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  1. I'm a few episodes behind, but I had to share how loathsome I'm finding Toadie and particularly Melanie lately. Toadie's anger and jealousy about Terese being concerned for Paul (WHOSE SON JUST DIED!) is so hypocritical given his every response to Melanie since she's been back. And Melanie is now not just pathetic as hell, but also super smug as well, I'm not sure how Terese has managed to resist slugging her in the face. Thank goodness for Karl and Holly* both clocking her for her completely transparent actions. * Holly has weirdly been completely disconnected from the twentysomethings and I don't like it.
  2. Ah damn, so they did go with Paul siccing Eden on Krista (though I am wondering who bailed Eden out in the first place, because it seems like it wasn't Paul. Could it have been Sharon? We never did go back to what happened after she ran into him a while back). I am dreading the fallout when this inevitably gets revealed, I dunno how Paul's going to come back from this one, and I am so tired of Paul being dragged and having no one. Which is why I hated, when Terese pointed out just that, that Paul wasn't going to get a parade of sympathizers with casseroles, that Toadie had the nerve to pull all these jealous faces when she wanted to go check on him. Dude, Paul's son is dead, and you hardly have room to talk given your overinvolvement with Melanie. And then in the next episode being such an ass lecturing Andrew, an actual police officer, about how to handle a hostage situation and being soooo obnoxious about insisting on being the hero. Also annoying, as always, Melanie. I was really glad she finally got put on blast for all her passive-aggressive pining by Karl and then Terese. I am glad Holly had some involvement in the hostage situation with Eden, but I do wish we were getting more of her perspective on what her ex has done. Chelsea's triumphant look when she manipulated Cara into letting her stay was classic scheming soap bitch, nicely done.
  3. Even coming a mile away, David's death was effectively sad and well done, just textbook in what soaps can do when it comes to losing a character like this, this way. Leo and Aaron's devastation when they came back and realized what David had done (Aaron in particular, usually leaned on to be smiley and shirtless, was heartbreaking when he let out that wail) and then the agony of having to carry his body back to the house, Jane falling apart when she finally got the news out, Paul desperately clutching David's photo at the end, it all hit the feels hard. And then concurrently, another soap engine revved as Terese's first reaction was to immediately, immediately, rush to Paul's side and for that to be how she finds out about him and Chelsea. Terese and Paul just have IT, that grand soap opera love connection that, for example, a pairing like Melanie and Toadie have never and will never have. So Eden has to be the biggest Big Bad in "Neighbours" history, huh? He used and manipulated Karl Kennedy's daughter, physically injured Toadie Rebecchi's child, and now is responsible for the death of Paul Robinson's son. I almost wish the show had kept his reappearance a secret, had let Veronica stalking Nicolette to the house be a complete smokescreen for this twist. I'll also say right now - I will absolutely hate it if the show does what I think it's going to do, which is reveal that Paul sicced Eden on Krista and thus is at fault for David's death. We just got done with a story of everyone angrily turning on Paul, I don't want to see it again.
  4. Wow...David and Aaron are sure happy and loved up and planning for the future right before While the Trevor story did rehab Haz a bit, I have cooled on him and Mackenzie being together, their relationship is too much about her taking care of him. Also notice that he was too chicken to tell Holly and let Mackenzie take the bullet by herself. That said, their first kiss with the camera pulling away to take in the beautiful setting was well-done and soapy, and them trying to make house rules and tamp down the PDA when they clearly just wanna jump each other was kinda cute. Relatedly, given Byron was concerned about Holly's reaction and then we had that scene of them commiserating about being surrounded by happy couples, I wonder if my early guess that they'd eventually get together is looping back around. Also, Byron was pretty funny wandering around walking in on people when all he wanted was to eat his pie. At least they called out that it's kinda ridiculous Krista is still strutting around in (faux?) leather pants and tops with weird boob windows when she's supposed to be several months preggers. I do think So, sooo tired of Melanie's dating travails.
  5. Feeling mixed about Cara's sister Chelsea so far. A glamorous female schemer targeting Paul's heart and (presumably) wallet could be fun, but while it's giving Cara and Remi more to do, it is a bummer they are basically her backup singers while she's getting the story spotlight. I do like that they did the UK/Aussie soap thing and established that Chelsea has grownup kids out there somewhere who could be brought in to cause more chaos for Auntie Cara down the line. Also, why does everyone keep talking about the age difference between JJ and Sadie and not that he thought she was his half-sister for like a month! Hopefully him taking his shot and her nicely turning him down is the end of it. Haz (I'm guessing temporarily) giving up Trevor has done the intended job of making him more likeable after the Holly mess. It's pretty clear to me that Nicolette accidentally attacked Sam at the end of today's episode. Also, was there a reason I missed why Mike is still not back on Ramsey Street? In other missing neighbours news, Susan's going to be gone for two more MONTHS? Shut up, Woe Is Melanie.
