. Not only that, but they appear to be Broadway ready. Not a klutzy child in the group.
  12. She was given a crib last week ( minus a screw) .... So that is something....
  13. Clearly Snowflake Academey has over taken the NYU school for gifted students.... Tisch. Smish.
  14. i want to write something snarky about Max being a sociopathic brat, but I don't know enough about autism,.. Is this normal behavior for (I am assuming) high end?
  15. Didn't you see the last episode? That's pretty much how it went down.
  16. " And he could never be a photojournalist because he would not survive a foreign country for even an hour. And I am including Canada." Funny! This was truly a penultimate episode.... Nothing happened because they are seemingly saving the best for last. I hope. This episode.... All the Braverman's have basically given up: Sarah is settling. She has a firey personality that died somewhere. Crosby has given up on his brother and can't find his balls. Adam "ditto." Julia can't or won't tell Joel to stop being a bitch and get over himself. And of course Zeke is a being a big pussy for not fighting. (Having a recently deceased "fighting" parent, I do not actually agree with this statement, but I needed to round out the argument. I would have done the same thing. :(
  17. The insurance thing was so unbelievably stupid. The writers are incredibably lazy....they have to create cause and effect, I get it. There must be a better and more credible way to create the storyline.... I mean, I admit most of America is dumb as shit, but seriously. If this were a smarter show, I would totally agree that Adam did it. It's not, and they are out of time.
  18. And by that, I mean, she seems on verge of tears every time the camera is on her. Is she always about to cry?
  19. Lauren Graham seems like she is crying a lot in real life. I do not want that. I hope she is ok.
  20. This could be a regional thing. It just seems out of place .
  21. I cringe every time Lorelei refers to Rory as her kid... Which is almost every episode. A kid is a goat not a daughter/child.
  22. My thoughts on Jess, a newbie (sort of) after having just watched the entire series on Netflix as well. He is the biggest turd to turd. He is awful. A real shithead to the 9th degree. I don't understand the Jess love AT ALL.
  23. And jay, I did not read that as snotty AT ALL. Thank you for the correction!
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