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  1. Just wondering – I get the ''Justice'' part, but would the Ezra part be in reference to anyone/anything in particular?
  2. Wow. That name is... a choice.
  3. I have no issue with anyone (Jill included) disclosing that they've had a miscarriage, including on a more open and public platform such as Instagram. I'm a very private person myself, but I also know the value in seeing others share some of their experiences. To me, it can be helpful, either because you relate to what's being shared or just because it exposes you to different realities (which can also happen IRL obviously, but not always and not necessarily for everything). Obviously social media is not a substitute to real-life experiences and relationships, but it has its place and value, IMO. Also, not everyone has a good support system, or even if they do, there might be some topics that are just too difficult or loaded to approach with loved ones. Anyway, whether Jill shared the news of her miscarriage for attention/clicks/etc. or because she genuinely felt like sharing it (or a mix of both) does not negate the inherent value in sharing things like that, IMO. That being said – I do agree Jill should have waited until she was later in her pregnancy to tell the boys she was expecting. She's the adult and parent here. That was poor judgement on her part.
  4. I'm late to the party, but I thought I'd clarify something regarding the timing of Jill's recent Instagram stories. Instagram's timestamps are somewhat vague, so I instead inspected the source code of those stories (while they were still up) to find the exact time at which they were published. – The story with the boys and their walkie-talkies was published on Sunday at 5:39 pm Arkansas time. – The following story, with just Jill and Derick (while the boys are winding down inside, as per Jill), was published almost an hour later, on Sunday at 6:35 pm Arkansas time. Anyway, seems to me like Jill shared those stories in real time (or close to it).
  5. I recently came across a video from one of my favorite YouTubers, Emmy (of the Emmymade channel) where she tries her hand at making chocolate gravy and biscuits. @Zella She mentions in her video that this recipe comes from the Ozarks and Appalachia so I thought you might be familiar with it and might enjoy seeing her attempt at it :) She likes to try various recipes, often ones that might be somewhat odd or unusual, but also just numerous traditional recipes from around the world. I love the curiosity and the respect with which she approaches food (and the cultures that surround it). I admit I was pretty excited when I saw she had made a video about a traditional dessert from my province, Quebec – it's called pouding chômeur and it's absolutely delicious. She translated the name literally (unemployed person's pudding), but it's better translated as poor man's pudding. Pouding chômeur originated in the Great Depression and so the original recipe uses brown sugar to make the syrup (brown sugar apparently used to be less expensive than white sugar). The variation I'm most familiar with uses mostly maple syrup instead though, which also happens to be what Emmy did in her video. Anyway, enough talking! Here are the 2 videos, in case anyone's curious: There's a promo at the beginning so I set the video to start at the recipe (at 2:08):
  6. Pretty sure he still has the @religion account. The account @BigBingerBro was referring to is probably @jeremyvuolo. Per this Reddit post, it looks like the account was sold and the handle changed to @hehe (Also I get a ''Couldn't find this account'' message when I try to access the @jeremyvuolo account by entering the URL attached to it, https://tiktok.com/@jeremyvuolo. Obviously that could have meant he just deleted his account altogether, but based on that Reddit post it does seem like Jeremy has sold his account.)
  7. Oh for sure, I don't disagree with that. I was just adding a bit of context in case that might be useful to some. (I myself am more of the school of thought that you shouldn't necessarily follow every trend and that you should go for things that work well with your features and fit your personal style. That being said, life is short and following trends can be fun. I actually like that some people embrace them, regardless of it being flattering or not.) Topic: I like Jinger's new hair, overall. I do feel like the color could have been a tiny bit lighter, but I like how the darker color brings out her eyes more. The cut looks nice and modern, too.
  8. Like it or not, Jinger is actually right on trend with that look. Hers seems more like a ''toned down'' version, however (the usual look requires at least one barrette on each side and a middle part).