  6. Finally figured out who Nicolette's stalker Veronica reminds me of - Ashley Williams circa "How I Met Your Mother", with a touch more crazy eyes. The backstory they built for this is a little wobbly, but the show is doing well with the ramp-up of her antics and the actress is quite good as a bunny boiler. Her leaning in to verbally jab in Aaron's ear today about Nicolette's shenanigans when Isla was born (how she would know about that, though, I dunno) was a nice touch. It continues to bum me out how little the Varga-Murphys are getting to do. Remi reduced to being another talk-to for Krista? Boo. Though JJ and Dex scheming to get the best video games at the jumble sale was very teenage-ery. Couldn't help noticing that Monday had Leo talking about being overprotective of Abigail and Wednesday had him ditching his daughter for Krista for at least two evening meals, and possibly a sleepover. I can't imagine the show wants to break up the share house so not sure why they had Aaron bring up the idea of him and David buying their old house back. When bad things happen to Melanie, I am Kim Fox...
  7. I'm with Karl because I'm really finding it unsettling the way Holly is dimming her light to try and make Haz like her more, especially when it's juxtaposed with him being such a weirdo about finding Mackenzie's modeling photos. It's interesting that Holly's insecurities are kind of an echo of Izzy's with Karl, but she's dealing with them in such a different way. I also like that this story is allowing for a deeper dive into Holly and Karl's relationship, that you can tell she feels like this appendage in the Kennedy family, that he has trouble relating to her because of the distance there's been between them while she was growing up, and Holly's line about only existing because of a mistake Karl made was a doozy. The Melanie fluffing really was in overdrive this week, with everyone falling all over themselves to say how she's awesome, perfection, an angel on Earth, blah blah blah. Her woe-is-me routine when she's basically gotten off consequence-free for all her antics is also annoying. So I was glad she got a bit crushed when Toadie told her he didn't buy her her business back. I actually wish they'd lean more into the Krista angle, the two of them coming together as a chosen family, because I did think it was nice Krista bought her the van. I'm not sure why they did this, but the show pivoting away from what it had been building with the Varga-Murphys and the Rodwells and their tangled dynamics was a mistake. JJ's questions about his biological father, Cara's shady former employer, whatever Andrew found in their old friend's diary, that's all just over with? And been replaced by JJ having a creepy crush on the older girl he thought was his half-sister five minutes ago? Boo.
  8. I'm finding it very troubling that Haz appears to be most into Holly when she's a damsel in distress or has been victimized, given they first got together after the Eden mess and now he's locked back in after rescuing her from the pool. The actress who plays Holly was very good playing her residual shock after her ordeal. And I thought Holly's position at the end made sense - she wants it to work with Haz, she does value her friendship with Mackenzie, and she's being honest laying it out that, for her, the status quo at the share house won't allow her to feel secure in either relationship. Wow, they threw Elly's mom under the bus hard to pave the way for her not being at the wedding slash the Susan actress taking a break. Have we heard whether people like Bea, Mark and Tyler, etc. have even been invited?
  9. Yes, Holly was out of order inviting Mackenzie's ex to the party, but as far as schemes go, it was fairly benign. And I really think Mackenzie and Haz are both being insensitive, their refusal to stop being obtuse about their feelings for each other is now causing other people pain. But then, whoa, soapy danger cliffhanger with Holly falling into the pool and getting snagged underwater. I am worried we're going to get Holly putting some spin on it that Mackenzie pushed her or something (as is, she did absolutely walk away without checking Holly was okay, which was a bit OOC) just to drive home that Mackenzie is The Good Girl and Holly is The Bad Girl. I'm getting pretty tired of everyone dumping on Paul, especially when Melanie is fully forgiven and back in everyone's bosom. I still prefer he be with Terese - I agreed with him when he said they're cut from the same cloth to Toadie - but I'm ready for him to have a fun fling, or have some kind of untainted victory. I'd forgotten that Nicolette is keeping some other secret about why she wanted to flee Erinsborough, wonder how long they'll string that out for.
  10. Sure sure, The Six, but really, it was Kim cackling with delight at the drama at Sharon and Keanu's wedding and then trying to recover that did it for me.
  11. I liked the little uses of history this week, with Terese reflecting back on what happened with Brad and Lauren as Melanie moved onto the street and Elly asking Susan about how her MS diagnosis impacted her relationship with Karl. David seriously needs to get a grip, the way he badgered Aaron in today's episode was beyond.
  12. I get that they don't have the actors that play them, and I get that Linda can't be off-screen for Christmas given The Six of it all, but all three adult Carter kids ditching the first Christmas since Mick's death via cold-as-ice text messages? Nah.
  13. Haz was being a real pill today, he has been curdling for a while now into your classic sanctimonious TV "good guy". And you just know he is going to end up messing up Mackenzie and Holly's friendship with his wishy-washy antics and that sucks. Remi clawing at Cara's shoulder while Karl was droning on and on was so funny, this recurring bit of him crashing their family outings and just inviting himself to stay is very amusing. Not sure where her finding out about David's medical malpractice past is going to go, though I wouldn't mind it knocking David off his high horse a bit re: Paul. I was surprised to see Guy Pearce, I figured all future contact with Mike would be letters and off-screen phone calls. I remain torn about whether letting this linger is a good idea or not. What was with that flirty wave JJ gave Sadie? Dude, didn't you think she was your half-sister like five minutes ago?
  14. Nicolette yesterday: All the damage and mayhem caused by the protest is totally my fault! Nicolette today: What do you mean I'm being arrested for all the damage and mayhem caused by the protest!
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