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Everything posted by Snaporaz

  1. I'm a week late with this, but did anyone notice the Rexx Rugs sign in the classic rerun, when Brad and JT were driving to Gina's🔥? I had no idea they've been in business so long! This Rashomon-type telling of what happened at the Paris cafe is pretty intriguing. On one hand, I'm inclined to believe Ashley's recollection, based on Tucker's behavior when he first returned from the honeymoon. But then I remember all the times Ashley has approached Tucker since she returned, and, until now, she wasn't acting like someone who was afraid for her personal safety. I'm not sure if it was a serious question, but the friends Nikki was referring to were Kay and Neil. They were her support system during her previous lapses.
  2. Back atcha, @boes!!! And your birthday falls in the midst of Christmakwanzukkah's Eve, so I hope you're enjoying everything wonderful the season offers! I relish every word/pic/gif of your delightfully twisted and hilarious posts. Please keep them coming! Happy birthday! 🎊🥳🎂
  3. I thought the same thing. Bridget was looking at Finn like he was the tastiest snack ever, and he was wearing a cap and face mask at the time.
  4. Summer is as obvious as she is annoying. Maybe Chance could be lured back to the GCPD to solve Summer's murder. This show needs a good serial killer, and I nominate Summer to be Aunt Jordan's first victim. Put us out of our misery, Auntie Jayjay! Kyle should give Tucker the formula for Ashley's revolutionary wrinkle cream, complete with the cleaning solvent Gloria added to it. Unpopular opinion here, but I like Kyle and Audra together, and I hope they form a genuine alliance and flip on Tucker. I doubt it will happen, though, and I've lost track of who's with who and who knows what and what anybody's freaking goal or plan really is. Wrapping this up soon would not be a bad idea. I zoned out while Billy was droning on to Chelsea about whatever, so I missed why he brought the snorkel and swimsuit at all if he was going to bail on the surprise New Year's vacation portion of the gift?
  5. Eric expressed those wishes when he thought there was no possible treatment. He may have wanted to try this procedure had he been aware of it. So why not just go ahead with it? In the worst case scenario, they would be right where they are now needing to make the same decisions, but they would know they exhausted all possibilities.
  6. Is this emergency trip for CK's maternity leave? I don't know how far along she is. Tucker's nebulous plans for Jabot and CW have been going on for what seems like forever, and they haven't progressed at all. Meanwhile, the Claire-Aunt Jordan story moved at warp speed. I noticed in the credits that JG is no longer the sole writer. That has to be an improvement, right? Right??
  7. I still don't get the relevance of the music. Despite the countless times people have thrown Nikki's stripper past in her face, she has never been ashamed of it. Quite the opposite, actually. And I'm pretty sure she didn't have a drinking problem at that time. So why is the music "breaking" her? Could Jordan have been one of her rival dancers at The Bayou? Happy St. Nicholas Day, Preverts! Let's all toast Nick on his onomastico with a nanner smoothie! 🍌🦍
  8. ⬆️ I didn't understand the significance of that music on the phone call. Was it another obscure reference, like the Victorian doll? I'm no lawyer and laws may vary from state to state, but an HR person once told me that employers are not permitted to give negative references. The most you could do is decline to give a reference,so Nate could sue both Victor and Nikki for defamation for what they just said to Devon.
  9. Oh my gods, Hope, what the...? I don't usually comment on hair or clothes, but that hair? Those clothes? She looks like she's on her way to a Moms4Liberty book-burning. I thought Eric would get some miracle cure from Finn or Bridget or even freaking Sheila, but all of those This Was Your Life flashbacks are making it look like Eric really is at the end.
  10. Yeah, so much potential here for a really great story, and JG effs it up AGAIN. It's over before it gets started. Yes, Aunt Jordan is still out there somewhere, but so are Stitch and his loon of a son. If Claire isn't Baby Eve, then what was the point of this?
  11. ⬆️ I think Daisy abandoned Lucy at a church or something, and the woman who found her sold her to Rose DeVille's daughter Primrose DeVille (carrying on the family baby broker bizniss!), who sold her to Billy as a gift for Victoria.
