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I am from Utah and this is culture is rich for the gimmee, gimmee and the shiny, put together wives. Notice what a slob Tyson is. He is getting fatter every day as he drives down to Daylight Donuts in Pleasant Grove Utah for his weekly free dozen. Then stopping by Sodalicious for his free drink daily. He plugs them in his daily vlogs, which btw, are pretty crappy as vlogs go. He sits like a slob too, and his Jesus jammies are always showing out of his too short, shorts. That is a Mormon no-no. Garments are meant to be covered. Tyson comes from a family of 10 kids and someone is over there every day helping. They have dates nights and weekends away. They plug something on their daily vlogs and now facebook livestreams daily. They are disingenuous and fakey fake with all the tears. They thank their followers who "love" the durls, and they "love" all their followers. That right their is enough to make me take pause. Strangers in Wisconsin don't love these children, not in the true sense. We are just a bunch of lookie loos who like to watch and snark. Ashley used to be an esthetician so apparently she knows how to apply makeup! And her cousin does her hair, another cousin does her eye lash extension. Recently they showed their new grifted car seats and how they couldn't get all of them to rear face. They were eaten alive online but basically said it was the best they could do with these free car seats. People mentioned smaller seats, different brands etc, but instead they chose to have 2 face forward and 2 face backwards. I do take issue with fertility treatments when their is any chance of multiplies. If you can't afford every baby you might have, don't do it. Or, make darn sure you can afford them. However, their ward will make sure they have diaper drives and the local Panera will feed them once a week. Other Etsy shop owners will send 4 outfits a week for the girls and after enough requests to car seat and high chair companies, they will get 4 of each. Tyson did not have to quit his job. Ashley had plenty of help. How nice they each take turns sleeping in. Their etsy shop may require 4 hours a day. It's their vlogging and grifting that takes such a long time. Rant over.
Between watching the tragedy of Leah being allowed any time with her children that isn't supervised to Kaiser's picture online, (shame on it being allowed on here via link even if his head is edited out, and to any other TM affiliated site), it makes me literally sick to my stomach how Jace and Kaiser are treated. It makes me sick that Leah is allowed around her children. Enough is enough MTV. I am sick to death how Dr. Drew state teen pregnancy rates are down because of this show, yet never ever calls out the abuse and neglect these innocent souls are exploited. I doubt that was the first time Jace had such a meltdown when he told Barb to shut up. And I am sure Kaiser spends a lot of his time screaming in his crib. It is simply too much that here in the USA, we allow child abuse/neglect on TV as entertainment.
Not necessarily. After my surgery, we didn't do anything, including changing out ligature bands. Prior to surgery, the ortho put the stainless steel ligature wires on because they are more sanitary. But no adjustments on my teeth for 6 months. I suspect it is longer for the maxilla. They either used cadaver bone or artificial bone to maintain the space. It is a brutal recovery. I find it especially offensive when people speak to this situation and have no idea what they are talking about.
Mine was alignment. I suspect Derrick is for palate widening. My recovery was 6 months, but the maxilla requires a year.
I know I have commented about this before...but I am in an very similar situation that Derrick is in. Braces for the third time and a jaw surgery, I am just older. Started out lean and tall, and I too look like HELL! Lost 25 pounds and when you are in pain you aren't hungry yet you must eat. Then you have to consider the braces, and what you actually can eat. Everyone says, "go eat a milkshake", that's fine and good but I can't live on that. Then your body gets used to less food and your appetite goes away. I have lost muscle mass and my face is thin and gaunt. I am surprised he can even walk down a trail, frankly. You could tell his teeth have shifted a lot. He has past the one year mark so he can probably begin eating harder foods, BUT, his teeth are out of alignment so that makes chewing very difficult without constantly biting your cheeks. His demeanor has changed. So has mine. I give Derrick complete slack on this and honestly and stung each time I hear such cruel remarks on social media about his appearance. Just offering up another POV.
What was up with the comment Debra made, about taking Michael to 5 doctors. For what? It makes me think he sexually abused Farrah when Debra was out of town.
I think it is shallow and greedy to collect her $40k per episode and be filmed getting paid for her side gig. Say what you want about the Arnold's being different. They are just nice and shiny. They are still exploiting themselves and THIER children. Greed and materialism is what drives these 2. And an adult sucking her thumb through the bar would be an attorney that I would not choose. Egad, break the habit!
S04.E04: Wedding Bliss and a First Kiss
TEEVEE replied to IndianPaintbrush's topic in Bringing Up Bates
Quite a long drive for some chicken salad and a piece of sheet cake. -
I gotta say it. Cate is white trash. You can see her lazy, fat ass attitude shining through. She doesn't even TRY to behave like a classy human being. And Nova, that poor baby. She doesn't even look well take cared of. She looks underweight for sure. I just keep hearing all those empty promises about going to school and showing Carly how they were going to make the right choices because they gave her up for adoption. Cate got fatter, louder, smokes, lazier and we see the life Nova will have.
S04.E04: Wedding Bliss and a First Kiss
TEEVEE replied to IndianPaintbrush's topic in Bringing Up Bates
I love Erin and her innuendos about sex. Michael was too much of a prude to sit in a massaging chair. Lawd! Was she afraid she would stir up a desire she had been waiting for Brandon to stir up?? I can't even picture the 2 of them being intimate. Maybe in the dark, with half their clothes on. Now Erin on the other hand, she loves her massages! Hell, one kid needs a TOOTH! I think they will fix everyone's teeth in time, aka, as the checks roll in and an orthodontist is willing to trade free services for free TV exposure. -
This activity-I kept waiting for Zoey to grate a chunk of skin off. Every time I use a grater, I grate a knuckle. And I think crayons would take more force than cheese!
You may have an unskilled hygienist. Do you go every 6 months, use tartar control toothpaste, and floss? I hate to have it done, but it does not hurt. And certainly not all day. However, if you are like some people who wait and go when the plaque is visible and starting to look like another tooth, then yea, it will probably hurt a lot. A cleaning and scaling are 2 different things. You could ask for a topical anethesthic, but again, if your teeth are in bad shape, then I suppose when that wore off, your gums would still hurt.
Count me on out on not liking Zoey's hair. I think it is too harsh for a 4 year old. Loved the sweet bob. I guess I am old fashioned but I cant stand pierced ears on little girls. I think it looks trashy. Wait till they are 12 or 13, when they can take care of their years. They have their whole life to wear ear rings.
Of all the families on RTV, I feel like Jen and Bill are the smartest and best parent's of all. However, with that in mind, they are exploiting their children even more than the other families. They should no better. Zoey and Will are cute. That's all. Too many people know their names, their likes and dislikes and moods.
Teresa and Brandon need to close this adoption. I am actually surprised that went to that wedding. None of this is good for Carly. And it isn't good for Cate.