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Everything posted by RescueMom

  1. FvF was the very first season of Survivor I watched, and I loved it even though I hadn't seen any of the favorites play before!
  2. I wonder if Jeff could have been presented it a little differently - like announce Elaine's and Janet's awards first, then something like "and even though he was around for a shorter time this season, Sia wanted to recognize Jamal with $15K as well." Maybe wouldn't have made a difference but I think a few PR minds could have spun things a little better than what happened.
  3. For sure. Can you imagine them not doing tons of water challenges had Ozzy been playing? But the kick-ass female swimmers only got a couple.
  4. RescueMom

    Fix The Show

    IMO, this is the reason I think every woman who plays *should* be pushing for an all-women's alliance. Not because of woman-power or women sticking together or men not being good alliance-mates, but because the reality is that women who make it to the end are far more likely to get credit for their gameplay if they are sitting with only other women.
  5. Dalton Ross at EW has an interview up with Jeff that addresses this - sounds like a lot of the winners would only come back if they could be guaranteed a legitimate chance of winning, so they decided to do a second chance season. I don't like EoE either, but if we have to have it I would rather it be during a season with returning (mostly) popular players, because I want to see as much as possible of some of my favorites like Denise and Yul.
  6. RescueMom

    Fix The Show

    True. I was thinking about all of the enjoyment I would lose trying to guess how many minutes (or even seconds) we will have between the time someone finds an idol and swears s/he will not tell anyone and the time they actually tell someone.
  7. RescueMom

    Fix The Show

    I think the nullifiers are going to encourage people to keep their idols a secret, because people won't nullify them if they don't know about them. And I can't see how that would make the show more interesting.
  8. Makes me want to listen to it even more!
  9. Thank you, will definitely listen!!
  10. Erik has always seemed like the sweetest guy and always has a great attitude about the grief he gets. I follow his Twitter, and he said his Skype chat would be at least an hour long and his dogs would probably make an appearance. Kass is matching donations to a point plus has said she'd give a Skype chat to anyone who bid over a certain amount. Lots of them are offering to critique audition tapes for the winner. It's pretty fun to follow along and see all of the positivity. I needed that badly after the turn this season took.
  11. OK, here is something fun and positive for a change this season! Angelina Keeley started a non-profit, and she is auctioning off 15-minute Skype calls with a ton of current and former survivors to raise money for her charity. She has a few pretty big name past-season Survivors on there: Lex, Rob C, Ciera, and Abi-Maria for a few examples. Janet, Tommy, Chelsea, and Lauren from this season are on there so far (she seems to still be adding more). Ready to Run Charity Auction Edited to add: Elaine is on there now too!
  12. I was feeling a bit sheepish while posting that for exactly this reason... But I don't actually follow him, and never react to or comment on any of his posts. I see them when I am searching Survivor tags. Then I do what we do best here in MN - read them and silently judge 🙂 The news articles do get a click from me, but other than that, the only thing I have done is post here a few times to vent to some like-minded people. So unless he is on these forums, I shouldn't be feeding that particular troll. Hope not, anyway.
  13. I am honestly appalled at how many reputable media outlets have had stories about what Varner thinks when he flat-out says on Twitter that he has not watched the majority of the season (including the early episodes with all of the footage of Dan being handsy and Kellee telling him to stop and him continuing). His Twitter is appalling, too. He's all "If you knew what I know you would understand" while refusing to actually say anything of substance. It is such a pathetic, blatantly attention-seeking behavior, and he's getting exactly what he wants - attention. I have zero tolerance for people who post shit like "worst day ever!!" on their social media just to get people to beg them to elaborate. That is what Varner is doing, and it is gross.
  14. Great list - you missed one that I saw someone argue on Twitter yesterday: F. Whine about how unfair it is that other people can touch her but you can't ("If Janet gets to hug you than I have every right to hug you too!")
  15. Ugh is right. If I was Mrs. Spilo, the only place we would be "out and about" would be to see the divorce lawyer.
  16. Varner (who used to be one of my absolute favorite players) also claims that he was unfairly mis-represented when he outed Zeke. When IMO, it was his terrible messaging after the episode aired that made him look the worst. Whatever PR firm he worked with did him a real disservice. And now he comes across as a nasty, bitter person who honestly believes his own revisionist history. So I take anything he says with a massive grain of salt.
  17. Dan has locked down his social media and chosen to not release any statements. Likely due to legal advice, but it has still been his choice in the end to not make any statements in his own defense.
  18. She had one tweet where she said she loved ALL of her cast mates. Edited to add: I went back to double-check, and she did post clearly in a note on Twitter : "I love and respect my tribe mates, ALL OF THEM..." Sorry, don't know how to post the link.
  19. I actually just watched that season for the first time last month, and it is definitely one of my least favorites.
  20. I love most of the seasons that have already been mentioned, but I'll add 2. I know a lot of people don't like it (mainly because they don't like the winner, I think), but I loved Millennials vs Gen X and thought it had a great all-newbie cast. Another one I really like is the first Blood vs. Water season.
  21. So challenge beasts Dean and Tommy were out first and second in the immunity challenge. Ha! Unpopular opinion, but I like the loved ones visits. I like to see the people who show up from the players' regular lives, and I especially like how hurt feelings or picking wrong can shake up the game. We wouldn't have had Noura's amusing time-lapse rant without it, and that was my favorite part of the episode. I feel so badly for Dan's son. How exciting for a 13-year-old kid to be on Survivor - I'm sure all of his friends have been watching, and he had to be super excited to watch it himself. And then his dad is outed as a harassing pig halfway through. I feel no sympathy for Dan whatsoever, but feel awful for his kid. Survivor has been my favorite show and I have always said even bad Survivor is better than no Survivor to me. But between Ghost Island, Edge of Extinction, and now this horrible season that started out so promising, I'm not so sure anymore. If it wasn't for David vs. Goliath, I might be ready to throw in the towel on the show completely.
  22. Lauren is the latest of an awful lot of IoI visitors who have gone nuts over Sandra and then been like, "oh, and Rob's here too." It is interesting to me how lopsided the excitement has been. People seem to really love Sandra.
  23. I personally think the win still goes to Carter from the Philippines, but Dean is close!
  24. I actually really liked her dress and thought she looked stunning. Mileage definitely varies! And I initially thought Joe looked really nice because the first pic I saw was from the side, but then I saw the mustache. Just not my cup of tea. But what really matters is that they liked it, and are happy, and it looked like they had a beautiful ceremony full of friends and family and love.
  25. I do like Dan Rengering from David v Goliath. He's the One Good Dan.
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