  12. If you count Sharon as a Newman, you could add Mariah to the list (although Mariah was stolen before Sharon met the Newmans). Sheila only stole the one, but she's a multi-tasking psycho when it comes to criming. Yay! I voted for useless Nick and he won! I wonder if Christian will even notice? When Nick had Jordan in the headlock, he really had that lower-primate posture going on.🦍
  13. If loving Claire and Aunt Jordan is wrong, I don't want to be right. I hope they throw Victor in the basement and feed him rats. Karma has been a-comin' for that slippery weasel for years now. It's about time he was held accountable for some damn thing. So I guess Jordan took newborn Claire and swapped her for a stillborn baby? I'm a little confused about the animosity towards Cole, though. I wish these two could stick around and be treated to a ticker-tape parade in GC, but I know we can't have nice things.
  14. I know they're sappy, but I was looking forward to the Thanksgiving episode where they go around the table and say something nice about the person sitting to their left. This was disappointing. Happy Thanksgiving to all of youse!
  15. ⬆️⬆️⬆️When did Devon and Abby get married? I daydream a lot and must have missed it. I can't figure out what the plan is for when all the Newmans get to the lake house? And now Cole is there, so how are Claire and Aunt Jordan going to corral all of them? Tomorrow's show should be a good long-weekend cliffhanger. I would normally agree with you, but Victor and his enabler Nikki are such loathsome trash that they have this coming. At least Claire is giving Nikki top shelf vodka when all she deserves is Mad Dog 20/20. Nikki is at her best when she's drunk. She and Neil were like Genoa City's version of those two hecklers who sat in the balcony on the Muppet Show.
  16. I don't think it was ever established that the affair with the doctor resulted in a pregnancy. We just assumed it did because Li's story was so vague. All Li said was that the doctor's wife learned of the affair and the doctor blamed Li instead of his own lack of self-control, and Li lost her job.
  17. Cole's reported return may have nothing at all to do with Claire. Cole got around, so he could hook up with his newly-single ex Victoria, or his newly-single ex Ashley, or his chronically-single ex Nina, giving her something else to do besides play mother hen to Chance. I doubt he's here to woo his stuck-in-abusive-relationship ex Nikki, though.
  18. If the speculation is true and Claire is Victoria's and Cole's (not-dead) daughter Eve, then I guess Great-Aunt Jordan would be the sister of Cole's mother Eve or his father Rick, both of whom were bat-crap crazy. Eve and Rick both tried to kill Victor and/or Nikki multiple times. I've always been kind of lukewarm towards Nikki, but I haven't been able to stand her recently. So I thought the vodka IV was a hilarious twist and almost forgave Josh for all the tripe he's been giving us lately.
  19. While I like these theories, they would mean that Claire should be about 10-15 years older than Summer. Although age seems to be a very fluid thing on this show, so I guess anything is possible.
  20. I'm rooting for her, too! I hate these held-against-their-will stories so much, but I don't mind this one so far and I find myself cheering on the captor. Nice twist, Josh, although I doubt that was your intention. Claire neglected to call the Newmans inbred trash, so I can only give her an 8.75 out of 10. It was a great speech all the same! I would be all for a Claire/Ian Ward connection as long as Ray Wise is Ian Ward.🙏
  21. I love this Zero Fucks-giving version of Hope! But she was looking all wistful when Liam said he still loves her and always will. Don't fall for it, Hope! He literally just said those exact same words to Steffy.
  22. Yes, Nick, you were the very soul of a loyal son when you turned your father into the feds for his commercial bribery scheme. Ughh, I'm so sick of this putz. Why didn't Claire take him instead. Christian never would have noticed he was missing.
  23. Oh my gods, did that jarhead Nick actually say that Adam has never shown any brotherly loyalty? You have got to be kidneying me!
  24. Why is Nick considered trustworthy when he embezzled millions in real estate assets from NE to create Dark Horse not that long ago? I think Joshie needs some flashbacks to refresh his memory more than we do. I get the nagging feeling that Aunt Jordan will look remarkably like Nikki. Not a spoiler, I know nothing. But we haven't had a doppelgänger in six or seven years, so we're due. A baby swap is probably scheduled for early 2025.
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