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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. These voiceovers are killing me. They’re so flat and stilted and awkward.
  2. Yeah. 22 pounds? Dr. Now gonna be salty about that.
  3. I feel like he lost weight. Maybe not 120 pound, but something.
  4. He had to pull a chair up to the stove to cook canned ravioli. I can’t imagine being so immobile that three minutes on my feet was too much to handle without sitting down.
  5. Hey pounders, tuning in late again tonight. My eating habit tonight was French onion meatballs over Amish noodles. Oh my word, it was good. i feel like (in the four minutes I’ve been watching) that we have another poundtestant that’s completely delusional about what it’s going to take to lose weight. Because apparently they all come into this thinking they’ll be scheduled for surgery the day after their initial visit. Also! Is it just me or is there a trend with them going into that initial appointment with their list of excuses for why they’re super-de-duperly morbidly obese all lined up and ready to go when Dr. Now asks?
  6. Dr. Now is NOT THE ONE and I am soooo here for it. Love when he wears his sassy pants.
  7. DOES SHE EVER WASH HER HAIR? I’m imagining what she must smell like and I’m pretty sure I’m never eating again. She gained 29 lbs by falling off the wagon ONE DAY??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  8. I don’t understand her surprise. I mean, by the tale she told, it’s all skinless chicken breasts and steamed veggies on the menu at home. This should be a walk in the park for her. /sarcasm *off*
  9. Oh my dear sweet fancy Moses. Can you just imagine that crossover show???
  10. Am I just completely desensitized, jaded, and cynical from years of watching this show? Because I can’t seem to muster up any sympathy for her whatsoever. Mr. Roper is sitting beside me watching and he’s watching the BS meter go up and up, too.
  11. Shouldn’t she be saving the lies for her follow up appointment when she gains 60 pounds in a month while supposedly eating 1200 calorie a day? These two should be fiction writers. They sure can spin a tale.
  12. “What do you do for activity?” ”I shove food in my gob 24/7. That’s an aerobic activity, right?”
  13. Oh boy. Tuned in late tonight, am about 3 minutes in and am already at a loss for words. The cigarettes, the REALLY BIG SODA, the WHIIIIIINING. Have mercy. I can’t even fathom what I’ve missed (the description sounds crazy) so far. Also, WTF was that whole riff about lepers??? These two sound like mean girls.
  14. Wait--if Lacey is only 5'3" then how flipping TINY is Dr. Paradise???
  15. Lacey's arms are really huge. Dr. Now is going to have to do some serious skin removal on them. They can probably take 10+ pounds off each arm.
  16. Lacey's dad seems like a powderkeg about to explode. I bet he's terrifying when he goes off.
  17. 3 to 4 days of driving to Texas? I smell a weight gain about to happen...
  18. Lacey's mudder looks salty at Dr. Now calling her out. Anybody else wish he would make her get on the scale?
  20. God, I love when Dr. Now is sassy. And he's definitely giving her mother the business. Git 'er, Dr. Now!
  21. Wait--Lacey is only 5'3" tall??? I thought she was about 5'10"! She looks gigantic next to her mother.
  22. Seriously! Their dynamic just screeches TOXIC at the top of its lungs.
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