  9. https://www.instagram.com/p/CR_WBoBHZ0K/ (Link to the post screenshotted by @BigBingerBro, for those who have an Instagram account. 5 pictures in total.) Gracie's watermelon dress (5th slide) is adorable 🧡🍉
  10. Actually, Jinger had made an account earlier this year (although it appears she has since deleted it). That is correct. She made an account back in late January/early February of this year, however she apparently had only ever posted one video and like you said, got skewered in the comments. (Some of the comments left on her video were pretty funny in a ''trolling but polite'' way, like asking Jinger to do the ''buss it'' challenge lmao. Gotta love Gen Z for that, trolling like that is an art IMO.) Anyway, apparently she has since then deleted her account altogether (not sure how recent that is, however). I don't have a TikTok account, but I was still able to browse TikTok's website and search for Jeremy's account there (@jeremyvuolo), and I did find it. Jinger's account (@jingervuolo) did not show up in the search results when I looked it up though, so it does seem like it's indeed gone. I'm not too sure, but it seems like Jeremy and/or Jinger might have also started an additional account there. Anyway, another random attempt at trying to be relevant for these two... You would have thought they would have learned from Jinger's failed TikTok venture, but I guess they're desperate for attention. Since I don't have an account, I can't see the comments on Jeremy's TikTok video, but apparently they have been deleting negative ones... Guess that might keep them busy for a while (unless they switch to disabling comments) because TikTok is Gen Z's playing field and they will be relentless if they choose to. I imagine this TikTok 2.0 attempt will be another failed venture – they will try for a bit, get fed up and then move on to the next shiny thing. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  11. That clip was pretty funny indeed. For those who haven't seen it: he does say the word ''BS'', but it's from that comment he was reading. Here's the link to that Reddit post, in case anyone's curious. (Side note: I really wish people there made posts with clear titles that include the names of whoever they're talking about – would make it much easier to search for posts. Drives me nuts. Anyway, I then remembered you can filter posts by flair, but there's been a bug with that feature on the Reddit website lately and so even that didn't work LOL. Oh well.)
  12. Both Jinger and Jeremy follow this guy, actually. The ''followed by _____'' you see on an Instagram profile shows you who, among the accounts you personally follow, also happens to follow the profile you're currently viewing. While logged in my Instagram account, I went to check this guy's profile and that ''followed by'' mention was absent – meaning that no one I follow is following this guy's account (unsurprisingly). I then clicked on ''Follow'' on Jeremy's profile (and also Jinger's) and refreshed this guy's profile. This confirmed that both Jeremy and Jinger follow his account: The person who shared the initial screenshot in this thread was probably not following Jeremy, hence why his username did not show in the ''followed by'' mention. (Other possibility would be that the person sharing the screenshot was following Jeremy but that Jeremy has only very recently started following this guy's account, but that seems less likely.)
  13. I'm a bit late to the party, but in case that's helpful: Jeremy actually did include this man's Instagram handle in that story (although just like @Lisa418722 pointed out, this guy's account is private). Here's the screenshot with the handle circled by me. A handle can be placed anywhere on the screen, but people typically will place it either near the caption or next to/on the person featured in their story. I realize now you might have just meant that Jeremy did not include this guy's actual/real name in his story, but that's rarely done from what I've seen. Someone's handle is really how you normally ''name'' or identify that person in this context.
  14. TL;DR: Both images and videos can be shared as Instagram stories. That being said, yes, if a screenshot looks unflattering, it is most likely a screenshot of a video (and not of an actual picture). In general, videos are much more common in stories than in posts; therefore, screenshots of stories tend to lead to more confusion. It can thus be helpful to identify if the screenshot comes from a story. Stories have a different look than regular posts; a key feature is that slides in Instagram stories will be indicated by a bar at the top. Slides will appear at the top of the screen as either one long bar (if the story only has one slide) or multiple smaller bars/dashes (corresponding to the total number of slides currently in that story). The slides bar/dashes can therefore help visually identify an Instagram story (provided that the person sharing the screenshot hasn't cropped that out). To illustrate that, I've included screenshots from Jill's story taken not long ago (red arrows added by me). Jill: screenshot of a video (2nd slide out of 8) The boys: screenshot of a picture (6th slide out of 8) Hope that helps! 🙂
  15. My guess is that Joy wanted the heart sticker to be somewhat on the woman's side and didn't realize that the placement of said sticker was a bit unfortunate. (By default a sticker will go in the center of the image, but you can then move it around and place it wherever you'd like.)
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